Tequatl Rising
Материал из Guild Wars 2 wiki
“It has been gathering power in the depths.
It is faster, stronger, deadlier.
It has returned to devour and destroy.
It is called Tequatl the Sunless… and it has evolved.
— Официальный сайт
Tequatl Rising is a release launched on September 17, 2013. The release was announced during the Anniversary Bash event at PAX 2013 and gameplay was streamed live to viewers.[1] The release features a reworking of the Defeat Tequatl the Sunless portion of Danger at Fabled Djannor where players battle Tequatl the Sunless. The changes require players to coordinate better to complete the event. The release also included the improved LFG tool.
- Significant changes to Defeat Tequatl the Sunless event.
- New combat mechanics from Tequatl.
- Changes phases to event for firing the Megacannon.
- New rewards, including ascended weapons with unique skins.
- The event will function like Scarlet's Minions Invade! event mechanics. Any overflows created within 10 minutes of the event starting will have the event active.[2]
- Looking For Group tool allowing players to form parties easily.
- Increased reward for completion of the Defeat the Karka Queen threatening the settlements event.[3]
- New Ruins of Power in World vs. World - "Each borderland map in WvW has been redesigned to include five new Ruins of Power—capture points that armies can battle over in order to earn lethal Bloodlust boosts for everyone on their server!"
- Bosses Updated - "We’ve adjusted all of our bosses to make them more challenging and fun! From the Megadestroyer to Golem Mark II to the Fire Elemental, bosses in Tyria are more dangerous than ever!"
- New WvW Ability: Flame Ram Mastery
- Rewards
- New backpack item - Wings of the Sunless
- New Miniatures
- New Finisher
- World 2 Super Boom Box
- New rune - Superior Rune of the Sunless
- New rare Breathing apparatus
- Benthic Aquabreather (light)
- Benthic Waterbreather (medium)
- Benthic Hydrobreather (heavy)
- New accessory
- New dye colors
- New weapons
- Permanent Vigil Megalaser Finisher
- World 2 Super Boom Box
- Tequatl Rising Mini Pack
- Deathly Dye Pack
- Bone Pick - Unlimited Mining Pick
Tequatl Rising[править]
- Основная статья: Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
- The event has a 15:00 minute time limit.
- Tequatl has new combat mechanics
- A Scales effect that summons a Bone Wall and makes Tequatl invulnerable until the wall is destroyed. Turrets have skills to remove stacks of the Scales effect.
- Stomps the ground, sending out a tidal wave that knocks players back and can hit multiple times. Players can jump over and dodge through the wave, similar to the fight with King Toad.
- Tequatl's Fingers will continuously be summoned on the field, requiring players to take them out to avoid being constantly knocked around.
- Spews poison fields across the area. These pulse every second, inflicting damage and poison. Turrets can be used to remove the poison fields.
- Summons vines that pull players under the bog if they get too close. They will take continuous damage and must swim to the surface to get back to the fight.
- Tequatl changes combat phase at every 25% health to a secondary phase. On a secondary phase, an event starts where players must defend three batteries arranged around a cannon.
- If the event fails, Tequatl will send a giant tidal wave that will wipe out players unless they use the launch pads to avoid it. Risen Rotmouths will appear in the area until Tequatl returns.
- Launch pads reminiscent of Lightning Pull move players to and between the cannon and batteries.
- New reward system
- Intermediate foes during the event will not drop any loot.
- Completing the event will give a reward, potentially including unique ascended weapon skins
- Like Scarlet's Minions Invade!, Tequatl will provide rewards every 25% health (every phase) in addition to a Bonus Chest for defeating him.[4]
Looking for group[править]
- Основная статья: Looking For Group
- Categories for different in-game activities, including: Living World objectives, dungeons, fractals at different levels, and WvW maps.
- Each category will show a list of parties looking for more players from the whole region.
- Only parties of a size compatible with your own will display (e.g. if your party size is two, you will only see parties with 3 or fewer players)
World versus World[править]
- Основная статья: World versus World
- Map changes on the Borderlands
- There's Something In The Water.jpg
- Tequatl Rising logo.png
External links[править]
- Tequatl Rising on official website
- Tequatl Rising portion of Anniversary Bash
- World first kill of Tequalt by Blackgate, Twitch VOD by flikky
- Обзор информации по Guild Wars 2 с выставки PAX, GuildWars-2.ru
- Tequatl: перерождение, GuildWars-2.ru
- Borderlands Bloodlust на World vs. World, GuildWars-2.ru
- Изменения в обновлении от 17 сентября 2013, GuildWars-2.ru
- Достижения Tequatl Rising, GuildWars-2.ru
- Устрашающие предметы в магазине за кристаллы, GuildWars-2.ru
- ↑ http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2/b/454437568
- ↑ Event messages and overflow mechanics, official forums
- ↑ Boss event scaling and rewards, official forums
- ↑ Event rewards, official forums