Seneca the Relentless

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Seneca the Relentless (Сенека Безжалостный), это тюремный надзиратель, который допрашивает Vix Scapegoat (Викс Козел Отпущения) и Hastur Backbiter (Хастур Сплетник) в Императорском ядре Черной Цитадели.


I'm the stockade warden. I make sure these lying, thieving, and traitorous swill pay their debt to the legions.
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What did this one do?
Murder, pure and simple. Problem is, he won't name his accomplice. Tribune Goreblade wants that name so he rots here.
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I don't think he's going to talk.
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Who's that other one?
We call him Vix the Scapegoat. He conspired with asssasins to go after Ambassador Aximus in the Ebonhawke. Keeps protesting he's innocent, but nobody believes him.
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Thanks, warden.
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I'll leave you to it.

See Also