Шаблон:Weapon skill table row

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This template is intended for use in weapon skill tables in conjunction with the {{weapon skill table header}}. It returns the wiki code for a single table row, populated with the following skill data: slot#, skill, (type), (weapon), activation time, (energy), recharge time, and description. It does not return the table opening or closing tags, so those must be provided on the calling page.

It uses {{weapon skill table row format}} to process the results of the semantic query.


This is a standardized template that specifically builds a weapon skill table. For alternatives, see:


  1. Has skill slot number
  2. Skill
  3. Has activation time
  4. Has recharge time or Has initiative cost (set showInitiative=true in the header)
  5. Has game description
  1. Has skill slot number
  2. Skill
  3. Is for weapon (set showWeapon=true in the header)
  4. Has skill type (set showType=true in the header)
  5. Has activation time
  6. Has energy cost (set showEnergy=true in the header)
  7. Has recharge time or Has initiative cost (set showInitiative=true in the header)
  8. Has game description


{{Weapon skill table row|<skill name>}}
{{Weapon skill table row|<skill name>|chain= |class= }}


1 (unnamed parameter)
Required. Skill name.
Optional. Set to one of the following values to show an additional icon before the skill icon:
chain Redirect Arrow.png (no link)
ambush Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Ambush)
burst Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Burst)
stealth Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Stealth Attack)
toolbelt Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Tool belt)
underwater Underwater.png (links to Underwater mode)
Used to apply CSS classes to the row. Examples: class=line applies a border to the bottom of the row

Template:Weapon skill table header parameters

Optional. Shows type column and displays the Property Has skill type, disabled on default. Can be set to "true".
Optional. Shows weapon column and displays the Property Is for weapon (e.g. for Symbol skills), disabled on default. Can be set to "true".
Optional. Shows energy column and displays the Property Has energy cost, disabled on default. Can be set to "true".
Optional. Shows initiative column instead the recharge column and displays the Property Has initiative cost, disabled on default. Can be set to "true".


{| {{STDT|guardian skills}}
{{weapon skill table header}}
{{weapon skill table row|True Strike}}
{{weapon skill table row|chain=chain|Pure Strike}}
{{weapon skill table row|chain=chain|Faithful Strike}}
{{weapon skill table row|Symbol of Faith}}
{{weapon skill table row|Protector's Strike}}
# Умение Прицеливание на землю Время активации Время перезарядки Описание
1 True Strike.png True Strike 0.5½ Цепочка. Ударить вашего противника.
1 ЦепочкаPure Strike.png Pure Strike 0.5½ Цепочка. Стукнуть вашего противника.
1 ЦепочкаFaithful Strike.png Faithful Strike 0.75¾ Нанести противнику завершающий удар и исцелить союзников поблизости.
2 Symbol of Faith.png Symbol of Faith 10.25¼ 8 Символ. Выбить на земле таинственный символ, который наносит урон противникам и дарует союзникам регенерацию.
3 Protector's Strike.png Protector's Strike 30.75¾ 15 Защитить союзников от нескольких следующих атак. Если вас атакуют, вы наложите блага на союзников поблизости, а ваш пассивный эффект поджигания будет полностью заряжен.