Seraph Soldier

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Seraph Soldier is a human soldier that is part of the Seraph. They are spread out throughout the human territories.


During The Perils of Friendship human personal storyline
Hey, I know you. We grew up in the same neighborhood.
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I'd love to catch up, but I have to get to the tavern right now.
Sure. If you forgot, it's on the east side of Merchant Square. I'd join you, but I'm on duty. Maybe I'll run into you there sometime, though.
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I hope so. And don't worry, I'll find it. Nice seeing you again.
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That's right. You're Seraph now?
It's either that or the gangs. Captain Thackeray always showed me respect, so I chose the Seraph.
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Smart choice. I'd love to catch up, but I have to get to the tavern.
Sure. If you forgot, it's on the east side of Merchant Square. I'd join you, but I'm on duty. Maybe I'll run into you there sometime, though.
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I hope so. And don't worry, I'll find it. Nice seeing you again.
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You made the right choice. Good luck.
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No. Sorry to bother you.
I keep wondering when we're going to see centaurs in Divinity's Reach. They're at the gates, you know? The Seraph won't let that happen, right?
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Kingsgate Camp during Keep the Modniir invaders from retaking Kingsgate event
I'm surprised centaurs even bother to fight me anymore. I've killed so many!
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No doubt.


"Strength in numbers."
"I don't know if I'm cut out for this."
"May the Six watch over you."
"I'll do my best."
"We're here to serve"
"May Balthazar strengthen you."