Prime Hologram

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Prime Hologram is the principle boss encounter of the Battle for Lion's Arch living story. It is encountered in The Breachmaker, but can only be accessed by players who have the Prime Light Attunement, which is acquired after all three Assault Knights are defeated. When its health reaches 25%, it splits into three constituent holograms, the Dynamic Hologram, the Static Hologram, and the Synergetic Hologram.




Основная статья: Defeat Scarlet's Prime Hologram before the defenses activate#Walkthrough

Combat abilities

  • Laser Attacks
  • Large Area of Effect
  • Unshakable.png Unshakable - Даёт Противление при становлении мишенью навыков контроля. Эффективность Слепоты — 10%. Время действия Слабости и Уязвимости — 50%.
    • Defiance.png Defiance - Иммунитет к контролирующим эффектам. Навыки контроля снимают единицы Противления.
  • Miscellaneous effect.png Prime Light Construct - Prime Light Construct
  • Prime Light Beam
    • A wide linear attack that reaches from the center of the arena to the edge. The initial damage is extremely high and will down nearly ever player instantly. After landing, the attack remains on the ground as a pulsing AoE that deals heavy damage and Daze fix.png Ошеломлениеs players who enter it. As the fight continues, multiple beams will be laid down at once.
  • Prime Blast
    • A large AoE stomp at the center of the arena. It deals heavy damage and will down most players immediately, in addition to Launch.png Отбрасываниеing
Even if the scorch marks left behind by the Prime Light Beam disappeared, it will still hit players.