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Версия от 21:05, 5 июня 2014; Blood (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{NPC infobox | race = Spider | level = 55 | rank = legendary | location = Twilight Arbor }} Malrona is a powerful spider boss found within Twilight Ar…»)
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Malrona is a powerful spider boss found within Twilight Arbor. She spawns after defeating several groups of spider enemies within her chamber. Defeating Malrona creates a waypoint and a chest.




  • Poison 40px.png Poison Spray - Inflicts poison in a cone directly in front of her.
  • Sprays many high-damage AoE projectiles at nearby targets.



  • Players suffering from Malrona's poison have their movement speed reduced, but are able to deal massive damage for the duration of the "Predatory Swiftness" effect which activates on Malrona.
  • Her projectile attacks are unblockable.