Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm

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The situation worsens for the citizens of Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau. Volunteers have eased the burden, but more refugees hobble down from the Shiverpeaks. The storm there gains momentum, but the forces of good are beginning to rally. They're sending their heroes to defend the land and its peoples. Someone must hold back the gathering storm.

In Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm, the second installment in this four-part series, the stakes are raised, and battles rage, in the foothills of the Shiverpeaks.

— Официальный сайт

Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm is a release launched on February 26, 2013, which continues the story introduced in the January release, Flame and Frost: Prelude.


Temporary features
Permanent features


Norn structure appears in Dolyak Pass.
Portals appear in Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau.
26 February 2013

Camps in Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel become crowded and refugees head to Lion's Arch. One of the Lionguard is assigned to coordinate the new refugee camp. The Molten Alliance of Flame Legion and dredge who previously stayed in the background, now make an appearance. The various members of Destiny's Edge call upon their trusted allies for help, who can assist as part of The Gathering Storm. The Consortium is assisting refugees in Lion's Arch and helping them build homes in Southsun Cove. Refugees arrive in Lion's Arch missing their Refugee's Goblet and Refugee's Wooden Soldier. Heroes can assist them as part of Lost and Found.

11 March 2013

More refugees arrive in Lion's Arch and they left their Refugee's Compass and Refugee's Sword Belt behind. Heroes can assist them as part of Lost and Found.

18 March 2013

More refugees arrive in Lion's Arch and they left their Refugee's Logbook and Refugee's Ship in a Bottle behind. Heroes can assist them as part of Lost and Found.

Flame and Frost[править]

Основная статья: Flame and Frost (achievements)

This release expands on the event of the prelude and gives two new Flame and Frost achievements.

The Gathering Storm[править]

Основная статья: The Gathering Storm

Lost and Found[править]

Основная статья: Lost and Found

Guild missions[править]

Основная статья: Guild mission

Spirit Watch[править]

Spirit Watch is a new Structured PvP map.

See also[править]

  • Flame and Frost mail, an in-game mail alerting players to story-related events.
  • Herald, the in-game mechanism for informing players about the storyline.


  • A new event scaling system was introduced that is being tested on certain high level events, and is planned to be expanded if successful.
  • Adjustments and bug fixes were applied to the rewards systems to significantly increase availability and quality of loot from drops, chests, bosses, and gear boxes.

External links[править]