Prevent a brawl between the three legions

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Prevent a brawl between the three legions

Village of Smokestead
(Равнины Эшфорда)
Тип события
Event star (tango icon).png
Prevent a brawl between the three legions is a level 3 dynamic event that occurs in Village of Smokestead at the Three Legions Court.


  • Iron Legion soldiers pacified : x/4
  • Blood Legion soldiers pacified : x/4
  • Ash Legion soldiers pacified : x/4


The soldiers are pacified by correctly answering a question about them, or defeating them if you are incorrect. Being a charr character that belongs to their legion and telling them so will also work.




Уровень награды Опыт Карма Монеты
Золотой 327
32 Karma.png Медная монета
Серебряный 278
27 Karma.png Медная монета
Бронзовый 245
24 Karma.png Медная монета
These are the expected rewards for a level 3 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


Quaestor Arkhan: "Those idiots are fighting again! You! Come over here!"
Ash Legion Warrior: "How dare they insult the Ash Legion? Iron is all noise, and Blood is blunt, stupid force."
Talk more option tango.png
Let them pose. Defeating the Flame Legion would prove the Ash Legion's superiority.
Ash Legion Warrior: "What do you know about Ash Legion?
Talk more option tango.png
I know they bravely step up and lead the charge into battle!
Talk more option tango.png
They can build a war machine that'll blow a hole in anything.
Talk more option tango.png
They are masters of the shadow, able to end a way with a single poisoned blade.
(If character belongs to Ash Legion)
Talk more option tango.png
I am Ash Legion
Talk combat option tango.png
And you are apparently both wrapped up in one. How convenient.
Talk end option tango.png
Sounds too complicated for me. Bye.