Обновления игры/2017-05-16

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Обновление #3 - 16 мая 2017

Исправление ошибок

  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой легендарная броня отображалась в боевом режиме на экране выбора персонажа.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой легендарная броня не имела анимации в гардеробе или окнах предварительного просмотра.


  • Исправлен баг, из-за которого некоторые черты не накладывали корректно состояния на мировых боссов.
  • Исправлен баг, из-за которого некоторые финалы-прыжки накладывали состояния на большее время, чем положено.
  • Epidemic.png
     Epidemic: Исправлен баг, из-за которого это умение влияло на союзников.
  • Healing Turret.png
     Healing Turret: Исправлен баг, из-за которого это умение отображало радиус регенерации противникам.
  • Турели: Добавлена 0.5-секундная перезарядка умениям детонации турелей, когда они впервые размещаются, чтобы предотвратить их случайную детонацию.

Поздние заметки

Легендарная броня

  • Средняя и легкая броня теперь полностью покрывает пальцы асура, в бою и вне боя.
  • Исправлена проблема с размером грудного элемента у женщин асура и сильвари.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой легендарную броню можно было разобрать.
  • Исправлена проблема с легкой броней у женщин людей и сильвари, из-за которой задние части грудного элемента обрезались.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой кончик юбки легкой брони обрезался землей.
  • Исправлена проблема с обрезанием средней брони и хвостами чарров.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой игроки, которые разблокировали другой класс брони Изысканного Посланника, отличный от Экспериментального, не получали соответствующие шкурки Экспериментального.
  • Исправлена проблема с Пупсовым тоником и Пупсовой лабораторией, когда надета легендарная броня.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой рецепты предтеч, которые становились доступны после получения первого набора легендарной брони, не были привязаны к аккаунту.
  • Уменьшена дистанция между левым плечевым элементом и моделью игрока на средней броне.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой темные краски выглядели выцветшими и плохо различимыми на легендарной тяжелой броне.
  • Исправлен текст рецепта в подсказках Дара преданности, Дара доблести и Дара процветания.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой несколько Хрономантов, одновременно генерирующие клонов в инстансе, приводили к падению производительности игры.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой эффект от легендарного молота Джаггернаут некорректно применялся на легендарной броне.

Живой Мир

  • Возвращены проблемные плодородные почвы.
  • Исправлен сбой в работе сервера, связанный с коллекцией Хендж странника.

Магазин драгоценных камней торговой компании Черный Лев

Исправление ошибок
  • Исправлена проблема с одноразовыми Капитанскими пропусками на дирижабль, из-за которой некоторые дружественные персонажи на Гендарранских Полях становились враждебны.
  • Исправлена проблема, из-за которой оружие в левой руке отображалось некорректно при просмотре брони с использованием опции Wielded.

Заметки Guild Wars 2 Wiki

  • Сборка: 76,777.

Обновление #2 - 16 мая 2017

Исправление ошибок

  • Исправлен сбой в работе сервера, происходивший в конце ранговых PvP-матчей.

Заметки Guild Wars 2 Wiki

  • Сборка: 76,765.

Обновление - 16 мая 2017

Живой Мир


  • Новым аккаунтам надо будет подождать 72 часа, прежде чем им станет доступен перевод драгоценных камней в золото.



Умения профессий

В этом обновлении, вы увидите изменения, направленные на нормализацию работы некоторых типов умений. Умения, которые связывают игроков друг с другом, теперь накладывают разоблачение для предоставления большего окна возможностей игрокам, которые успешно применили их. Умения и черты, которые ранее давали такты устойчивости, теперь дают блок устойчивости, чтобы позволить лучший вариант контригры через снятие благ. И наконец, мы увеличиваем время активации многих умений, которые накладывают эффекты типа ошеломления или оглушения, чтобы дать игрокам, на которых направлены эти умения, больше времени на реакцию и защиту.



Линейка еды, дающая дополнительный урон в движении, была доминирующей для всех билдов на урон. Кроме того, что такая еда была гораздо сильнее чем ругая для увеличения урона, стратегия “покачивания” для поддержания постоянного эффекта негативно влияла на здоровье игры (и ее игроков). По этим причинам, эффективность еды, увеличивающей урон в движении, была снижена на 50%. Это повлияет на следующие предметы:

Дополнительные общие изменения


In this iteration, there have been a couple of reworks for less-used utility skills and a couple of general quality-of-life changes. In PvP, we'll be looking to slow down the elementalist's defensive capability so that it has a few more openings for opponents to pressure them.

  • Obsidian Flesh.png
     Obsidian Flesh: The duration of this ability has been reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only.
  • "Wash the Pain Away!".png
     "Wash the Pain Away!": The cooldown of this ability has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only.
  • "Rebound!".png
     Rebound: The base healing of this ability has been increased by 33%.
  • Glyph of Elemental Power.png
     Glyph of Elemental Power: Reduced recharge to 25 seconds. Now gives 5 charges instead of using a 5-second cooldown interval. Decreased duration to 25 seconds. Reduced burning duration to 1 stack for 3 seconds. Changed crippled condition to 1 stack of bleeding for 6 seconds. Changed weakness condition to 4 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds.
  • Arcane Power.png
     Arcane Power: The effects of this skill now apply to up to 4 other nearby allies within a range of 240. In addition to its previous effects, each stack of this effect now gives 75 ferocity at level 80.
  • Drake's Breath.png
     Drake's Breath: Increased burn duration to 4 seconds and increased damage by 14% in PvE only.
  • Gale Song Gale Song: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 40 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only.
  • Elemental Shielding Elemental Shielding: The duration of protection this trait applies has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.
  • One with Fire Smothering Auras: Now applies 1 stack of might for all other auras besides Flame Aura.


Most of the time, engineers were taking turret skills and never deploying the turret because the Tool Belt skill was too important to be overridden by the detonate turret skill. In this update we are moving the detonate skill to be the flip-over for the turret itself so that the Tool Belt skill is always available even if you deploy the turret. Because many of the overcharge skills weren't very tactical and much easier to just press on cooldown, we've changed these skills to automatically activate the moment the turret is placed instead. Since this means a turret can only be overcharged once per deployment, we've reduced the recharge of a few turrets to compensate.

  • Bunker Down.png
     Bunker Down: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only.
  • Protection Injection.png
     Protection Injection: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Med Pack Drop.png
     Med Pack Drop: This skill will now remove all (14) conditions for up to 5 allies upon impact.
  • Bulwark Gyro.png
     Bulwark Gyro: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only.
  • Purge Gyro.png
     Purge Gyro: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only.
  • Turrets: Turrets no longer need to be overcharged. Summoning a turret will automatically overcharge it once.
  • Detonate Turret: This skill has been moved off of the Tool Belt skill. It is now the flip skill for the associated turret.
  • Thumper Turret.png
     Thumper Turret: Reduced recharge to 40 seconds. Overcharge attack now launches foes straight up instead of out of the turret's attack range.
  • Healing Turret.png
     Healing Turret: Fixed a bug that caused this turret to show a water combo field when none was present.
  • Flame Turret.png
     Flame Turret: Reduced recharge to 20 seconds.
  • Rocket Turret.png
     Rocket Turret: Reduced recharge to 40 seconds.
  • Detection Pulse.png
     Detection Pulse (Scrapper): Fixed a bug that caused the effect from this skill to incorrectly reflect its radius.


Quite a few signets have languished for the Guardian for some time, so we took this opportunity to give them a bit more oomph and rework some of their actives.

  • True Shot.png
     True Shot: The recharge of this skill has been increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP and WvW.
  • Wings of Resolve.png
     Wings of Resolve: Base healing of this skill has been reduced by 24% in PvP only.
  • Smite Condition.png
     Smite Condition: Damage when the guardian is affected by conditions has been reduced by 21% in PvP only.
  • Test of Faith.png
     Test of Faith: Damage of this skill has been reduced by 10% in PvP only.
  • Shield of Courage.png
     Shield of Courage: Decreased active duration of this skill from 4 seconds to 3 seconds. The cooldown has been decreased from 75 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Hunter's Determination.png
     Hunter's Determination: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 60 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP only.
  • Spear of Justice.png
     Spear of Justice: This skill now applies 6 seconds of Revealed on the initial impact.
  • "Save Yourselves!".png
     "Save Yourselves!": This skill now grants 1.5 seconds of resistance, in addition to the other boons applied.
  • Renewed Focus.png
     Renewed Focus: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 90 seconds to 105 seconds in PvP only.
  • Signet of Mercy.png
     Signet of Mercy: Reduced the casting time of this skill from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Wall of Reflection.png
     Wall of Reflection: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 40 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Hallowed Ground.png
     Hallowed Ground: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 60 seconds to 45 seconds. Reduced the pulse amount from 10 to 8, and replaced the boon-duration increase component with retaliation.
  • Signet of Courage.png
     Signet of Courage: Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 120 seconds to 90 seconds. Reduced the casting time of this ability from 3.25 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  • Signet of Judgment.png
     Signet of Judgment: Passive now also reduces condition damage by 10%. Reduced radius from 600 to 300. Active no longer inflicts weakness and instead applies 2 stacks of burning for 3 seconds.


In this update, we're rolling out new attacks for more phantasm skills and looking at enhancements to power-based shatter builds, which have fallen out of favor recently.

  • Tides of Time.png
     Tides of Time: The casting time of this skill has been increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds.
  • Well of Precognition.png
     Well of Precognition: The casting time of this skill has been reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • Continuum Split.png
     Continuum Split: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 90 seconds to 105 seconds in PvP only.
  • Phantasmal Berserker.png
     Phantasmal Berserker: This skill now fires a boomerang projectile that inflicts 3 stacks of vulnerability for 3 seconds in addition to summoning a phantasm.
  • Phantasmal Swordsman.png
     Phantasmal Swordsman: This skill now performs a sword strike in front of the player when summoning the phantasm. If the sword strike hits, you and all Swordsmen currently summoned gain 8 might for 10 seconds.
  • Phantasmal Warden.png
     Phantasmal Warden: This skill now throws an illusionary axe at the target, which immobilizes for 2 seconds in addition to summoning a phantasm.
  • Phantasmal Rogue.png
     Phantasmal Rogue: This skill now performs an attack that applies 1 stack of confusion and 5 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds in addition to summoning a phantasm.
  • Phantasmal Whaler.png
     Phantasmal Whaler: This skill now fires Siren's Call projectiles at 3 nearby foes in addition to summoning a phantasm.
  • Phantasmal Mariner.png
     Phantasmal Mariner: This skill now performs an Evasive Strike in addition to summoning a phantasm.
  • Mind Wrack.png
     Mind Wrack: Increased damage of 2 illusion shatter by 3% per strike. Increased damage of 3 illusion shatter by 4% per strike.
  • Cry of Frustration.png
     Cry of Frustration: Increased damage by 15%.
  • Mental Anguish.png
     Mental Anguish: Increased bonus damage to 25% base (50% vs. Inactive) in PvE only.
  • Master of Fragmentation.png
     Master of Fragmentation: Critical-hit chance bonus for Mind Wrack raised to 25%.
  • Illusionary Reversion.png
     Illusionary Reversion: Increased required illusions shattered to 3.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment.png
     Bountiful Disillusionment: Increased might stacks to 5. Increased vigor duration to 8. Increased fury duration to 10.


Our biggest focus in this iteration for necromancers was that of Epidemic, in that its impact is too instant in most PvP scenarios, as well as its heavy toll on our servers. Secondarily, we've long felt that the Plague elite was lackluster and was in need of a rework. In addition to a variety of weapon-based quality-of-life changes, we're excited to see how the skill changes fare over time.

  • Plague Sending.png
     Plague Sending: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP only.
  • Chilling Nova.png
     Chilling Nova: The damage of this trait has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.
  • "Rise!".png
     "Rise!": The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 40 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only.
  • Tainted Shackles.png
     Tainted Shackles: This skill will now apply 5 seconds of Revealed to enemies the first time it successfully hits.
  • Infusing Terror.png
     Infusing Terror (Reaper Shroud): This skill no longer pulses stability but instead grants 3 stacks for 6 seconds upon activating it. The active form of this skill now reduces incoming physical and condition damage by 20% for its duration.
  • Chilling Victory.png
     Chilling Victory: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds in PvP only.
  • Plaguelands.png
     Plague (Elite): This skill has been reworked and has been renamed to Plaguelands.
  • Plaguelands.png
     Plaguelands: This skill creates a 240-radius corrupted area at the necromancer's initial location for 10 seconds. After 1 second, it pulses damage and conditions in that area for 9 seconds. Each pulse applies a new condition, and each pulse applies all conditions from every pulse before it. Conditions applied (in order) are}}: bleeding, poison, torment, vulnerability, cripple, weakness, blind, chill, and burning. Recharge is set to 120 seconds.
  • Epidemic.png
     Epidemic: This ability now fires slow-arcing projectiles from its initial target to up to 5 targets in range. Foes hit by the projectiles gain all conditions from the original Epidemic target. Projectile strikes are unblockable but cannot critically hit. Increased radius to 900.
  • Rending Claws.png
     Rending Claws: Applies twice as much vulnerability while your target is below 50% health.
  • Ghastly Claws.png
     Ghastly Claws: This skill now deals 1% more damage per stack of vulnerability on the target.
  • Unholy Feast.png
     Unholy Feast: This skill no longer applies retaliation. It now invokes a secondary AoE strike against foes below 25% health. Fixed skill-fact bugs that showed range instead of radius and did not display the correct number of boons converted.
  • Spiteful Spirit.png
     Spiteful Spirit: Updated this trait to clarify that it is no longer casting Unholy Feast.
  • Life Siphon.png
     Life Siphon: Gains 20% increased healing if cast while you are bleeding. Deals 20% more damage to bleeding foes.
  • Dark Pact.png
     Dark Pact: Increased damage by 20%. Now inflicts 2 stacks of bleeding on you for 10 seconds.


Condition rangers have been pretty potent largely on the strength of torch skills and Quick Draw. We'd like to preserve the tactical play of Quick Draw, so we're nicking bits of burn duration from torch skills at this time. While we're at it, we've taken the opportunity to revisit a few older weapon traits for short bow, axe, and sword to grant them a bit more synergy with the core weapon skill function.

  • Lunar Impact.png
     Lunar Impact: The amount this skill scales with healing power has been reduced by 20% in PvP only.
  • "We Heal As One!".png
     "We Heal as One!": Shared regeneration duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only.
  • Resounding Timbre.png
     Resounding Timbre: Regeneration duration of this trait has been reduced from 10 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only.
  • Eclipse (trait).png
     Ancient Seeds: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP only.
  • "Strength of the Pack!".png
     "Strength of the Pack!": This skill has been reworked and no longer pulses boons on the ranger. When cast, this skill will now apply 10 stacks of stability for 8 seconds, along with 12 seconds of fury and 12 seconds of swiftness.
  • Smoke Assault.png
     Smoke Assault: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 15%.
  • Bonfire.png
     Bonfire: The duration of burning applied by this skill has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  • Throw Torch.png
     Throw Torch: The duration of burning applied by this skill has been reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Evasive Purity.png
     Evasive Purity: This trait now removes one damaging condition and one non-damaging condition.
  • Honed Axes.png
     Honed Axes: This trait now grants a ferocity bonus whether axe is in the main hand or the off hand.
  • Light on your Feet.png
     Light on Your Feet: This trait now enhances flanking/behind aspects for short bow skills.
  • Crippling Shot.png
     Crippling Shot: This trait now immobilizes if you are beside your target, in addition to when you are behind your target.
  • Poison Volley.png
     Poison Volley: This trait now has increased effect if you are beside your target, in addition to when you are behind your target.
  • Survival Instincts.png
     Refined Toxins: Reduced the effective cooldown from 10 seconds to 5 seconds. Reduced the required health threshold from 90% to 75%.
  • Strider's Strength.png
     Strider's Defense: This trait no longer has a chance to destroy projectiles on melee attack. It has gained new functionality: when you evade an attack, gain quickness for 3 seconds.
  • Troll Unguent.png
     Troll Unguent: Reduced total duration of this effect from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. Increased healing per second by 25%. Reduced casting time from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.


Some of the core trait lines of revenant have been lacking in either synergy or uniqueness. In particular, the Mallyx legend and the associated corruption trait line aren't up to snuff. Further exacerbating this, there's a lack of synergy from other trait lines. As a result, we've reworked and tuned up some of the traits in the invocation and corruption lines to offer more to condition-centric revenants. Additionally, we've selected a few places to make small effects on condition-applying skills. Lastly, we're also reworking the Ventari Tablet's energy expulsion to give it a stronger place in large group support.

  • Misery Swipe.png
     Misery Swipe: Torment duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Anguish Swipe.png
     Anguish Swipe: Torment duration has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Manifest Toxin.png
     Manifest Toxin: The number of poison stacks applied has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • Echoing Eruption.png
     Echoing Eruption: This skill is no longer able to multistrike targets. Torment duration has been increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds. Torment stacks applied have been increased from 3 to 5. This skill will no longer automatically track the revenant's target and will instead fire the skill forward.
  • Frigid Blitz.png
     Frigid Blitz: This skill now applies the slow condition for 2 seconds in addition to its other effects. The cooldown of this skill has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Temporal Rift.png
     Temporal Rift: In addition to its current effects, this skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds to enemies that are currently using a skill when struck by it.
  • Energy Expulsion.png
     Energy Expulsion: Reduced cost to 10 energy. This skill now consumes all remaining energy when cast and removes a condition from up to 5 nearby allies for every 10 energy consumed (including the casting cost).
  • Call to Anguish.png
     Call to Anguish: Removed one of the two strikes on initial casting.
  • Ferocious Aggression Ferocious Aggression: This trait now additionally increases condition damage inflicted while under the effects of fury.
  • Incensed Response Incensed Response: This trait now grants might when you gain fury.
  • Fierce Infusion Fierce Infusion: Reduced the effective cooldown from 20 seconds to 10 seconds, and reduced the duration of fury granted from 8 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Invigorating Flow Rapid Flow: Renamed to Rapid Flow. Now grants swiftness in addition to healing when using an energy skill.
  • Venom Enhancement Venom Enhancement: Reduced the effective cooldown from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Opportune Extraction Opportune Extraction: This trait now steals a boon once every 10 seconds per target when you apply torment to a target with at least 4 stacks of torment.
  • Yearning Empowerment Yearning Empowerment: Reduced duration increase from 33% to 20%. Torment damage is now increased by 20%.
  • Frigid Precision Frigid Precision: This trait has been replaced by Abyssal Chill. Abyssal Chill causes you to inflict torment when you chill a foe.
  • Maniacal Persistence Maniacal Persistence: This trait no longer increases your critical-hit chance. It now lashes out torment at nearby enemies when you gain resistance.
  • Diabolic Inferno Diabolic Inferno: Reduced the effective cooldown on this trait from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.


The Daredevil staff functions as a fairly strong AoE weapon, but core thief lacks good ways to deal with large groups, so in this update we're tuning up the short bow to be a stronger ranged AoE weapon. Additionally, we're making a small change to Unload to make it more effective as a damage tool when you can ensure that your target will stand still. Finally, we're also looking at updates to the Deadly Arts line that emphasize poison use to help establish more defined ways to play based on the traits that you select.

  • Palm Strike.png
     Pulmonary Impact: The damage of this effect has been reduced by 15% in PvP only.
  • Channeled Vigor.png
     Channeled Vigor: Endurance per tick has been reduced from 20 to 15 in PvP only.
  • Endurance Thief.png
     Endurance Thief: Endurance gained has been reduced from 50 to 25 in PvP only.
  • Palm Strike.png
     Palm Strike: This skill now applies two instances of Pulmonary Impact on a successful hit.
  • Vault.png
     Vault: The initiative of this skill has been increased from 5 to 6 in PvP only.
  • Bounding Dodger.png
     Bound (PvP Only):The damage of this ability has been reduced by 24% in PvP only.
  • Bola Shot.png
     Bola Shot: This skill has been unsplit and now applies immobilize for 1.5 seconds in all game modes.
  • Unload.png
     Unload: This skill now refunds 2 initiative if all attacks hit.
  • Trick Shot.png
     Trick Shot: Increased number of bounces to 3. Now deals 25% increased damage to poisoned foes.
  • Detonate Cluster.png
     Detonate Cluster: Increased number of bombs to 4.
  • Choking Gas.png
     Choking Gas: Increased damage by 200%. This skill now briefly dazes foes with 5 or more stacks of poison every pulse. The same foe cannot be dazed more than once every second.
  • Potent Poison.png
     Potent Poison: In addition to its previous effect, this trait now increases the number of stacks of poison applied by other Deadly Arts traits.
  • Panic Strike.png
     Panic Strike: In addition to its previous effect, this trait now causes you to apply 1 stack of poison for 4 seconds to foes that you immobilize.
  • Panic Strike.png
     Panic Strike: Immobilize duration has been reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP only.
  • Deadly Ambition.png
     Trapper's Respite: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to display an incorrect poison duration.


For the warrior in this update, we're looking to tone down some overperforming elements and tune up some underperforming ones. Berserker skills such as Arc Divider and Headbutt were providing too much power for their casting time, while Smash Brawler was just providing too much power overall. In terms of effects, we're looking at tuning up axe skills and their synergy with other weapons. The Axe Mastery trait has been changed to be friendlier to builds that don't use axes in both hands, and several axe skills have been tuned up to provide more consistent damage during combat.

  • Shield Bash.png
     Shield Bash: The initial casting time of this skill has been increased, moving the skill from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds total.
  • Arc Divider.png
     Arc Divider: The casting time of this skill has been increased by 0.25 seconds.
  • Skull Grinder.png
     Skull Grinder: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 33%. Bleeding has been reduced from 4 stacks for 8 seconds to 3 stacks for 6 seconds. The blast finisher on this skill has been removed. All changes apply to PvP only.
  • Head Butt.png
     Head Butt: The casting time of this skill has been increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds. Distance traveled has been increased from 300 to 400.
  • Healing Signet.png
     Healing Signet: The passive healing from this skill has been reduced by 10% in PvP only.
  • Endure Pain.png
     Endure Pain: In PvP only, the cooldown of this skill has been decreased from 60 seconds to 30 seconds, and the active up-time has been decreased from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Eviscerate.png
     Eviscerate: Now grants 5 stacks of might for 5 seconds if it hits.
  • Decapitate.png
     Decapitate: Now grants 5 stacks of might for 5 seconds if it hits.
  • Double Chop.png
     Double Chop: Increased damage per strike by 7%.
  • Triple Chop.png
     Triple Chop: Increased damage per strike by 7%.
  • Cyclone Axe.png
     Cyclone Axe: Now grants 2 seconds of fury per hit in addition to its previous effects. Increased vulnerability applied per hit from 2 to 3 stacks. Updated skill fact to show vulnerability applied per hit rather than total vulnerability for both hits.
  • Throw Axe.png
     Throw Axe: Increased damage by 27%.
  • Dual Strike.png
     Dual Strike: No longer gives fury. Now gives quickness for 1.5 seconds per strike that hits.
  • Defy Pain Defy Pain: Active up-time has been decreased from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.
  • Bloody Roar Bloody Roar: Taunt duration has been reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds in PvP only.
  • Smash Brawler Smash Brawler: The cooldown reduction received from this trait has been reduced from 33% to 20%.
  • Eternal Champion Eternal Champion: This trait no longer grants pulsing stability but instead applies 3 stacks for 8 seconds when activating Berserk.
  • Powerful Synergy Powerful Synergy: This trait has been updated to double the effects of all combo finishers.
  • Reckless Dodge Reckless Dodge: Added missing skill fact for unblockable. Increased damage by 20%.
  • Axe Mastery Axe Mastery: Now gives 300 bonus ferocity as long as you have at least one axe equipped.

Структурированное PvP

Мы переделали сигилы, доступные на PvP. Игрокам, у которых был сигил, который теперь недоступен, будут возвращены средства.

При попадании

  • Sigil of Fallibility: Накладывает уязвимость на 10 секунд. (Перезарядка: 2 секунды.)
  • Sigil of Purging: Снимает состояние. (Перезарядка: 10 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Revocation: Снимает благо. (Перезарядка: 10 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Courage: Дает мощь на 10 секунд. (Перезарядка: 2 секунды.)

При переключении оружия

  • Sigil of Agility: Дает 5 секунд быстроты и 2 секунды проворства при переключении на это оружие в бою. (Перезарядка: 18 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Battle: Дает 4 стека мощи на 5 секунд при переключении на это оружие в бою. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Doom: Ваша следующая атака при переключении на это оружие в бою накладывает отравление на 5 секунд. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Energy: Дает 25% выносливости при переключении на это оружие в бою. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Exposure: Ваша следующая атака при переключении на это оружие в бою накладывает 5 стеков уязвимости на 5 секунд. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Stagnation: Накладывает хромоту на ближайших противников при переключении на это оружие в бою на 3 секунды в радиусе 240. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Intelligence: Ваши следующие 3 атаки при переключении на это оружие в бою имеют 100%-й шанс критического удара. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Escape: Снимает с вас влияющие на движение эффекты при переключении на это оружие в бою. (Перезарядка: 18 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Annulment: Ваша следующая атака при переключении на это оружие в бою снимает 2 блага с вашей цели. (Перезарядка: 18 секунд.)
  • Sigil of Cleansing: Снимает 1 состояние при переключении на это оружие в бою. (Перезарядка: 9 секунд.)

При прерывании

  • Sigil of Ruthlessness: Дает 5 стеков мощи на 3 секунды при прерывании противника. (Перезарядка: 3 секунды.)
  • Sigil of Absorption: Крадет благо при прерывании противника. (Перезарядка: 3 секунды.)


  • Sigil of Compounding: Наносит 1% дополнительного урона за состояние на противнике.
  • Sigil of Exploitation: Наносит 5% дополнительного урона целям со здоровьем ниже 50%.
  • Sigil of Opportunity: Наносит 5% дополнительного урона целям с негативным влиянием на движение.
  • Sigil of Enhancement: Наносит 0.5% дополнительного урона за благо на вас.
  • Sigil of Separation: Наносит 5% дополнительного урона целям на расстоянии больше 500.
  • Sigil of Savagery: +30% к длительности оглушения. Наносит на 3% больше урона выведенным из строя противникам.
  • Sigil of Agony: Увеличена длительность накладываемого кровотечения на 25%.
  • Sigil of Smoldering: Увеличена длительность накладываемого горения на 25%.
  • Sigil of Venom: Увеличена длительность накладываемого отравления на 25%.
  • Sigil of Confusion: Увеличена длительность накладываемого замешательства на 25%.
  • Sigil of Misery: Увеличена длительность накладываемой боли на 25%.

Базовые PvP-билды были перенастроены с учетом новых сигилов.

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