Норны гордятся своей свирепостью и успехами в охоте. Каждый год молодые герои собираются на охоту и хвастаются своими достижениями. Только самые впечатляющие будут выбраны для участия в Великой Охоте в этот год.
— In-game description
The Great Hunt (Великая Охота) - это короткий многопользовательский учебный инстанс для игроков, которые создали персонажа норна. Игрок должен собрать трофеи, необходимые для участия в Большой Охоте. После этого игрок отправляется вместе с Эйр Стегалкин уничтожать группу молодых ледяных вурмов и босса вурмов - Иссомира.
The Great Hunt (уровень 1)
Охотится и собирать трофеи.
- Поговорите с Thora Griffonbane.
- Убивайте кабанов (dire boar), грифонов (owl griffon sire) и минотавров (minotaur bull) и собирайте с них трофеи.
- Отнесите собранные трофеи Ido the Tanner.
- Отправьтесь вместе с Эйр на Великую охоту.
- Победите в Великой Охоте, убив Issormir.
- 0 - 2 000
- 72
![Медная монета](/images/e/eb/Copper_coin.png)
- Зависит от профессии
Всего во время Великой Охоты доступно шесть динамических событий. Из них только два являются обязательными – сбор трофеев (это одно из первых трех событий) и убийство Иссомира.
Как только закончится вступительный ролик, поговорите с Thora Griffonbane, которая объяснит вам правила Охоты. Вы должны получить один из трех ценных трофеев с врагов. Трофей не является предметом (не появляется в инвентаре), вам надо просто убить одного из перечисленных врагов.
Обойдите области, обозначенные линиями, в поисках целей. Они помечены звездой на мини-карте. Когда вы приблизитесь к ним, сообщение о событии добавится на панель заданий. Вам нужно убить всего одного из заданных животных, но вы можете убить и больше, чтобы получить больше кармы и опыта.
После того как вы получили хотя бы один трофей, вернитесь туда, откуда начинали и поговорите с Ido the Tanner, чтобы участвовать в Великой Охоте. Если в это время дверь на вершину горы будет закрыта, то вы сможете принять участие в фестивальных мероприятиях.
При желании можно снова поговорить с Varg и Mikkel Toivosson. Вы их еще встретите в своей личной истории.
Наконец, Эйр объявит о начале Охоты. Следуйте за ней вверх по лестнице, чтобы попасть на арену битвы. Ваша цель – разозлить Иссомира, убивая детенышей ледяного вурма. После того, как вы убьете достаточное количество мелких ледяных вурмов, появится гигантский. Иссомир сражается в ближнем бою и атакует по площади. Следите за красными кругами на земле, чтобы успеть увернуться и избежать урона. Во время боя будут появляться еще молодые вурмы. Вы можете убивать их, чтобы получить больше опыта и помочь союзникам, но главная цель – это Иссомир. После того, как он умирает, запускается заставка и миссия заканчивается.
Opening cinematic after character creation:
- <Character name>: I am norn, hunter of the wild, born of the free and rugged Shiverpeak mountains.
- <Character name>: In the far north, my people fought our greatest enemy: Jormag, a dragon of frost and snow.
- <Character name>: The dragon broke our pride, but it did not break our spirit.
- <Character name>: In our last hour, we heard the voices of four of the Spirits of the Wild: Bear, Raven, Snow Leopard, Wolf.
- <Character name>: They called us south, away from certain annihilation. We founded the Great Lodge of Hoelbrak and claimed new hunting grounds.
- <Character name>: Some say we should not fight Jormag. I say the greatest risk is to wager nothing at all.
- <Character name>: One day, a hero will lead us home, and we will break the dragon's icy grip.
Background-specific portions of the opening cinematic:
with the Strength quality
- <Character name>: I was born in the fire of combat. My spirit has been forged and tempered like steel.
- <Character name>: Like my ancestors before me, I seek glory. One day, I will take my place among the heroes of the norn.
- <Character name>: My strength is a gift from the Spirits of the Wild. With it, I can hold back the tide. I can move mountains. I can overcome anything that stands in my way.
- <Character name>: I am still untested, but already, my deeds have earned me friendship and great respect.
- <Character name>: Each year, a Great Hunt is called in Hoelbrak. Only the best among us are invited to participate.
- <Character name>: I shall use my might to collect trophies to prove my worth, then drink and boast of my victories.
- <Character name>: I accept this challenge. I relish it. Come, danger. Come, adventure!
- <Character name>: In the lodges and halls of my people, my strength will make me immortal.
- <Character name>: This is my story.
with the Cunning quality
- <Character name>: I weave the skein of wisdom. My cunning confounds lesser foes.
- <Character name>: Like my ancestors before me, I seek glory. One day, I will take my place among the heroes of the norn.
- <Character name>: The Spirits of the Wild have given me the gifts of trickery and cleverness. I challenge the skill of my enemy. I am the predator. They are the prey.
- <Character name>: I am still untested, but already, my deeds have earned me friendship and great respect.
- <Character name>: Each year, a Great Hunt is called in Hoelbrak. Only the best among us are invited to participate.
- <Character name>: I'll prove my worth with guile, collecting trophies to show my prowess. Then, I will drink and boast of my victories!
- <Character name>: I accept this challenge. I relish it. Come, danger. Come, adventure!
- <Character name>: In the lodges and halls of my people, my cunning will be remembered through the ages.
- <Character name>: This is my story.
with the Instinct quality
- <Character name>: Victory, like any other prey, must be Hunted. I trust my instincts, the voice of my soul, to guide the way.
- <Character name>: Like my ancestors before me, I seek glory. One day, I will take my place among the heroes of the norn.
- <Character name>: The Spirits of the Wild whisper their secrets to my heart. I trust in faith and follow where instinct guides me, and it has never led me wrong.
- <Character name>: I am still untested, but already, my deeds have earned me friendship and great respect.
- <Character name>: Each year, a Great Hunt is called in Hoelbrak. Only the best among us are invited to participate.
- <Character name>: With bravery--and a little good fortune--I will collect trophies to prove my worth. Then, I will drink and boast my my victories!
- <Character name>: I accept this challenge. I relish it. Come, danger. Come, adventure!
- <Character name>: In the lodges and halls of my people, fortune--and the Spirits--will smile upon my legend.
- <Character name>: This is my story.
When speaking to Thora Griffonbane (cinematic):
- Thora Griffonbane: Hail, Hero! Are you here to take part in this year's Great Hunt?
- <Character name>: Of course I am! Just tell me what needs to be done and stand clear.
- Thora Griffonbane: Hunt down three of the wildest animals you can find and take trophies from your kills. Present only the finest to Ido the Tanner to prove your worth.
- Thora Griffonbane: Whoever has the best trophies, and whose bravery is the greatest, will be invited to join the Great Hunt.
- Thora Griffonbane: Knut Whitebear has said this season's event will be one of the most dangerous, so be ready. I've even heard the renowed Eir Stegalkin might attend.
- <Character name>: I look forward to impressing them both—after I've earned my place in the hunt.
When speaking to Ido the Tanner, and Knut Whitebear (cinematic):
- Ido the Tanner: Hail, hunter! I'm the local leatherworker. Ido's the name. Show me your kills, and I'll make 'em into trophies you'll be proud to show at the moot.
- Ido the Tanner: Drinking, singing, and boasting! I love a good old-fashioned moot.
- Ido the Tanner: Others save their parties for holidays, but I say every day alive's worth celebrating!
- Ido the Tanner: Hey, Knut, look at this impressive trophy! Worthy of the Great Hunt, I'd say!
- Knut Whitebear: Indeed. You are skilled enough to defeat your prey and wise enough to revere their spirits. You are worthy to join in this year's Great Hunt!
- Knut Whitebear: By my own hand, I have brought the mighty wurm, Issormir. He waits above, in the plateau, for one such as you to challenge him.
- Knut Whitebear: The great Eir Stegalkin watches over him now, waiting for the hunt to commence. When it is time, you and the others will go to the high ground over the valley.
- Knut Whitebear: There, you will face Issormir and claim victory-if you can!
- <Character name>: I can and I will. This is where my legend begins!
Meeting with Eir and the climb to the plateau:
- Eir: Hail to the finest hunters of the season!
- Eir: Follow me if you dare -- and ready yourselves for battle!
- Show Leopard Shaman: May Snow Leopard grant you swiftness and grace.
- Raven Shaman: May Raven bless you with the vision to see and the wisdom to understand.
- Wolf Shaman: Walk with the pack. In the eyes of the Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.
- Bear Shaman: Battle with the strength of Bear.
Aftermath cinematic:
- Habel Icebreaker: What a hunt! I heard about your victory. Very impressive!
- <Character Name>: Thank you. It was a hard-fought battle, and I'm proud of my part in it.
- Habel Icebreaker: An excellent beginning to your legend, friend. You know, a lot of folks around here have problems that need solving. A slayer like you could be a big help.
- Habel Icebreaker: Putting your skills to work sharpens them, and helping others wouldn't hurt your reputation, either! Think of the glory!
- <Character Name>: I will seek out these problems and solve them. Then we will see how my legend grows!
After reaching level 10, a mail will be received.
If your chosen quality is strength to defeat ancient foes
If your chosen quality is cunning to protect the Spirits
Ferghen the Tracker
Caravan Trouble, Need Your Help
Hay, Slayer! I've got more trouble than I can handle on my caravan delivery routes, and Eir Stegalkin said I should talk to you. I need some serious muscle to help me get where I'm going, and I reckon the Slayer of Issormir has what it takes. Up for a challenge? Come see me, and I'll make it worth your while.
—Ferghen the Tracker
If your chosen quality is intuition to guard the Mists
Shaman Gamli
Wolf Calls, Will You Answer?
Greetings, Slayer of Issormir. I went to Eir Stegalkin for assistance, and she strongly recommended I contact you. It's a matter of extreme importance that I would prefer to discuss in person. Please visit me at the Wolf Shrine as soon as you can. May Wolf bless you and guide your steps until then.
—Shaman Gamli
Файл:The Great Hunt.jpg
I hunted down prey for the Great Hunt, presented my trophies to the judges, and celebrated with my fellow hunters at the moot. Then I battled and defeated Issormir, the giant ice wurm. These victories earned me glory, and the right to call myself "Slayer of Issormir." Soon every norn in Hoelbrak will be talking about me!
— Моя история
- Any kills made during/in this quest/area do not count towards your character's daily kill counts as seen under the [H]ero window.
- You can kill all 3 of the available 'mini-bosses' during this area. Even if you kill more than one, it is unclear which trophy is the one presented to Ido.
- During the original beta builds, all three beasts were to be defeated before presenting them to Ido.