Bag of Loot

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Disambig icon.png Эта страница the lootable entity. Для the package item, смотрите Loot bag. Для any item that generates random loot, смотрите Package.

Bag of Loot

Файл:Bag of Loot.jpg

«Y» — не булево значение (да/нет).

A Bag of Loot is a entity which might appear on the ground after killing a player, NPC or creature in World versus World and during certain PvE events. It replaces the corpse of a lootable creature and disappears as soon as it's looted.

In WvW Bags of Loot appear at the feet of the player, while in PvE they appear on the location of the creature that produces them.

Possible Contents[править]

  • Loot in WvW depends on the level of the player who defeated the creature that produced the bag.
  • Loot in PvE depends on the creature that produces the bag, and the area in which it is defeated.
