Fractal Relic

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Версия от 17:13, 14 января 2013; OlafKS (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Item infobox | type = token | rarity = fine | bound = account bound | description = A small portion of the Mists, magically crystallized. }} Fractal Relics are re...»)
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A small portion of the Mists, magically crystallized.

— Внутриигровое описание

Fractal Relics are received for completing levels Fractals of the Mists dungeon. They can be traded with BUY-4373 in Mistlock Observatory.


Fractal Relics are awarded:

  • In a chest at the end of each shard per fractal (there are 3 shards per difficulty)
  • In a chest at the end of each bonus shard (there is 1 bonus shard in each even difficulty)
  • In a special reward similar to a daily achievement, awarded at the completion of an even-numbered difficulty, but only once per day per 10 difficulty levels (1-9, 10-19, 20-25)

The amount of fractal relics awarded depend on the difficulty level, as follows:

Level Fractal Relic.png Fractal Relic per Standard Fractal
1 - 5 5
6 - 10 6
11 - 15 7
16 - 20 8
21 - 25 9
26 - 30 10
31 - 35 11
36 - 40 12
41 - 45 13
46 - 50 14
51 - 80 15
Level Fractal Relic.png Fractal Relic per Boss Fractal
2 - 4 15
6 - 10 20
12 - 14 25
16 - 20 30
22 - 24 35
26 - 30 40
32 - 34 45
36 - 40 50
42 - 44 55
46 - 80 60
Levels Sharing Bonus Daily Fractal Relic.png Fractal Relic Bonus Amount
2 - 8 20
10 - 18 25
20 - 28 30
30 - 38 35
40 - 48 40
50 - 58 45
60 - 68 50
70 - 78 55
80 60

