Establishing a Foothold

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Establishing a Foothold

1328 AE
Heart of Thorns
Establishing a Foothold
Maguuma's Breach; Stonetwist Paths
Torn from the Sky
The Jungle Provides
Создание плацдарма это третья глава истории Сердца шипов.


  • Вернитесь в джунгли, чтобы получить Мастерство .
  • Получите Basic Glider Mastery для продолжения Вашей истории.

Обсудите с выжившими Пакта поиск местоположения Трэхёрна и Destiny's Edge.

  • Найдите разведчика Pale Reaver и поговорите с ним.
  • Доложитесь Ensign Wilton в главном лагере Пакта.
  • (Опционально) Gather supplemental information from the troops: x/3
  • Speak with the observant Pact soldier.



This story step is all about gathering information by talking to different NPCs. There is no specific instance. You will encounter the normal open world wilderness of Verdant Brink.

You must gain experience in any Heart of Thorns area and put two Mastery points into Gliding.

The Silverwastes and Dry Top are the first two areas that you can enter (either through Story Completion or walking through a portal).

A portal to The Silverwastes is accessible from Brisban Wildlands in the northwest. The portal to Dry Top is located in the southwest of Brisban Wildlands.

Alternatively, you can ask someone to go to any other Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns area and use a Teleport to Friend item. Once there, you can also gain experience that will count when training Glider Basics.




Speaking with the Pale Reaver Scout:

Pale Reaver Scout: Glad you're here, Commander. The Pact still needs your help…especially with all the distrust being aimed at sylvari.
<Character name>: I'll do what I can, but I've got to find Destiny's Edge and Trahearne. Mordrem took them all prisoner.
<Character name>: They could be anywhere. I need to know where they were taken, or at least find someone who knows the lay of the land.
Pale Reaver Scout: I've seen Mordrem force-marching high-value prisoners west, deeper into the jungle. It's not much, but it's a start.
Pale Reaver Scout: As for knowledge of the terrain… If you head north, you'll also run into a village of local hylek called "Itzel."
Pale Reaver Scout: They're fast and agile, and they know how to get around. With their help, your search will go a lot faster.
Pale Reaver Scout: But the first thing I'd do is check in at the large Pact camp to the west. The people there should know more.
Pale Reaver Scout: Oh, and keep that glider handy. Navigating the jungle is dangerous: one wrong step around here can be fatal.

Speaking with Ensign Wilton:

Ensign Wilton: How can I help you, Commander?
<Character name>: Marshal Trahearne and Destiny's Edge were taken prisoner. I'm trying to track them down. Do you know anything?
Ensign Wilton: I haven't seen them… Except for Caithe. She wasn't on board the fleet when it launched, but she's definitely here.
<Character name>: Caithe's here? When did you see her? Where did she go?
Ensign Wilton: She came through a few hours ago, heading west. She was trying to keep a low profile, but I spotted her.
<Character name>: Was she wearing a large backpack?
Ensign Wilton: I think so. I only caught a glimpse… You of all people know how stealthy she can be. What was in the backpack?
<Character name>: Something important to me. And when I catch up to her, I'm going to take it back. Thanks very much.
Ensign Wilton: Good luck. Ask around before you leave—a lot of these soldiers have seen things I haven't. Things that could be useful.

Speaking with the human Pact scout for additional information:

If sylvari:
Pact Scout: Oh... It's you, "Commander." I'm surprised they let you keep your rank after what happened.
Pact Scout: Keep moving. Mordremoth's done too much damage already. I don't want you around when it starts pulling your strings.
<Character name>: You're way out of line, soldier. Respect the chain of command or Mordremoth will be the least of your worries.
Wounded Soldier: Sorry, Commander.
<Character name>: Yes. You are. Now fall in, get organized, and do your duty. Mordremoth hit us hard, and we have to hit back.
If not sylvari:
Pact Scout: Commander? We need some leadership here. When are we withdrawing?
<Character name>: We're not. If we leave now, Mordremoth will have time to produce a horde of minions that's too large to contain.
Pact Scout: But the fleet's gone. We lost so many soldiers…and the sylvari are all traitors.
<Character name>: Not all. Listen close, soldier: if we run, Mordremoth will be unstoppable by the time we get where we're going.
<Character name>: Now fall in, get organized, and do your duty. Mordremoth hit us hard, and we have to hit back.

Speaking with the sylvari Pact scout for additional information:

If sylvari:
Pact Scout: I heard you were here, Commander. Welcome to hell.
Pact Scout: Since the crash, some Pact troops think we're all enemy agents. They mean us harm. It's not safe for us here.
Pact Scout: But I can't leave… Traversing the jungle without a glider is next to impossible. I'm stuck here with people who hate me.
<Character name>: I say stick close to other sylvari. If they're loyal, vouch for them; if they falter, stop them from doing any harm.
Pact Scout: I hope that'll be enough. Have you... been hearing the dragon's voice, too? It hurts... I almost blacked out last time.
<Character name>: I hear it. We all do. That's why we have to look out for each other.
<Character name>: I've got to keep moving. Good luck, soldier.
If not sylvari:
Pact Scout: I heard you were here, Commander. Welcome to hell.
Pact Scout: Since the crash, some Pact troops think my people are enemy agents. They mean me harm. It's not safe for me here.
Pact Scout: But I can't leave… Traversing the jungle without a glider is next to impossible. I'm stuck here with people who hate me.
<Character name>: I say stick close to other sylvari. If they're loyal, vouch for them; if they falter, stop them from doing any harm.
<Character name>: I've got to keep moving. Good luck, soldier.

Speaking with the norn Pact scout for additional information:

Pact Scout: Commander. It's good to see a familiar face.
<Character name>: I'm heading deeper in to the jungle to find Trahearne and Destiny's Edge. Any advice?
Pact Scout: Navigation's tough. If you've got ground to cover, it's going to be slow going without the right equipment.
Pact Scout: Make sure you glider's in working order. And take time to learn all you can about the local mushrooms.
Pact Scout: One thing I've learned here: when you're in a hurry, gliders and mushrooms turn impassable terrain into shortcuts.

Speaking with the observant Pact Scout:

Pact Scout: Commander? Glad to have you with us.
<Character name>: I can't stay. I need to find where the Mordrem take their high-value prisoners.
Pact Scout: All the prisoner trains I've seen go west. Especially ones with officers and the like.
<Character name>: What do you know about the Itzel?
Pact Scout: The treefrogs to the northeast? Not much. They're quick. They move through the canopy like they were born in it.
Pact Scout: I think they're friendly, but with all the Mordrem activity around here, I'm guessing they have to play it safe.
Pact Scout: Anyway, you'll need help if you're heading west. Ask the Itzel. They'll know the best way to get where you're going.

My Story

Establishing a Foothold.jpg

I surveyed the area surrounding the fleet wreckage and debriefed several of the Pact survivors. They provided information about where the Mordrem Guard are taking high-value prisoners, and they steered me toward a village of friendly hylek who can aid me in my search for Trahearne and Destiny's Edge.

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