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"Keep away from open flames."

— Внутриигровое описание

Use of this item replaces your skill bar with three fireworks skills: red, blue and green fireworks. It creates a temporary visual effect similar to real life fireworks. Can be dropped for others to use. Each can be used three times and each shares a global cooldown of five seconds. *Note* These cannot be used in WvW.


# Умение Прицеливание на землю Время активации Время перезарядки Описание
 Blue Fireworks
Описание умения не найдено.
 Green Fireworks
Описание умения не найдено.
 Red Fireworks
Описание умения не найдено.


Contained in


No results for vendor list. If the item is sold at a vendor, it may not have been added to the vendor yet.

Environmental weapons

See also

Green Fireworks

These are consumables that turn into a bomb that will be labeled Green Fireworks when dropped. Each skill has its own cooldown of 10 seconds.

Fine Fireworks

These are mechanically equivalent as those above.