John Stumme

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John Stumme is a Content Designer for ArenaNet. Since joining the company in 2005, John has become notorious for hiding loreful Easter eggs in the game, adding terrible puns to dialogue, and breaking the game in unusual ways. When he’s not occupied with trying to work more interesting stories into the world, he can often be found gaming, at concerts, or watching some obscure anime you’ve (probably) never heard of. John Stumme is the proud owner of one of the most amazing desks at ArenaNet.

ArenaNet blog


Gwwlogo.png На Guild Wars Wiki (англ) есть статья про John Stumme.
  • John was previously a content designer for Guild Wars 2. He became the Guild Wars Live Team Lead on, or around, July 23. The previous Team Lead, Linsey Murdock, moved to an as of yet unnamed position.