Ancient runestone

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Ancient runestone

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Скалы Дрэджхаунт
Astralaria I: The Device
Leaning Grade Runestone Rubbing

Several Ancient Runestones can be found scattered throughout the Shiverpeak Mountains.


Interaction with the object found at the Leaning Grade point of interest:
A very large Jotun runestone lies here.
Talk more option tango.png
Create a stone rubbing. (gives Leaning Grade Runestone Rubbing)
Talk more option tango.png
Leave a tribute of 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust. (gives Tribute to Leaning Grade)
Talk more option tango.png
Fuse the star fragments to form the Jotun Star. (gives The Jotun Star)
Talk end option tango.png
Interaction with the object found at the Ghost Stones point of interest:
These ancient jotun runestones still hum with power.
Talk more option tango.png
Leave a tribute of 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust. (gives Tribute to Ghost Stones)
Talk more option tango.png
Create a stone rubbing. (gives Ghost Stones Runestone Rubbing)
Talk end option tango.png
Interaction with the Ancient Runestone southwest near the Steelbrachen Waypoint:
This large runestone was apparently a focal point for jotun rituals.
Talk more option tango.png
Bury the Jotun Star at the base of the runestone. (gives Laying the Star to Rest)
Talk more option tango.png
Create a stone rubbing. (gives Heimdahl's Stand Runestone Rubbing)
Talk end option tango.png
Interaction with the object found at the Thistlereed Grove point of interest:
This stone appears to be an ancient jotun runestone.
Talk more option tango.png
Leave a tribute of 100 Piles of Bloodstone Dust. (gives Tribute to Ancient Thistlereed)
Talk end option tango.png


  • The interaction with the runestone found at Ghost Stones occurs automatically after passing through the two runestones.