Шаблон:Drop rate lookup table

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This template is intended to dynamically display the results of "/drop rate" sub pages by reference to the results of {{SDRF}}. It uses {{Drop rate lookup table result format}} to format the results of the semantic query.


1 (unnamed parameter)
The name of the item (or page) that the dropped goods originate from.
Defaults to {{BASEPAGENAME}}/Drop rate. The name of the /drop rate page the data comes from.
The height/width (in pixels if no unit given, in percent if a percentage sign (%) follows the numbers). Defaults to 600 wide, 500 high.
The tablestyle from Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Table formatting#List of STDT parameters, as you would use for {{STDT}}.
manual totals
Optional. Set to "yes" if the corresponding SDRH template also has manual totals set to yes. Changes appearance to a bar chart.
minimum amount
Optional. Only a valid parameter if the "manual totals" parameter above is set. This option sets the minimum amount received per box to appear on the bar chart. Defaults to 0.009. (such that items appear if they're about 0.01 or more chance)
x-axis title
Optional. Only a valid parameter if the "manual totals" parameter above is set. Set the text to display beneath the x-axis. Defaults to "Average amount per object opened".


{{Drop rate lookup table|style=mech1|page=Daily/Drop Rate|Daily}}
Item Estimated drop rate