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Renown heart NPC.png


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Viathan Lake
(Kessex Hills)
Renown Heart
«Renown Heart» не входит в список (Armorsmith, Bank, Cultural armorsmith, Cultural weaponsmith, Dungeon merchant, Gift exchange, Glory vendor, Guild armorer, Guild commendation, Guild promoter, ...) допустимых значений для свойства «Has service».

Karma merchant
Part of
Help Doolsileep protect Moogooloo Village

Doolsileep is underwater just north of the Viathan Lake vista in Kessex Hills.

Items offered

Item lvl Rarity Type Modifiers Price
Skill.png  Recipe: Moogooloo Spear - DИскусный Recipe 50 Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png weaponsmith 168 Karma.png
Skill.png  Recipe: Moogooloo Trident - DИскусный Recipe 50 Artificer tango icon 20px.png artificer 168 Karma.png
Skill.png  Recipe: Moogooloo Speargun - DИскусный Recipe 50 Huntsman tango icon 20px.png huntsman 168 Karma.png
Skill.png  Doolsileep's Seashell Charm 23 CУлучшенный Accessory +8 Precision.png Точность 231 Karma.png
Crude Salvage Kit.png  Crude Salvage Kit (15) - BБазовый Salvage kit 28 Karma.png


Incomplete heart (map icon).png
Stupid krait, attacking quaggans and trying to take quaggans as slaves. Maybe you could help quaggans with their krait problems? Or at least bring quaggans some crab meat for food?
I have some food for you!
Incomplete heart (map icon).png
Coo! Quaggan is very appreciative!
Talk back option tango.png
Is there anything else I can do?
Talk end option tango.png
You're welcome.
Talk more option tango.png
Tell me more about the krait.
Incomplete heart (map icon).png
Krait slavers steal quaggans and take them to the blood witch! Quaggans never return from her cave. Also, they put up nets to catch quaggans and fish alike! Now the whole quaggan city is hungry.
Talk more option tango.png
So the krait eat the fish?
Incomplete heart (map icon).png
Noooo, krait just want to make quaggans hungy. They're trying to starve quaggans until we have to leave the village. If we try to remove the nets, slavers come.
Talk back option tango.png
How else can I help?
Talk end option tango.png
That's awful.
Talk end option tango.png
That sounds terrible. l'll help.
Talk more option tango.png
Crab meat?
Incomplete heart (map icon).png
Cooooo, quaggan is a great cook. Quaggan cooks for the whole village, but quaggan can't collect tasty crabs with all the nasty krait in the lake.
Talk end option tango.png
I'll see what I can find.
Talk end option tango.png
I will see what I can do.

Complete heart (map icon).png
You protect quaggans! Quaggans will remember you forever.
What have you got for sale?
You're welcome.