Elexus Shredskin

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Elexus Shredskin (Элексас Шредскин (Клочковатая шкура)), это чарр, которая присоединяется к вашему отряду после событий главы личной истории кровавого легиона Chain of Command (Субординация). Когда вы входите в складскую зону в Tela Range, игрок застает стычку Элексис с рекрутами Огненного легиона. После того, как ее отряд дезертировал в Огненный легион, за обещанием силы, Элексус отказывается покидать Кровавый легион и променять свою жизнь свободной женщины на работу кухарки в кухнях Огненного легиона. После того, как игрок и его спарринг партнер вмешиваются в стычку, они с Элексис убивают солдат Огненного легиона и отряд Элексис. Элексус остается одна и просит игрока принять ее в свой отряд, в надежде, что так она не останется гладием до конца своей жизни. После этого Элексис остается в отряде игрока на протяжении всей личной истории.

Когда игрок не участвует в сюжетном квесте, Элексис можно найти в холле Кантона героя, на первом этаже, слева от входа.


During Chain of Command

At the supplies Area in Tela Range:

Flame Legion Recruiter : The rest of your warband defected voluntarily. Don't be stubborn. Why fight for Blood when you can cook for Flame Legion? Females have it easy with us.
Elexus Shredskin: You want me to desert and join you so you can demote me to fry cook? Please.. I've killed a hundred males twice your size.
Flame Legion Recruiter : Fall in line or fall on a blade. I don't care which.
<Player name>: No luck trolling for recruits on a pig farm? You Flame Legion stiffs must be desperate. I came here for supplies, but this is a lot more fun.
Flame Legion Recruiter : If it's fun you want…recruits! Let's send Blood Legion a message. Bury these idiots, and destroy those supplies while you're at it!

After the battle, by talking to Elexus Shredskin:

Elexus Shredskin: My whole warband deserted for the promise of power. Never thought I'd see something like that.
Elexus Shredskin: I have nothing left but my life. If you'll have me in your ranks, it's yours.
<Player name>: We need soldiers, and you can clearly handle yourself in a scrap. Welcome to the warband.
<Player name>: Just be warned—my legionnaire is going to drown us for losing those supplies. I hope you can swim.
Elexus Shredskin: Don't worry. I can hold my breath for a long time. I'll take punishment over death…or being a gladium. Lead on.

During Time for a Promotion

I owe you one. But you should know that I'd have done the same for you. No hesitation.
These are only the first Flame Legion we'll be killing together. Hope you're ready.
I'm readier than I've ever been. Point me at a thing, and it dies or I do!
Talk end option tango.png
Excellent. Let's move out!
Glad to have you aboard, Elexus. You're going to be an excellent addition.
Talk more option tango.png
Why did your warband turn traitor?
We lost half our number in the attack on Smokestead. Afterward, there was a lot of resentment against the Tribunes. I think they just lost their spirit.
Talk end option tango.png
You need a warband, we need more members. Everybody wins.
Talk more option tango.png
You said you'd have been a gladium if I didn't come along?
It's true. No warband...out on my own until another warband took me in or I died. This is a much better deal.
Talk end option tango.png
You need a warband, we need more members. Everybody wins.
Talk end option tango.png
Let's move out. It's time for you to see your new home.

During Operation: Bulwark

At the beginning of the mission:

<Player name>: Elexus, you're our sniper. Pick a spot where you can cover the entire battlefield. We'll call your targets and you ventilate them.
Elexus Shredskin: With pleasure. And if it takes me more than one shot per kill, you can shave the word 'loser' into my fur.

After destroying siege weapons and killing Flame Legion shamans:

Elexus Shredskin: All clear, boss. The Flame Legion's rear guard is officially out of commission.
<Player name>: Outstanding. Fall in. This warband is tail-clear, soldiers. We're heading back to the citadel for a hot meal.
Elexus Shredskin: Best warband in the legion! Hoo-ah!
<Player name>: Damn Straight. Never let anyone tell you different.


  • From the games dialogues, Elexus states that her age may have faulted her chances at rejoining another warband if the player had not recruited her.
    • She also states that she's kill many males before, which insights that she is, in fact, a veteran soldier with substantial experience.
  • Elexus' profession is primarily unclear, but her armor suggest the she is a Guardian.
  • By the lack of markings and her short fur it can be assumed that Elexus' concept design is derived from a Cougar.
  • Elexus is the only female Charr NPC to reoccur in most of the player's storyline quest.