Steward Gixx

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Версия от 15:03, 2 марта 2018; Snowbirdie (обсуждение | вклад) (Dialogue)
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Steward Gixx (Старейшина Гиккс) - это асура, в настоящее время возглавляющий Монастырь Дурманд.


Участие в личной истории

Монастырь Дурманд

Боевые способности

  • Лидер Монастыря Дурманд


Non-Priory members
I'm the Steward of Durmand Priory. It's my responsibility to guide our scholars toward a bright and shining future.
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I see. You must be tremendously busy. Excuse me.
Priory members, before The Battle of Claw Island
You must require assistance with your current assignment, because I know you're not the type to rest.
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Right. I'll talk to you again when I have something to report.
Priory members, after The Battle of Claw Island but before Retribution
My scholars are brainstorming new innovations to retake Claw Island and avenge Sieran. We'll take her loss out of Zhaitan's hide.
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I'll do my part.
Priory members, after Retribution
Priory members, after finishing Personal Story
I've received fifteen proposals for books about you. You're an escalating topic! If this keeps up, we'll have to rename the Priory after you...not really.
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