
Материал из Guild Wars 2 wiki
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{{ lookup | property | something }}

Lookup a property of something


Required, Positional, Usually static.
Names the property being looked up. Accepted values are:
  • prof abbr – Profession's abbreviation
  • prof noun – Profession's long name
  • PR abbr – Abbreviation for the playable race
  • PR adj – The playable race's adjective form, with proper capitalization
  • PR link – Link to the playable race's page in this wiki
  • PR noun – The playable race's name, with proper capitalization
  • PR ref – The playable race's official web site page reference
  • namespace id
  • topic namespace
  • discussion namespace
Required, Positional, Variable.
The thing whose property is being looked up.
prof (profession) things:
e, elementalist, w, warrior
pr (playable race) things:
a, asura, c, charr, h, human, n, norn, s, sylvari


{{ lookup | prof abbr | e }}, {{ lookup | prof noun | e }}

e, elementalist

{{ lookup | prof abbr | w }}, {{ lookup | prof noun | w }}

w, warrior

{{ lookup | PR abbr | a }}, {{ lookup | PR adj | a }}, {{ lookup | PR link | a }}, <!--
-->{{ lookup | PR noun | a }}{{ lookup | PR ref | a }}

a, asuran, asura, asura[1]

{{ lookup | PR abbr | c }}, {{ lookup | PR adj | c }}, {{ lookup | PR link | c }}, <!--
-->{{ lookup | PR noun | c }}{{ lookup | PR ref | c }}

c, charr, charr, charr[2]

{{ lookup | PR abbr | h }}, {{ lookup | PR adj | h }}, {{ lookup | PR link | h }}, <!--
-->{{ lookup | PR noun | h }}{{ lookup | PR ref | h }}

h, human, human, human[3]

{{ lookup | PR abbr | n {{ lookup | PR adj | n }}, {{ lookup | PR link | n }}, }}, <!--
-->{{ lookup | PR noun | n }}{{ lookup | PR ref | n }}

n, norn, norn, norn[4]

{{ lookup | PR abbr | s }}, {{ lookup | PR adj | s }}, {{ lookup | PR link | s }}, <!--
-->{{ lookup | PR noun | s }}{{ lookup | PR ref | s }}

s, sylvari, sylvari, sylvari[5]

{{ lookup | namespace id | {{NAMESPACE}}: }}, {{ lookup | topic namespace | {{NAMESPACE}}: }}, <!--
-->{{ lookup | discussion namespace | {{NAMESPACE}}: }}

? namespace id of Шаблон: ?, ? topic namespace of Шаблон: ?, ? discussion namespace of Шаблон: ?

{{ lookup | undefined property | something }}
? undefined property of something ?
