Контент Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire
Контент 4-го сезона Живого Мира

War Eternal

Материал из Guild Wars 2 wiki
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Disambig icon.png Эта страница a Living World episode. Для the war between Balthazar and Menzies, смотрите Eternal Battle.

With the devastating loss of Aurene, Tyria faces an existential threat: the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik’s victory is all but certain. The commander and their allies must reconcile themselves to their defeat and find a way to rejoin the seemingly hopeless battle.

Release Page

War Eternal is a release that launched on May 14, 2019, and is the sixth and final episode in Season 4 of the Living World.

Новые особенности

Living World Season 4

Episode 6 – War Eternal

New Achievements

New Zone

New Currencies

New Mount

New Mastery

New Rewards

Legendary Weapon

Skins and equipment



Reward Tracks (sPvP and WvW)

Content Updates

New Guild Hall Features

Gem Store


Шаблон:Gallery widget

External links