The Edge of the Mists (release)
Эта страница the release. Для other uses, смотрите Edge of the Mists (disambiguation).
“Tyria is reeling in the shadow of the titanic horrors Scarlet Briar has recently unleashed. With its attention diverted, however, Scarlet has struck again—this time close to home. The dangerous mastermind has released a powerful enemy through a portal into an undiscovered, fragmented region of the Mists. Heroes of the Mist War are needed to explore and secure this new realm, but what will they find, and what does this latest attack portend?
— Official website
The Edge of the Mists is the release launched on February 4, 2014. This release introduces the chapter two of the four living world season final chapters with the new World vs World map, Edge of the Mists, that is able to create overflow instances. This means players no longer have to wait to play WvW, regardless of the number of players attempting to play. This release also features an overhaul of the WvW UI with the redesign of the queue to enter World versus World.
- Achievements
- New map in The Mists
- Armor
- Gem Store
- Weapons
Living world[править]
- Основная статья: Edge of the Mists (living world)
After the update, the following mail was sent to all players:
Captain Ellen Kiel
Aetherblade Jailbreak
Bad news—Scarlet's Aetherblade thugs successfully freed Mai Trin from the Fort Marriner brig and escaped into the Mists via a new portal. I'd like you to confer with Sheriff Siriam in Fort Marriner about the breakout to see if there's anything we can use to track down Mai and figure out what she's doing for Scarlet. Good luck, and thanks.
—Captain Ellen Kiel
- The Edge of the Mists logo.png
- The Juncture.jpg
- Arid Fortress.jpg
- Overgrowth Region1.jpg
- The Dead End living world.jpg
- Edge of the Mists LA portal.jpg
- The Overgrown Fane1.jpg
- Frostreach Region Kodan.jpg
External links[править]
- Official release page
- Новая карта на WvW — Edge of the Mists!,
- Edge of the Mists — подробности от разработчиков,
- Edge of the Mists — уже скоро!,
- Обзор дополнения Edge of the Mists,
- Оптимизация очередей на World vs. World,
- Заметки о Edges of the Mists,
- Изменения в обновлении The Edge of the Mists — 04.02.2014,
- Гайд по достижениям живого мира в дополнении Edge of the Mists,
- Гайд по WvW достижениям Edge of the Mists,
- Финишер с квагганами и другие предметы в магазине за кристаллы,