Обсуждение MediaWiki:TPprices.js

Материал из Guild Wars 2 wiki
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This widget displays trading post price information for items. To use, place the widget anywhere on the page, and annotate elements (e.g. a span) like this:

<span class="gw2-tpprice" data-id="<item-id>">…</span>
<span class="gw2-tpprice" data-id="<item-id>" data-info="<info-type>">…</span>

The content will then be replaced by trading post information. The data-info value determines what kind of data will be shown:

  • data-info="buy" will show the highest buy order, and display the amount of ordered items in the title text.
  • data-info="sell" will show the lowest sell offer, and display the amount of listed items in the title text.
  • For all other values (or none), the lowest sell offer will be displayed, and both the sell offer and buy order will be displayed in the title text.
  • Only supports up to 200 items per page.
