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Disambig icon.png Эта страница the special action skill. Для Guardian skills with intervention in their name, смотрите Meditation.


Прицеливание на землю  15 Время перезарядки

Harness the excess ambient magic to create a dome that protects against Xera's deadliest attack.

Miscellaneous effect.png Shield Duration: 6 seconds
Radius.png Радиус: 240
Combo.png Комбо-поле: Астрал
Range.png Дальность: 600
Поддержка устаревших версий: пожалуйста, используйте параметр facts вместо variables.

— Внутриигровое описание

Intervention is a special action skill granted to a player during the fight against Xera, indicated by the onscreen message "<Player name> has harnessed ambient magic." This player must use the skill approximately 5 seconds after receiving it to create a dome which grants the effect of the same name to players standing inside the dome. This effect protects from the deadly attack that Xera's constructs will unleash which would otherwise almost instantly kill the players on the main platform.