Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Club

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Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Club is a Basic Collections achievement that requires consuming exclusive alcohols each month.


Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Club Basic Collections.png Basic Collections Очко достижений
Each month, Eldvin Monastery sends out a finely crafted beer to members of the Brew of the Month Club. Each beer's availability is limited to that particular month. After a new months begins, visit a major city to receive your package from Eldvin Monastery.
Unlock Item: 20x20px Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Membership
Title: Title icon.png Finely Crafted
Reward: Skill.png Eldvin Monastery VIP Package
Collected 12 Items Очко достижений

Unlock item[править]

Item Vendor Location Cost
20x20px Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Membership Master Brewer Desch 10 Золотая монета

Collection items[править]