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Версия от 17:58, 25 февраля 2015; Snowbirdie (обсуждение | вклад)
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Brugh (Бруг) - это сильвари, чья Дичавая охота - защищать Morgan's Spiral от нежити.

Динамическое событие[править]

Уровень 5


Во время события: "Escort Brugh to Morgan's Spiral":

Brugh: Будьте начеку. Нежить может атаковать в любой момент.
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Что и требовалось доказать.

Между динамическими событиями: "Escort Brugh to Morgan's Spiral" и "Defend the Sylvari tower from the Risen", и в промежутках между динамическими событиями: "Defend the Sylvari tower from the Risen" и "Defeat the Risen monstrosity":

Brugh: Возвращение нежити - это вопрос времени. Они не могут выдержать присутствия живых.
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К чему нам готовиться?
Brugh: When the undead come, they'll try to destroy every living thing. There are some plants here with defenses of their own that we could make use of.
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I'll keep that in mind.
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Well, I'd best be off, then.

At Morgan's Spiral inbetween the Dynamic Events: "Defend the Sylvari tower from the Risen" and "Defeat the Risen monstrosity has started".

Brugh: Be on your guard in these parts, friend. There is a growing darkess here; I felt it in the Dream. Now I'm on a Wyld Hunt to protect these lands.
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What was the darkness you saw in the Dream?
Brugh: It was darkness without form, but when I came here, I found that Orrian undead had marches in from the east. There are deep seas there, perfect for the undead to travel through.
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I'm glad you heard the call, then.
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You're on a Wyld Hunt?
Brugh: This is where the Dream called me, where I am needed most. I didn't choose to come here, I simple came. Protecting this place is my Wyld Hunt.
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Good luck.
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I'll leave you to it, then.

At Morgan's Spiral during the Dynamic Event: Defeat the Risen monstrosity.

Brugh: The monstrosity came from the bottom of the lake. Wait for it to lower its guard, then strike!
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Got it.