Defeat the riot-instigating settler

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Defeat the riot-instigating settler

Карты события

Southsun Shoals

Defeat the riot-instigating settler is a level 80 event in Driftglass Springs that occurs during The Secret of Southsun. Completing the event contributes to Settler Supporter or Consortium Supporter.


  • Quell the riot by defeating the instigator.
  • Event bar.jpg
    Event boss (tango icon).png


The Champion Settler Instigator is surrounded by neutral Settler Rioters. Be careful not to enrage the settlers while taking down the boss. The boss himself will turn the settlers aggressive.




  • Chest - A chest spawns and gives two pieces of equipment of masterwork rarity or higher and a Karka Shell or less often a Passion Flower. There is a chance to receive a third piece of equipment.
Уровень награды Опыт Карма Монеты
Золотой 26 670
378 Karma.png 88 Медная монета
Серебряный 20 003
284 Karma.png 66 Медная монета
Бронзовый 13 335
189 Karma.png 44 Медная монета
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • If the Champion Settler is pushed too far away from his initial position, he will teleport to his original position.
The chests that spawn are solid while closed, but non-solid upon opening. Standing in the chest after it closes cause collision the character model and camera.