Meteor Shower — различия между версиями

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== Trivia ==
== Детали ==
* {{Guild Wars skill}}
* {{Guild Wars skill}}

Версия 20:42, 24 февраля 2017

Призвать метеоритный дождь в выбранную область.

Damage.png Урон: 525 (1.3)?
Miscellaneous effect.png Количество ударов: 24
Number of targets.png Количество целей: 3
Duration.png Длительность: 9 сек
Radius.png Радиус поражения: 180
Radius.png Радиус: 360
Range.png Дальность: 1200
Поддержка устаревших версий: пожалуйста, используйте параметр facts вместо variables.

— Внутриигровое описание

Related traits

Elementalist icon small.png Fire Magic


  • Each of the 24 meteors deal damage randomly around in the targeted area.
    • Since each meteor has its own area, they may hit outside the skill's AoE circle if the center or a meteor's AoE is close enough to the border.
  • Movement interrupts the channeling time, resulting in fewer meteors.
  • The meteors will only fall within the limits of the map where player characters would be able to be (e.g: They won't fall on a slope a player can't climb or slide down from above). This can be used to narrow the spread and increase the effective damage of the skill.
  • Can be precast during Burning Retreat for longer range cast, causing the channel to begin after the Burning Retreat ends.
  • It has a 0.5 second cooldown when hitting nonplayer targets. Due to quickness reducing the activation time, quickness results in reducing the number of hits on individual targets due to the shorter period of activation with the same internal cooldown period.

История версий

Более детальную историю изменений умения смотрите здесь.

Патч Изменения
22 февраля 2017
  • This skill now has a 0.5-second cooldown when hitting nonplayer targets.
29 сентября 2015
  • Fixed a bug that caused all impacts to fall within a smaller than intended radius when casting this skill.
23 июня 2015 Выход специализаций:
  • Blasting Staff: The effects of this trait have been added to all staff-skill area attacks by default.
30 сентября 2014
  • Updated the Duration: 9 skill fact.
  • Adjusted the ground effect ring to better match skill duration.
20 мая 2014
  • Added a toughness increase skill fact when traited with Obsidian Focus.
15 апреля 2014
  • Updated the skill fact to display the increased endurance regeneration while the player has the Zephyr's Focus trait.
  • Added a red ring to indicate area of effect for enemy players.
  • Added a white ring for allied players.
15 октября 2013
  • Increased the impact radius to 180 when traited with Blasting Staff.
25 июня 2013
  • Reduced the cast time from 4.2 seconds to 3.8 seconds.
  • Increased the size of the area that each meteor strikes.
  • This ability has been optimized. As a result, no functionality has been changed, but the amount of meteor effects has been reduced.
    • Previously, extra meteor effects that didn't actually do any damage would play.
    • We now only display the meteors that deal damage on impact.
26 февраля 2013
  • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes become rooted after cancelling meteor shower, healing rain, or similar skills.
28 августа 2012 Выход Guild Wars 2:


  • Gwwlogo.png Умение из оригинальной Guild Wars имеет точно такое же название, как у этого умения.