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(перенаправлено с «Recipe sheet»)
A recipe sheet is a consumable that unlocks a crafting recipe for the character using it. They may be acquired by many different methods.
To learn a recipe from a recipe sheet, find the sheet in your inventory and double-click it. The discipline and rating required to craft the recipe are indicated in the sheet's tooltip. You may learn a recipe in this manner before reaching the rating required to craft the item or without having learned the associated discipline.
In general, the type and rarity of the item produced by the recipe is represented in the recipe sheet's icon.
- Exotic accessory recipes use the icon for exotic amulet recipes.
- Gift components for Halloween weapons use the exotic food recipe icon.
- The miscellaneous consumable recipe icons are variously used for potions, tonics, and utility items. They are also used for some gizmos, including endless tonics.