Spinal Blade Pack

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Версия от 20:44, 24 февраля 2014; Blood (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Trinket infobox | description = Can be combined in the Mystic Forge with Blade Shards, Luminous Dust, and Steel Ingots to …»)
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Can be combined in the Mystic Forge with Blade Shards, Luminous Dust, and Steel Ingots to create a Twin Spinal Blades back item. NOTE: Cannot be used in the Mystic Forge if transmuted.

Upgrade Slot.png Unused Upgrade Slot

— Внутриигровое описание


«Y» — не булево значение (да/нет).
Spinal Blade Pack
Mystic Forge
Output qty.


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