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Whisper in the Dark

Материал из Guild Wars 2 wiki
Версия от 09:18, 24 декабря 2019; Blood (обсуждение | вклад)
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Disambig icon.png Эта страница The Icebrood Saga episode. Для the level 30 personal story instance, смотрите Whispers in the Dark.

An urgent message from Almorra Soulkeeper summons you deeper into the Far Shiverpeaks, where you and your allies must stand together against the storm. But the howling wind can make any light flicker, and the cold eats at every heart. In this desolation, the voice that rings truest is the one inside you.

— Официальный сайт

Whisper in the Dark is a Living World release that launched on November 19, 2019.[1] It is the first episode in The Icebrood Saga.


The Icebrood Saga

Whisper in the Dark

New Achievements

New Zone

New Materials

New Mastery

New Rewards

Skins and equipment




Guild Hall Decorations

Reward Tracks (sPvP and WvW)

Content Updates

Strike Missions

Gem Store


Concept art



External links
