Шаблон:Inventory/lib/Iconify Bonus

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Used to iconify a bonus attribute.

Where trait is the trait to iconify.

{{Inventory/lib/Iconify Bonus|Power}} produces Power.png Сила
{{Inventory/lib/Iconify Bonus|Vitality}} produces Vitality.png Живучесть
{{Inventory/lib/Iconify Bonus|Skale}} (a real page) produces Skale
{{Inventory/lib/Iconify Bonus|Smiteyness}} (a not so real page) produces Smiteyness

This template serves three roles.

  1. To iconify modifiers on weapons, armors, and other inventory widgets that merchants sell, where the function is needed many times.
  2. To link in pages that exist
  3. To not try loading arbitrary templates.