Шаблон:Slot skill table row

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This template is intended for use in slot skill tables in conjunction with the {{slot skill table header}}. It returns the wiki code for a single table row, populated with the following skill data: skill, (type), underwater availability, hero point cost, activation time, (energy), recharge time, and description. It does not return the table opening or closing tags, so those must be provided on the calling page.

It uses {{slot skill table row format}} to process the results of the semantic query.


This is a standardized template that specifically builds a slot skill table. For alternatives, see:


  1. Skill
  2. Has activation time
  3. Is usable underwater
  4. Has activation time
  5. Has recharge time
  6. Has game description
  1. Skill
  2. Has skill type (set showType=true in the header)
  3. Has activation time
  4. Is usable underwater
  5. Has activation time
  6. Has energy cost and Has upkeep cost (set showEnergy=true in the header)
  7. Has recharge time
  8. Has game description


{{Slot skill table row|<skill name>}}
{{Slot skill table row|<skill name>|class=<css class>}}


1 (unnamed parameter)
Required. Skill name.
Used to apply CSS classes to the row. Examples: class=line applies a border to the bottom of the row.
Optional. Added automatically, can be overridden with one of the following values:
chain Redirect Arrow.png (no link)
ambush Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Ambush)
burst Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Burst)
primal burst Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Primal Burst)
stealth Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Stealth Attack)
toolbelt Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png (links to Tool belt)
underwater Underwater.png (links to Underwater mode)

Template:slot skill table header parameters

Optional. Shows type column and displays the property Has skill type, disabled on default. Can be set to "true".
wide type column
Optional. Set to "true" to increase the width of the type column. Defaults to "false".
Optional. Shows energy column and displays the property Has energy cost, disabled on default. Can be set to "true".


{| {{STDT|guardian skills}}
{{slot skill table header}}
{{slot skill table row|Hallowed Ground}}
{{slot skill table row|Purging Flames}}
{{slot skill table row|Sanctuary}}
{{slot skill table row|Wall of Reflection}}
Умение Прицеливание на землю Подводный режим Время активации Время перезарядки Описание
Hallowed Ground.png Hallowed Ground Прицеливание на землю Недоступно под водой 1 36 Освящение. Освятить выбранную область, даруя устойчивость находящимся внутри союзникам.
Purging Flames.png Purging Flames Прицеливание на землю 0.5½ 20 Освящение. Создать кольцо огня. При каждом такте противники внутри кольца будут подожжены, а с союзников внутри кольца будут сниматься состояния.
Sanctuary.png Sanctuary Прицеливание на землю 1 40 Освящение. Создать защитное исцеляющее убежище для союзников. Непроницаемо для врагов и снарядов.
Wall of Reflection.png Wall of Reflection Прицеливание на землю Недоступно под водой 20 Освящение. Призвать барьер мистической силы, который отражает снаряды.