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Leigh is a merchant and can be found in the Village of Astorea in Caledon Forest, near the Solitaire Island point of interest.

Items offered[править]

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Skill.png Leather Bag - Z - 32 Медная монета
Crude Salvage Kit.png Crude Salvage Kit - Z - 32 Медная монета
Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle.png Copper Harvesting Sickle - Z - 24 Медная монета
Orichalcum Logging Axe.png Copper Logging Axe - Z - 24 Медная монета
Orichalcum Mining Pick.png Copper Mining Pick - Z - 24 Медная монета


This vendor actually offers a character level sensitive range of salvage kits and gathering tools.