Royal Ascalonian Dagger

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Royal Ascalonian Dagger is available with three different prefixes - soldier's, magi's, and rampager's. Its appearance changes depending on the time of day. During the night, it gains a ghostly blue glow and a blue smoke particle effect. It also takes on this appearance when entering underground areas.

All variants come slotted with a Major Sigil of Ghost Slaying.png Major Sigil of Ghost Slaying.

Prefix Stats Link
+120 Power.png Сила
+85 Toughness.png Прочность
+85 Vitality.png Живучесть
+120 Healing Power.png Сила исцеления
+85 Precision.png Точность
+85 Vitality.png Живучесть
+120 Precision.png Точность
+85 Power.png Сила
+85 Condition Damage.png Урон от состояний


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Contained in

Этот предмет не содержит ни один контейнер.
