Flame and Frost: The Razing
“A hybrid army erupts through fiery portals in the Shiverpeaks. A Molten Alliance between the dredge and the charr Flame Legion has created a force powerful enough to massacre any who stand in their way. One settlement, one homestead at a time, they’re wiping out all resistance. The razing has begun.
In Flame and Frost: The Razing you'll meet the norn Braham and Rox the charr, two Tyrians who fervently believe in doing what’s right, no matter the risk. Join Braham and Rox in a desperate battle to defend their homelands from annihilation in the third installment in this four-part series!
— Official website
Flame and Frost: The Razing is a release launched on March 26th, 2013 that continues the Flame and Frost story from where Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm left off.
- Temporary features
- Continuation of the Flame and Frost narrative
- New storyline instances with repeatable rewards
- 7 new Flame and Frost achievements
- New fused weapons in the Black Lion Chests
- Permanent features
- Two new NPCs: Braham and Rox
- World versus World extended progression
- Removal of culling, with new player options
- World XP and World Ranks granting visible titles and new passive abilities
- New WvW achievements
- New scoreboard UI for WvW
- New gear on Badge of Honor vendors with expanded skin and stat options.
- Additional Guild mission content
- Three new Guild Bounty Hunt Targets
- New Guild Bounty Training missions for new and small guilds
- New Guild weapons available at the Guild Commendation Trader
- Leaderboards covering WvW and PvP rankings as well as achievement rankings.
- New items in the Gem Store: Name Change Contract and Communal Boost Bonfire
- 26 March 2013
The Molten Alliance continues to ravage norn and charr homesteads. Rytlock Brimstone is planning to mount a counteroffensive and is looking for heroes to assist. Two new characters come to the front of the story, the norn Braham and charr Rox. Braham seeks help from the Black Citadel to save his home of Cragstead from the invaders. He soon finds however that both the Black Citadel and Hoelbrak are occupied with handling the massive flow of refugees and are too busy to assist. Word is that he would appreciate assistance from any heroes willing to lend a hand. Rox is planning a critical mission to rescue an important devourer hatchery from the Molten Alliance in hopes of building a force that can withstand their vicious attacks. The Order of Whispers has implanted an undercover agent into the Molten Alliance forces, and Agent Brandubh needs the assistance of heros to locate and translate the dead drops left by this agent. Sonic Periscopes have begun appearing in Wayfarer Foothills, Snowden Drifts, Diessa Plateau, the Plains of Ashford, and Iron Marches. Audio Logs from these can be returned to nearby collectors for karma rewards.
- 1 April 2013
Moto and his Super Adventure Box begin entertaining the children of refugees. Perhaps players with Continue Coins can participate in the fun.
Flame and Frost[править]
- Основная статья: Flame and Frost (achievements)
This release expands on the event of the prelude and gives a new achievement and two mission chains involving Braham and Rox respectively. The mission chains are summarized in the Hero's Aid achievement.
Secret Agent[править]
- Основная статья: Secret Contact
Braham's story follows three missions: Braham: Help from the Legions, Braham - Eirsson, and Braham - Retake Cragstead. The Black Citadel and Hoelbrak are preoccupied with the refugee crisis, requiring Braham to rely on heroes of Tyria to assist him in rescuing his village from the Molten Alliance.
Rox's story follows two missions: Rox: Critical Mission and Rox - The Hatchery. Rytlock Brimstone tasks Rox with a critical mission that may turn the tides of the battle by rescuing a devourer hatchery. She will need support if her mission is to be a success.
Special event[править]
- Flame and Frost
- The Razing
Flame Legion and dredge ravage the Shiverpeaks. Rytlock Brimstone is in the Black Citadel's Command Core, planning a counteroffensive.
- Super Adventure Box
Find Moto in Rata Sum and play in his Super Adventure Box.
- Daily PvP and Monthly PvP achievements now share the laurel reward with the PvE versions.
- The guaranteed rare reward for world boss event chests was moved from character-based to account-based, and added a level 40 requirement.
- This update also added visible titles on players' nameplates.
- The Fused Weapons were initially available from the Vigil Weapon Specialist at Hoelbrak's Refugee Camp.
External links[править]
- Flame and Frost: The Razing on official website
- ArenaNet Guide for Flame and Frost: The Razing
- Guild Missions: A Good Foundation blog post
- WvW progression system blog post
- WvW Culling removal blog post
- Flame & Frost: Разрушение, GuildWars-2.ru
- World vs. World — последние дни выбраковки, GuildWars-2.ru
- Подробности об изменении дропа с мировых боссов, GuildWars-2.ru
- Flame and Frost: The Razing — подробности, GuildWars-2.ru
- World vs. World: Представляем мировые ранги и прочее, GuildWars-2.ru
- Миссии для гильдий: хорошая основа, GuildWars-2.ru
- Обновление Guild Wars 2 от 26 марта, GuildWars-2.ru
- Живая история, инстансы: Braham и Rox, GuildWars-2.ru
- Живая история, достижение Dead Drops Secret Contact, GuildWars-2.ru
- Создавая Живую Историю, GuildWars-2.ru
- История Брахама, GuildWars-2.ru