Super Adventure Festival 2021

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Explore a whole new virtual world in beautifully-rendered, three-dimensional graphics.

— Официальный сайт

The Super Adventure Festival is a Special event that is based on the Super Adventure Box release from 2013. It features the Super Adventure Box, a special dungeon with pixelated graphics and a retro soundtrack harkening back to old school platformers. The 2021 Festival began on April 6 and ends on April 27.

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It's time for the Super Adventure Festival!


The Super Adventure Festival has begun! Come play in my Super Adventure Box! If you've never tried it before, then now is the ideal time to enter my exciting world!

The Super Adventure Box will close when the Super Adventure Festival ends, so don't miss out! Meet me in the Creator's Commons of Rata Sum and start your adventure today!


5 20x20px Continue Coins 1 Skill.png Invitation to the Super Adventure Festival


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