Vapor Form

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Версия от 23:06, 15 мая 2015; Blood (обсуждение | вклад)
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Vapor Form.png

Vapor Form

20 Время перезарядки
Vapor Form.jpg

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Принять форму подвижного пара, возвращаясь в поверженное состояние после окончания действия эффекта.

Duration.png Длительность: 3 сек
Miscellaneous effect.png Прекращает ваш вклад в захват точки
Поддержка устаревших версий: пожалуйста, используйте параметр facts вместо variables.

— Внутриигровое описание


Difference between the Mist Form and the Vapor Form appearance.
  • The non-downed state counterpart of this skill is Mist Form.
  • This skill puts you in a state between the downed state and the regular one.
    • As a result of this, you have the ability to move, perform emotes, dodge, pick up loot, interact with objects, and jump. Enemy players in PvP also lose their ability to finish you, and allies cannot revive you.
    • Despite that, you are not able to talk to NPCs, and you can still rally permanently by killing an enemy.
  • Vapor Form typically does not prevent damage from environmental sources, such as spike traps in dungeons.
  • It is possible to regenerate health in Vapor Form if the elementalist manages to be out of combat mode.
  • After Vapor Form ends, the elementalist is considered to be downed again, thus triggering Lava Tomb if its cooldown is up.
  • The skill functions by healing the downed player to full health, thus reviving him. Because of that, if the player has healing-impairing effects like Agony or Poison, it is possible that the skill will fail to heal enough to actually revive the player. Multiple stacks of agony completely disable the skill from working (100% reduced healing).