Gw1:Flameseeker Prophecies

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Disambig icon.png Эта страница the prophecies. Для the book, смотрите The Flameseeker Prophecies.
Осторожно, спойлеры: Следующий текст содержит спойлеры, связанные с историей Guild Wars Prophecies.

The Flameseeker Prophecies are a collection of proclamations foreseen by the dragon Glint (according to her) over 800 years prior to the present day in Guild Wars Prophecies. They are a collection of predictions concerning the future of Tyria and the survival of humans in the face of great and terrible events that would engulf their world.

It is unknown what the exact prophecies are. Glint seems to be the only one fully aware of the Prophecy, though the Mursaat, Lich, and Meerak the Shouter seem to know at least some of it as well. It is evident by the end of the game that the Flameseeker is none other than the Lich Lord. He seems highly motivated by the prophecies.

Parts of the prophecies seen in game include the fall of the Mursaat, civil war in the Shiverpeak Mountains, the finding of the Scepter of Orr, its falling into the hands of the Lich Lord, and the opening of the Door of Komalie. Even the eventual downfall of the Flameseeker was foretold in the prophecies, according to Glint. That he (the Flameseeker) might have missed this while believing the remainder seems unlikely; it is possible that Glint did not actually reveal the final passage of the Prophecies until the events of Hell's Precipice.

It is possible that the Titans were aware of the prophecy, and endowed the Charr with the power necessary to create The Searing. This perhaps set off a chain reaction, resulting in the Chosen leaving Ascalon, retrieving the Scepter of Orr, giving it to the Lich Lord, and, finally, freeing the Titans. Whether this is true or not is all speculation.

Portions of the Flameseeker Prophecies

In order that is revealed.

Meerak The Shouter:

"Hail the Flameseeker Prophecies! All shall be revealed in time, and with the revelation comes the end! Yes, the end! Heed the Prophecies! Beware the unseen enemy! Sinners, prepare to meet your makers! Heed the Prophecy well! The end is near! The prophecy is truth, and the truth shall set us free! Repent! The end is nigh! Follow the Prince! Though he is doomed, his is the only way to salvation! So saith the Prophecy! Fall down to your knees and beg the gods to spare their wayward children! Trust not the treacherous man, we have been warned! Prepare for the coming of those whose departure caused the gods to weep! The time has come to atone for our arrogance! The Flameseeker Prophecies will be fulfilled. Make peace with the gods before it's too late!"


"It was almost eight hundred years ago when I foresaw the Flameseeker Prophecies. You have Ascended and awakened the gift of True Sight that lay dormant within you. The moment has finally come. You are the Chosen I have been waiting for. While you've been in the desert, the rest of the world has changed. Let me show you. As you know, those who you once called friends have become enemies. Their souls are darkened by a deep secret. The Unseen gods they speak of are nothing more than a terrible and fearful race of spellcasters known as the Mursaat. As I have foreseen, the Mursaat will meet their demise at the hands of the Chosen. Their stranglehold on the lands of Kryta and beyond will be broken. For years the Mursaat and their human disciples have hunted down the Chosen, murdering them to prevent the prophecies from coming to pass. But you have slipped through their fingers, and your friends now pay the price. The one called Markis betrays them as he betrayed you, and if you do not hurry to their aid, none will survive. Many have already been taken captive. Their souls will be reaped upon one of the five Bloodstones, just as the Chosen you witnessed being slaughtered in the Maguuma Jungle. If this happens, no magic on this world or any other will bring them back. Of the future, this you must know: Your story does not end in the mountains. Your true destiny will lead you to the west, to the Ring of Fire. Seek the flame, for within it lies the power to destroy both good and evil."

Vizier Khilbron:

"This is just as it was written in the Flameseeker Prophecies. An opening will be given to the disciples of the Unseen. The peaks and valleys of the Shiverpeaks will be painted in blood. At this time, the Ascendants will rise, and the way to the Door will be clear. The time of our judgment is near. We must prepare. Today's was a great victory, but now your true challenge begins. You must go to the Ring of Fire island chain. In the caldera of the largest volcano you will find the power you need."


"Long into the Season of the Scion, Tyria is revived again. Over the bones of the bird of prey, the fire is put out and the diabolic gathering is closed off once again. The Flameseeker Prophecies are now complete. The Door of Komalie is closed, and the Titans are once again safely locked away behind it."