Twilight Arbor (story)
“Nightmare Court (Свита Кошмара) состоит из сильвари, которые отвернулись от Бледного Дерева и претворяют в жизнь свои жестокие цели. Их лидер, Великая Княгиня Faolain (Фаолайн), устроила свое логово в Сумеречном Саду и окружила себя верными приспешниками. Они похищают Sylvari для своих гусных целей.
— In-game description
Игроки встречаются в преддверии Сумеречного Сада, извилистом лабиринте из скал и корней в Caledon Forest (лесу Каледон). Это место стало основной базой Великой Княгина Фаолайн, которая когда-то была близка с Caithe (Кейт), еще в первые дни сильвари.
Но Кейт больше озабочена другими отношениями. Она пытается помирить Logan Thackeray (Логана Текерея) и Rytlock Brimstone (Ритлока Бримстоуна). Она пригласила обоих себе на помощь, но не сказала каждому из них, что другой тоже будет там.
Информация о подземельи[править]
Твой Вестник
Помоги Кейт в Сумеречном Саду
Радуйся, могучий герой!
Истории о твоих достижениях распространяются вдаль и вширь. Я слышал от Кейт, что ей нужна помощь в Сумеречном Саду, в гнезде, что Свита Кошмара свила себе к северу от Рощи. Я знаю, что она идет туда, потому что другая перворожденная сильвари, Фаолайн, провозгласила себя лидером Свиты Кошмара, и Кейт чувствует свою ответственность за это. Кейт стала одиночкой с тех пор, как сначала потеряла Фаолайн, когда та ушла в Свиту Кошмара, а потом распалось Лезвие Судьбы. Я думаю, она пытается мобилизовать нескольких новых друзей против своего старейшего союзника.
—Как всегда,
Твой Вестник
- Help Caithe Confront Faolain (Помоги Кейт противостоять Фаолайн)
- Defeat Faolain's First Champion (Победи первого чемпиона Фаолайн)
- Destroy the Spell Blossoms (Уничтожь Цветы Заклятия)
- Spell Blossoms: x/6 (Цветы заклятия)
- Sariel (Сариэль)
- Defeat Faolain's Second Champion (Победи второго чемпиона Фаолайн)
- Re-grow the Sylvari bridge (Вырасти мост сильвари)
- Seed Bundle: x/1 (Пакет семян)
- Spring Water: x/1 (Ключевая вода)
- Fish Oil Fertilizer: x/1 (Удобрение из рыбьего жира)
- Bring Materials to Caithe (Принесите материалы Кейт)
- Defeat Faolain's Third Champion (Побеите третьего чемпиона Фаолайн)
- Brangoire (Брангоир)
- Cadeyrn (Кадейрн)
Defeat Faolain's Champions (Победи чемпионов Фаолайн)
- Kill Volatile Nightmares and use their essence to weaken the Unstable Husk (Убей Летучих Кошмаров и используй их сущности, чтобы ослабить Нестабильный Стручок)
- Strike with Volatile Nightmares: x/4 (Сразитесь с Летучими Кошмарами)
- Nightmare Husk (Стручок Кошмаров)
- Destroy the nightmare versions of Caithe's friends (Уничтожьте кошмарные версии друзей Кейт)
- Nightmare Duplicates: x/4 (Кошмарные дубликаты)
Drive Faolain from the Twilight Arbor (Прогони Фаолайн из Сумеречного Сада)
- Congratulations! You have driven Faolain from Twilight Arbor! (Поздравляем! Вы изгнали Фаолайн из Сумеречного Сада!)
- Начало
На протяжении всего подземелья есть цветы с пленными сильвари. Чаще всего, когда вы открываете один из них, то получаете мощное благо на 2 минуты, которое вылечит вас, если вы окажетесь на грани смерти. Однако, в некоторых случаях вам придется сразиться со Свитой Кошмара. С ними легко справиться по одному, но не открывайте несколько цветов за раз. Старайтесь придержать их до босса или другой серьезной битвы.
- Сариэль
У Сариэль есть только одна опасная атака: ее комбо с нокдауном. Она сбивает вас с ног и вы не можете увернуться от следующего удара в комбо, грозящего значительными повреждениями для большинства классов. Старайтесь увернуться от удара сбивающего с ног, припасите что-нибудь для защиты от ее контроля, на случай, если вас все-таки собьют или применяйте умение, которое позволит вам избежать нокдауна. Кроме этого комбо она ничем не опасна, так что просто не забывайте воскрешать поверженных наземь союзников.
- Brangoire
Brangoire is, by a large margin, the hardest fight in the dungeon. He doesn't do much damage by himself, but he summons an endless stream of Living Nightmares. These translucent spiders will chase after you. If they get close enough to a player, they will pause for a moment and then explode, creating a cloud that poisons anyone who walks through it. The poison will do thousands of damage if allowed to run its course. It's essential to keep moving so that the exploding spiders don't damage you. Every player should use a ranged weapon for this fight so that they have freedom to move, and you should avoid relying on abilities that require you to stand still. Essentially, every player will be running around the boss with a train of spiders chasing them and exploding behind them, so the challenge is to keep moving while not running in to another player's spiders or the poison clouds the spiders leave behind. Unfortunately, Brangoire will periodically fear characters, preventing them from dodging and often send them running into poison clouds, so a skill that breaks fear or grants invulnerability is very useful, as are skills that cure conditions. If a player is downed then do not attempt to revive them, because staying still for that long will just get you killed with them (resurrection skills you can use on the move are fine, and a good idea because the nearest waypoint to this fight is a long way away). Thankfully, Brangoire has quite low HP for a boss.
Watch out for the pack of Nightmare Hounds after Brangoire. They do high damage and are enough to wipe an unprepared team. They're melee only, so keep them immobilized, crippled, or otherwise distracted. Don't be too proud to run if you lose control of the battle.
- Cadeyrn
Cadeyrn is a chance to relax after the string of hard fights earlier. Just pound on him until he dies. If you get turned into a kitten, kill one of the Nightmare Puppies to return to normal.
In the next area, make sure that you only open flower at a time. Don't put down the essence if you pick it up (it will disapear). Most importantly, there's a pack of spiders down a corridor across from the boss. Try not to aggro them while you're fighting something else, and consider walking down the corridor so you can kill them first. You need 4 essence thrown at him (they dont need to be all at once) to shrink him. Once he's normal sized you can fight him.
- Faolain
There are four nightmare champions: Logan, Eir, Rytlock and Zojja. Faolain is invulnerable for most of the fight. When a nightmare champion falls, Faolin will attempt to resurrect the fallen champion, but if you deal enough damage to Faolain she will stop. If you fail to stop Faolian she will bring back the fallen champion at full health. Once you stop Faolain from ressing a champion she will not res that champion again, even if you wipe.
The general plan is to focus fire on one champion at a time while controlling or dodging damage from the others. When Faolain attempts to resurrect, focus fire her to stop her. Continue until all champions are dead.
Specific tips:
- Eir
- Eir's ranged damage is massive and with spread shot she is easily the deadliest. She is also surprisingly squishy, so is a good choice for first target. Any ability that deflects projectiles completely nullifies her.
- Zojja
- She starts the fight summoning Mr. Sparkles. Mr. Sparkles is more of an annoyance than a threat, but falls quite easily and won't be revived once dead, so you may as well get rid of him quickly. Zojja deals major damage with her only attack which is a slow, easily avoidable Lightning Orb. Simply stay moving and she can't touch you with the orb. Keep in mind when the orb lands, it explodes.
- Rytlock and Logan
- These guys are handled similarly. They both hit hard, but are melee only, so can be controlled with snares and wards. Rytlock will leap in to melee so is a little more difficult to control than Logan, so is a good choice for second target.
If you have trouble, remember eliminated champions stay eliminated after you wipe. Blow your cooldowns and focus on getting rid of one champion and the fight will get considerably easier, even if you wipe.
- Fish
- Nightmare Court
- Nightmare Duplicates
Dialogue with Caithe:
- Caithe: Gather your party. We should be on our way shortly. Rytlock is getting impatient.
- We're ready. Let's get started.
- We'll gather our group as quickly as we can.
Once the party is ready:
- Caithe: Here comes our final hero.
- Logan Thackeray: Caithe, I'm sorry I'm late. YOU!
Introduction (cinematic):
- Caithe: Good to see you, Logan. Now we can begin.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Conniving vegetable! You never said anything about HIM being here!
- Caithe: I asked him to attend. I need all of your help to deal with Faolain.
- <Character name>: It sounds like this Faolain and you have history.
- Caithe: Faolain is firstborn like me. She's powerful and dangerous, but she wasn't always that way.
- Caithe: "When our race was new, we travelled together, her and I. We became close.
- Caithe: We found a great darkness. I pulled back from it. Faolain embraced it.
- Caithe: She seduces others to unspeakable acts. I cannot stop her alone. That is why I need you, and Rytlock, and Logan.
- Rytlock Brimstone: I will not work with this human. He'll desert us again.
- Logan Thackeray: I did what I had to do!
- Rytlock Brimstone: Then you can do THIS without me.
- Rytlock Brimstone: If I see you again, Logan, I will carve you.
After the cinematic:
- Logan Thackeray: Who's deserting us now?
After defeating the Spider Queen:
- Logan Thackeray: We make a good team. Who needs Rytlock anyway?
- Caithe: We do. We are weaker without him. Just as we were when you abandoned us.
- Logan Thackeray: This again? I expect this from Rytlock, but not from you. I am not a coward.
- Logan Thackeray: I put up with your schemes, and you insult me! I'm done with you! Finish this on your own.
After Logan leaves (cinematic):
- Faolain: Ha ha ha. Hello dearheart! I see your friends have already abandoned you. How does it feel?
- Caithe: Faolain, it is time to end this madness.
- Faolain: The madness is yours. You rely on others when you know you belong here. With me.
- Caithe: I've moved on.
- Faolain: We shall see, dearheart. We shall see.
- Faolain: Three of my champions are here. I look forward to seeing how you and your remaining allies fare against them.
Aproaching the first champion (cinematic):
- Faolain: Caithe, meet my first champion, Sariel.
- Sariel: We've met. She is not worthy of you.
- Caithe: Oh Faolain. What have you done to this poor girl?
- Sariel: I'm no girl. I am Faolain's chosen.
- Faolain: See how easily you were replaced, dearheart? But say the word and you can be my favorite again.
- Sariel: No! I am your favorite and I always will be. Nothing will ever change that.
- Sariel: I'll kill you Caithe. Slowly and painfully.
After the cinematic:
- Faolain: You children have fun!
After defeating Sariel:
- Caithe: I don't like seeing her this way,, she replaced me all too easily.
- Caithe: I shiver when she discards a life so easily.
Discovering the broken bridge:
- Caithe: We need to get across here. With the proper ingredients, I could grow a new bridge.
After bringing Caithe all ingredients:
- Caithe: Now that we've gathered the ingredients, I can do the enchantement.
- Caithe: The asura love their little golems, but I prefer a more natural approach.
- Caithe: This should do the trick:
- Caithe: Let's go.
Aproaching the second champion (cinematic):
- Faolain: You've done well against poor little Sariel, my pet. How will you fare against Sir Brangoire, Knight of the Court?
- Caithe: I am not some rat in your maze. We were entwined.
- Brangoire: I sense fear in her, Lady Faolain. How delightful. But can she harness it? Are you sure she is worthy?
- Faolain: Feel free to test her mettle. She'll be up to the challenge,
After the cinematic:
- Faolain: Have at her, Sir Brangoire!
After defeating Brangoire:
- Caithe: That, I believe, is the ultimate difference between us.
- Caithe: Faolain tests others to examine her own character. I only ever test myself.
Aproaching the third champion (cinematic):
- Cadeyrn: So, the firstborn continues her futile quest. Ha ha ha ha.
- Faolain: Face the truth, dearheart. The Dream is a nightmare. See the world for what it is—episodes of pain ending in untimely death.
- Caithe: Our paths diverged long ago. I chose the Dream of our people. You, a twisted phantasm.
- Caithe: The love I once knew...has died. I won't let you continue like this.
- Cadeyrn: You will regret speaking to the mistress that way.
After the cinematic:
- Faolain: Cadeyrn! Seek your revenge against the firstborn!
After defeating Cadeyrn:
- Caithe: I knew our paths led to only once place, and still I hesitated.
- Caithe: Now I am certain. Faolain sent her followers to test me, serving them up as bait for her trap.
- Caithe: But she is a spider caught in her own web.
- Caithe: It is time.
Dialogue with Caithe after defeating Cadeyrn:
- Caithe: Cadeyrn! May the crows feast on his heart!
- Who was Cadeyrn?
- Cadeyrn was one of the secondborn. He brought Faolain fully into the Nightmare Court, and she replaced him as their leader.
- I have not seen you this agitated. Can I ask you something?
- I understand. He has paid for his sins.
- Cadeyrn was one of the secondborn. He brought Faolain fully into the Nightmare Court, and she replaced him as their leader.
- Are you all right, Caithe?
- This place makes my heart sick. Faolain has her mentor and her students and her court; what do I have?
- You have your honor. May I ask something else?
- You are not alone. Let us end this madness.
- This place makes my heart sick. Faolain has her mentor and her students and her court; what do I have?
- He's dead. Faolain is alive and lies ahead of us.
- Who was Cadeyrn?
Approaching the Unstable Husk:
- Caithe: Such perversion of nature.
- Caithe: They should not exist in the waking world.
Dialogue with Caithe before facing Faolain:
- Caithe: I cannot imagine the horrors Faolain is capable of. I don't know if I can do on.
- Should we go back for Logan and Rytlock?
- They have abandoned me. Everyone fails. Everyone falls into darkness.
- You can handle this. You know what you have to do.
- I know. I just cannot bear the madness in this place. I feel better. Thank you.
- No worries. Let's finish this.
- I know. I just cannot bear the madness in this place. I feel better. Thank you.
- You can handle this. You know what you have to do.
- They have abandoned me. Everyone fails. Everyone falls into darkness.
- You can do it. You know what must be done.
- Should we go back for Logan and Rytlock?
Approaching Faolain (cinematic):
- Faolain: Here at last, dearheart. Are you prepared to join me?
- Caithe: I will never be with you.
- Faolain: Not even to be with your friends? Well, they've already made their choice.
- Eir: Join us, Caithe.
- Zojja: This is the only rational choice.
- Logan: We can all be together again.
- Rytlock: Faolain has brought us together. Be with us.
- Caithe: Everyone stands against me. I have no one left.
- <Character name>: This can't be real. Rytlock and Logan can't stomach each other.
- Caithe: Real or not, we have to deal with them.
After defeating Faolain:
- Caithe: End this charade now, Faolain.
- Faolain: But dearheart, you used to enjoy our little games of make-believe.
- Caithe: I'm done with your games, and I'm finished with you. I am not your dearheart.
- Faolain: We shall see, dearheart. We shall see. (laughs)