Call Wurm

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Duration.png Длительность: 45 сек
Поддержка устаревших версий: пожалуйста, используйте параметр facts вместо variables.

— Внутриигровое описание


11 000 health at level 80. The damage below is to medium armor with no extra toughness at level 80.

  • Wurm Spit - ranged attack, hits for 500-600 damage (single target).
  • Bite - melee attack, hits for 100-200 damage (single target).
  • Rock Shards - burrows, moves to the target, unburrows and deals 100-200 area damage.


  • While the damage and health of the Snow Wurm is similar to other Elite skill summons, note that the Snow Wurm is not very mobile, has a slow attack, and cannot use Wurm Spit constantly (the wurm is occasionally forced to use Bite instead which deals less damage).
  • The wurm can only move by using the Rock Shards ability, which it only uses during combat.