Kasmeer Meade/dialogue

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Dialogue for Kasmeer Meade from previous Living World releases can be found here.


Во время Secret of Southsun[править]

Боюсь, Southsun Cove не такое тихое место для отдыха, как я надеялась.
Talk more option tango.png
Вы имеете в виду беспорядки среди поселенцев, или нападения животных?
Я должна признаться. Я не в полной мере владею ситуацией. Я прибыла в Southsun, в основном, для отдыха. Я слышала, что появились новые опасности, но инспектору Киель они, кажется, вполне по силам.
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Что тогда мешает вам расслабляться, то?
То же, что "Вы не наслаждаетесь курортом?"
Talk end option tango.png
Будем надеяться, что так и будет.
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Вы не наслаждаетесь курортом?
Я, кажется, привезла дополнительный багаж с собой из Divinity's Reach, и это... скажем так, немного меня отягощает.
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Да, но вы не беспокоитесь о беспорядках среди поселенцев, или о нападениях животных?
То же, что "Вы имеете в виду беспорядки среди поселенцев или нападения животных?"
Talk end option tango.png
Я вижу, что вы понимаете.
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Я надеюсь, вам удастся найти тишину и покой здесь.
Lord Faren: Это вы, Кас? Мой дорогой, дорогой друг, я не видел вас несколько лет. Какое совпадение, что мы оба оказались здесь!
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Вы были на том же корабле, что и я, Faren. Я видела, как вы пытались спрятаться.
Lord Faren: Не от вас, дорогая леди. Боже упаси! Нет, я всего лишь... пытался выглядеть поскромнее.
Lord Faren: Мои подвиги вызвали чрезмерно бурную реакцию в Divinity's Reach. Я почувствовал что мне срочно пора в отпуск.
Lord Faren: Поэтому я путешествую инкогнито, чтобы насладиться временным расставанием со своим социальным окружением.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Какая изумительная идея. Настолько, что я даже попробую в это поверить.
Lord Faren: Я никогда не "бежал в Southsun Cove." Я... торопился подтвердить мое бронирование на предстоящем фестивале.
Lord Faren: Но как же вы? Что привело вас на этот остров развлечений?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Работа и развлечения. Я ищу факты для Jory, и я слышала, что это единственный в своем роде курорт.
Lord Faren: Так и есть. Единственный, с опасно веселой репутацией... ну, с опасной репутацией, по любому.
Lord Faren: По правде говоря, я как раз рассчитывал, что это отпугнет других визитеров из DR.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Не волнуйтесь. Я никому не скажу, что вы здесь. Ведь если я сделаю это, вы перестанете всецело принадлежать мне.
Lord Faren: Так вы и Jory больше не работаете телохранителями? Это плохо. Моему телу определенно может потребоваться некоторая охрана.
Lord Faren: Я обучался единоборствам, конечно, но в последнее время я все чаще сталкиваюсь с неожиданностями.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Верно, вы были лучшим учеником мастера меча Бонго. Ваши родители доплачивали за титул.
Lord Faren: Ну, я не люблю хвастаться но... погодите, что!?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Извините, я имела в виду “обучение.” Они доплачивали за специальную подготовку, которая обеспечило вам такой внушительный успех.
Lord Faren: Я был бы отличным пиратом. "Капритан Фарен, бич открытого моря." И таверн высокого класса.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Я так и вижу вас с тесаком и в шляпе корсара, прожигающего день за днем.
Lord Faren: Мне нравится, как это звучит! То есть, "Рули вправо! Рули влево! На брудершафт!" и так далее...
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Я рекомендую вам назвать себя Фареном безъязыким и молчать, пока вы не освоите жаргон.
Lord Faren: Я построил нам дом своими собственными руками. Знаете, вы не единственный аристократ, который работает.
Lord Faren: Теперь мы можем остаться здесь навсегда! И не нужно платить аренду.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Он милый, но вы уверены, что он закончен?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Это больше похоже на фундамент. На фундамент для лачуги, в которой все продумано для снижения стоимости недвижимости.
Lord Faren: Я законодатель моды, моя дорогая. Скоро все наши друзья заведут себе такие же пляжные домики.
Lord Faren: Почему нет? Вы здесь, я здесь, волны романтически накатывают на берег...
Lord Faren: Это будет так, как мы еще никогда не целовались.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Нам было восемь.
Lord Faren: И я носил факел для вас с того дня. Разумеется, это доказательство того, что моя любовь, это не просто мимолетное увлечение школяра.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Да, но... Это не попытка сменить тему, но я думаю вам пора делать эпиляцию. У вас щетина пробивается.
Lord Faren: Вы слышали сплетни? Совет капитанов просто разрывается перед предстоящим фестивалем.
Lord Faren: Половина хочет уважить традиции и получить традиционную прибыль.
Lord Faren: Остальные считают, что это дурной тон, отмечать фестиваль драконов, посреди войны с драконами.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Я понимаю, что это деликатная тема, но разве это не обычно для совета, вцепляться друг другу в глотки?
Lord Faren: Только тогда, когда не пытаются воткнуть нож друг другу в спину.

Во время Last Stand at Southsun[править]

Один из сувениров, который я возьму домой - новоприобретенное уважение к инспектору Киэль. Ее поведение, в связи с недавними неприятностями на Southsun Cove, было образцовым.
Talk more option tango.png
Где ваш дом?
Я гордый гражданин Divinity's Reach, хотя, безусловно, это гордость подверглась испытаниям в последнее время.
Talk more option tango.png
Как так?
Моя работа иногда сталкивает меня с явно сомнительными личностями. Кроме того, мой социальный круг неприемлемо презирает... тех, кому повезло куда меньше, чем им самим.
Talk more option tango.png
Звучит так, словно у вас не слишком много причин вернуться.
Я создала у вас такое впечатление? Я должна извиниться. На самом деле, я с нетерпением жду возвращения к работе. Я могу жаловаться, но я люблю свою работу. Мой партнер по бизнесу и я - отличная команда.
Talk end option tango.png
В таком случае, удачи вам обоим.
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Я надеюсь, что ваше состояние улучшится.
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Жаль слышать это.
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Безопасного возвращения вам.
Начиная с 4 июня (заменяет все предыдущие разговоры)
Lord Faren: Такая прекрасная сцена - ты, я... и паническое бегство karka, визг и плевки их едкой слизи.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Действительно. Мне, вероятно, следует прикрыться. Я скоро возвращаюсь в Lion's Arch, и мне нужно время, чтобы упаковать вещи.
Lord Faren: Могу я надеяться, что в вашем багаже найдется место для лорда в бегах?
Lord Faren: Если вы повесите меня после того, как распакуете, клянусь, я не поморщусь. (Игра слов, вероятно. "If you hang me up after you unpack me, I swear I won't wrinkle." To hang up - вешать (одежду в шкаф) и вешать (в исполнение приговора). Wrinkle - идти складками (об одежде) или морщиться (о человеке))

Во время Dragon Bash[править]

В The Dead End во время Hard Boiled
Основная статья: Hard Boiled
Во время разговора с Kasmeer после No More Secrets
Она не будет говорить, но я это сделаю. Вы действительно впечатлили Marjory. Она говорила целую минуту... об этом.
Talk more option tango.png
Целую минуту?
Не кажется, что это много, но это так и есть. Marjory не самый разговорчивый собеседник, когда дело доходит до похвалы. Вы должны принять то, что вы можете получить.
Talk end option tango.png
Я знаю. Спасибо.
Talk end option tango.png
Приятно слышать.

Во время Sky Pirates of Tyria[править]

Этот фестиваль напоминает мне о том, как я была маленькой и мой отец водил меня на карнавал в Divinity's Reach.
Talk more option tango.png
Ваш отец все еще живет в Divinity's Reach?
Нет. Он... Он ушел. Моя мать умерла, когда я была совсем ребенком, а мой отец... Его не стало в начале этого года.
Talk more option tango.png
Вы, должно быть, скучаете по нему.
Я скучаю по человеку, который держал меня за руку на карнавале, да. Но давайте не будем об этом. Сегодня слишком хороший день!
Talk more option tango.png
Вы работаете на Marjory Delaqua, не так ли?
Я работаю с ней, да. Я присоединилась к расследованию Delaqua несколько месяцев назад. Мне нужно некоторое волнение для разгона скуки, вы понимаете?
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Я полностью понимаю.
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Я сожалею о вашей потере.
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Я сожалею о вашей потере.
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Желаю приятно провести время.

After Sky Pirates of Tyria[править]

"I don't suppose you know anyone who needs a private investigator and her charming assistant, do you?"
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I wish I could help.

During Blood and Madness[править]

"It's so lovely here. I wish I'd brought my bikini. This would be a delightful beach, if it weren't for those…inhospitable krait."
Talk more option tango.png
What are you doing here?
"Me? I'm looking into this shimmer in the midst of the lake. It's undoubtedly an illusion. I'm working up a spell to bring it down."
Talk more option tango.png
Why would krait need an illusion?
"It sounds like it's cloaking krait construction, but we won't know for sure until we can drop their veil. They're not responding well to our interference."
Talk end option tango.png
Good luck.

During Tower of Nightmares[править]

Kessex Hills
"Oh, hello again. You and I seem attracted to trouble, don't we? I like that about us."
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Nice work exposing that tower.
"I never could resist peeking under the wrapping to spoil a surprise. And that tower's a huge surprise. No one expected the krait and Nightmare Court would work together like this."
Talk more option tango.png
Why are you and Marjory still here?
"Jory's researching an elixir to counteract the toxins coming from that nightmare of a tower. I'm sure she'd welcome your help. She brought her Mendel weapons, so I know she's worried."
Talk more option tango.png
Her Mendel weapons?
"It's a long story, but back when Marjory was a Ministry Guard, she saw a boy get killed. His ghost spoke to her and asked her to take his weapons into her custody. They held some significance for him."
Talk more option tango.png
What significance?
"I don't know. But now, they hold significance for her. They're sharp as dragon's teeth. When she brings them, I know she thinks we may have to fight."
Talk end option tango.png
Good to know.
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Got it. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
Here's hoping.
During The Nightmare Unveiled
Основная статья: The Nightmare Unveiled#Dialogue

During The Nightmares Within[править]

During Nightmare Chamber
Основная статья: Nightmare Chamber/Dialogue
During The Nightmare Incarnate
Основная статья: The Nightmare Incarnate#Dialogue

During A Very Merry Wintersday[править]

At Thunder Ridge Camp
Hello. Are you looking for anyone or anything in particular?
Talk more option tango.png
Just checking the camp.
We're trying to organize a relief effort here. We've already sent workers out to chop down these giant roots. We'd burn them, but we're afraid to release more toxins into the air.
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I need to learn more about Scarlet.
Good idea. We need to pool our resources. I heard Scarlet has delusions of grandeur. She thinks she understands the way the world works, the way magic works. No one can know that. Can they?
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She's evil, so I hope it's not true.
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I agree.
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No, thanks.
At Thunder Ridge Camp (second interaction)
I'm pleased that the tower didn't get you. You know what? You should come celebrate Wintersday with us in Divinity's Reach. We'll be here for a while, but I could let you know when we return.
Talk more option tango.png
How do you celebrate?
We don't do anything fance. We just relax at the Dead End bar. Good food, good drinks, and good company. You can't beat it. And, you're more than welcome to join us.
Talk more option tango.png
I'd like to talk with you and Marjory about Scarlet.
Good idea. We need to pool our resources. I heard Scarlet has delusions of grandeur. She thinks she understands the way the world works, the way magic works. No one can know that. Can they?
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She's evil, so I hope it's not true.
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Perhaps I will.
Talk end option tango.png
No, thanks.
In The Dead End (during A Very Merry Wintersday)
Why hasn't anyone captured Scarlet yet? She's a sylvari. She can't be that smart. Can she? Oh, sorry. Happy Wintersday, by the way.
(If sylvari)
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I beg your pardon!
Oh, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that...you're all so young. And sweet. And...
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You've led a sheltered life, haven't you?
I suppose. Though I helped fight the Toxic Alliance in Kessex Hills. Say, I heard Scarlet had a vision of the entire universe--whatever that means. An asura had a device he put her in."
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I'm not surprised. The asura were the first to experiment on our first generations.
Really? Oh, how awful. I'm so sorry to hear that. I suppose it's not surprising. The asura can be quite...clinical. Perhaps they accidentally broke her?
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I think that's likely.
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Good to know.
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Good to know.
(If not sylvari)
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And to you. We know very little about sylvari.
I guess I thought they were all goofy, childlike beings. I mean, their race is only twenty-five years old, right?
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And they're plants.
They say she had a vision, a vision of the entire universe--whatever that means. An asura was experimenting on her--or training her, I can't remember which--and put her in some device.
(If asura)
Talk end option tango.png
Asuran devices can work extreme magic.
(If not asura)
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Trusted an asuran prototype? Then she can't be all that bright.
Talk end option tango.png
Good to know.
Talk end option tango.png
Happy Wintersday.

During The Origins of Madness[править]

At Marionette's Landing, before Twisted Marionette Weapon Test starts
At Marionette's Landing, during Twisted Marionette Weapon Test
Основная статья: Hold the line!#Dialogue
During The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace
Основная статья: The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace#Dialogues

During The Edge of the Mists[править]

During An Advanced Warning
Основная статья: The Dead End: Advanced Warning#Dialogues
During A Study in Scarlet
Основная статья: The Dead End: A Study in Scarlet#Dialogues

During Battle for Lion's Arch[править]

During the fight against Scarlet's Prime Hologram.
Will this never end? I hear the screams of the dead and dying. They're ringing in my ears.
Talk more option tango.png
We're getting closer to Scarlet herself.
Are we? I feel like I'm in one of those dreams where you run and run but you get no closer. She's cloaked in illusion. I sense it.
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Don't give up now. We'll do this together.
Talk end option tango.png
Not now.
During Scarlet's End
Основная статья: Scarlet's End#Dialogue
After completing Scarlet's End
Jory is going to be the death of me.
Talk more option tango.png
What do you mean?
She nearly died in there. I'm going to have nightmares about her lying so still for the rest of my days. But now, she insists on continuing to fight.
Talk more option tango.png
How is she?
She's in a lot of pain. It's her ribs. They're bruised at best, maybe broken. It's sheer determination keeping her on her feet.
Talk more option tango.png
Are you okay?
Worried and tired, but fine. When you love someone like Jory, you have to accept moments like this. It's who she is.
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She isn't going to die when she has someone like you to live for.
Thanks. That means a lot coming from you. We made a pretty good team in there, didn't we? I know I didn't do much, but I'm glad I had a chance to fight by your side.
Talk end option tango.png
You did great, Kasmeer. Stay safe. We'll all celebrate when this is over.
Talk end option tango.png
Hang in there.


During Secret of Southsun[править]

Lord Faren: Is that you, Kas? My dear, dear friend, I haven't seen you in ages. What a coincidence, us both being here!
Lady Kasmeer Meade: You were on the same ship I was, Faren. I saw you trying to hide.
Lord Faren: Not from you, dear lady. Perish the thought. No, I was merely...assuming a low profile.
Lord Faren: My exploits drew some unduly harsh reaction back in ol' DR. I felt it was time for a sabbatical.
Lord Faren: So I am traveling incognito to enjoy a temporary separation from my established social circle.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: What a marvelous idea. I was attempting that very thing.
Lord Faren: I never "fled to Southsun Cove." I...came to secure my reservations for the upcoming festival.
Lord Faren: But what about you? What brings you to this fair island?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Business and pleasure. I'm fact-finding for Jory, and I heard this was a one-of-a-kind resort.
Lord Faren: It is that. One with a reputation for dangerous fun...well, danger, anyway.
Lord Faren: Truth be told, I was rather counting on that to discourage any other visitors from DR.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're here. If I did, I wouldn't have you all to myself.
Lord Faren: So you and Jory don't do bodyguard work. Too bad. My body could definitely use some guarding.
Lord Faren: I was trained in single combat, of course, but I'm currently facing a much less fortuitous ratio.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Right, you were Swordmaster Bongo's prize student. Your parents paid extra for the title.
Lord Faren: Well I don't like to brag...wait, what?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Sorry, I meant “training.” They paid extra for the special training that made you so formidable.
Lord Faren: I'd be an excellent pirate. "Captain Faren, Scourge of the High Seas." And of the high-end taverns.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: I can definitely see you with a cutlass and a corsair's hat, swashbuckling the day away.
Lord Faren: I like the sound of that! That is to say, "Har! Yar! Avast!" and so forth.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: I suggest calling yourself Faren the Tongueless and remaining silent until you've mastered the lingo.
Lord Faren: I've built us a house with my own two hands. You're not the only noble who works, you know.
Lord Faren: Now we can stay here together forever, rent-free!
Lady Kasmeer Meade: That's sweet, but are you sure it's finished?
Lady Kasmeer Meade: It looks more like a foundation. For a hovel that's designed to lower property values.
Lord Faren: I'm a trend-setter, my dear. Soon all our friends will have beach homes like this one.
Lord Faren: Why not? You're here, I'm here, the waves are crashing romantically upon the shore.
Lord Faren: It's not like we've never kissed before.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: We were eight.
Lord Faren: And I've carried a torch for you ever since. Surely proof that my love is no mere schoolboy's trifle.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Yes, well...not to change the subject, but I think you need to wax again. Your stubble is showing.
Lord Faren: Have you heard the scuttlebutt? The Captain's Council is simple riven over the upcoming festival.
Lord Faren: Half want to honor tradition and make the traditional profit.
Lord Faren: The rest think it's bad form to have a dragon festival in the middle of a dragon war.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: I understand it's a delicate subject, but isn't the council always at each other's throats?
Lord Faren: Only when they're not trying to stick knives in each other's backs.

During Last Stand at Southsun[править]

Lord Faren: Such a lovely scene–you, me...and the stampeding karka, screeching and spitting their caustic goo.
Lady Kasmeer Meade: Indeed. We should probably take shelter. I'm heading back to Lion's Arch soon, and I need to pack.
Lord Faren: I don't suppose there's room in your luggage for a lord on the lam?
Lord Faren: If you hang me up after you unpack me, I swear I won't wrinkle.

During Blood and Madness[править]

Kasmeer Meade: I think I'm perspiring.
Marjory Delaqua: Now I've seen everything.

During Tower of Nightmares[править]

Marjory Delaqua: I've been thinking about Scarlet.
Kasmeer Meade: She can't have you.
Marjory Delaqua: She's behind all these crazy alliances. I'd rest my reputation on...wait. What did you say?
Kasmeer Meade: (laugh) I think you're right. She has all the landmarks of a blooming psycho hag.
Kasmeer Meade: Do you think they've caught Scarlet yet?
Marjory Delaqua: Doubt it. She's slicker than an ooze in oil.
Kasmeer Meade: I still can't believe she got so deep past the Seraph and the Shining Blade.
Marjory Delaqua: Case in point.
Marjory Delaqua: Krait bait.
Kasmeer Meade: I beg your pardon?
Marjory Delaqua: Oh, nothing. I was just imagining you going into that tower.
Kasmeer Meade: Marjory?
Marjory Delaqua: Yes?
Kasmeer Meade: If we don't make it out...
Marjory Delaqua: We will. Promise.
Marjory Delaqua: You did your bit, Kas. Go on back to Divinity's Reach where it's safer.
Kasmeer Meade: You're sweet, but I couldn't leave you here alone.
Marjory Delaqua: I'll be fine, cupcake. Go on now.
Kasmeer Meade: Mmm, I don't think so. I would, but to be honest I'm itching to see what's in that tower. I think I'll stay.
Marjory Delaqua: Hm. If you insist.
Kasmeer Meade: The moment they break into the tower, we should head down there.
Marjory Delaqua: What's your hurry? Let them clear it out a bit first.
Kasmeer Meade: This whole place has mesmer magic woven through it. I don't want to miss a single thing.
Marjory Delaqua: I see. Curiousity killed the cat, you know?
Kasmeer Meade: Meeeow!

During A Very Merry Wintersday (in The Dead End)[править]

Kasmeer Meade: I can't believe she just sauntered into Divinity's Reach like that.
Kasmeer Meade: Our poor queen. She must be beside herself. Our city, violated.
Kasmeer Meade: This is our home. Are we not safe even here?
Marjory Delaqua: Kas. Darlin', why don't you sit down. You're making my head spin.
Kasmeer Meade: Sit? Are you kidding? How can I sit? We have to do something.
Marjory Delaqua: What do you suggest we do?
Kasmeer Meade: Find Scarlet. Someone in this city knows something. We should talk to people. I'll know if they're lying.
Marjory Delaqua: Hm. You better be careful. People will start thinking that pretty head of yours isn't just for decoration.
Marjory Delaqua: How long you in town for?
Rox: Not much longer.
Braham Eirsson: She's on leave, so we're exploring the city. But, she has to get back soon. She's trying out for Rytlock Brimstone's warband.
Rox: Braham!
Braham Eirsson: What?
Kasmeer Meade: THE Rytlock Brimstone? That's amazing. So, you've met him? What's he like?
Rox: He's the kind of warrior who'd kill you for talking about his personal business.
Kasmeer Meade: Oh. Forget I asked.
Marjory Delaqua: Our mystery man has been in touch.
Kasmeer Meade: You mean E? What'd he want?
Marjory Delaqua: To warn us, it seems. He says there's a war coming to our doorsteps, a war for all of Tyria.
Kasmeer Meade: I don't suppose he could be any more mysterious, could he?
Marjory Delaqua: I agree. I don't think he was trying hard enough.

During Escape from Lion's Arch[править]

At Bouldermouth Vale
Kasmeer Meade: I don't think we're going to win this battle.
Marjory Delaqua: I know what you mean. For every one we save, three more die. You can stay here, if you'd like.
Kasmeer Meade: Not if you're going back in. We're a team.
Marjory Delaqua: Even if we only save one more, it's worth it.
Kasmeer Meade: Agreed.
Kasmeer Meade: So, this is what it's like to have a mission. To be an adventurer. Danger, risk.
Marjory Delaqua: You don't have to do this, sweetheart.
Kasmeer Meade: I know I don't. But, being with you has made me want to be a better person.
Kasmeer Meade: And this is what better people do.
Marjory Delaqua: You're already night perfect in my eyes.
Kasmeer Meade: Careful there, Miss Delaqua. You're going to make me blush.
Marjory Delaqua: You're cold.
Kasmeer Meade: F-f-freezing.
Marjory Delaqua: Too bad you can't mesmer up a fur cloak to keep you warm
Kasmeer Meade: (laugh) I don't need one. I have you. Come on over here.
Marjory Delaqua: With Pleasure.
Kasmeer Meade: I wonder how Rox and Braham are doing.
Marjory Delaqua: Knowing them, they're probably happy as clams, tearing into Aetherblades or toxic krait.
Kasmeer Meade: I'm really glad we've all met. I have a good feeling about our little guild.
Marjory Delaqua: It was serendipity, perhaps. Or the gods may still be watching over us after all.
Kasmeer Meade: I choose to believe they are. Praise the Six.
Kasmeer Meade: What was it like for you? In the Ministry Guard
Marjory Delaqua: It was a job like any other job. Except I got to eat, sleep, and breathe it.
Kasmeer Meade: When did you join?
Marjory Delaqua: As soon as I was able. My father...isn't nice like yours was. Nor is my family wealthy.
Kasmeer Meade: I'm sorry.
Marjory Delaqua: Not your fault. It is what it is.
Kasmeer Meade: Do you see your family?
Marjory Delaqua: My mother, yes. And my sisters. Not my father. Not if I can avoid it.
Kasmeer Meade: So, when did you join the Durmand Priory?
Marjory Delaqua: Shortly after I quit the guard. I knew I'd need to be able to tap a good source of information to be a detective.
Kasmeer Meade: I'm surprised you didn't choose the Order of Whispers.
Marjory Delaqua: Those rats? Nah. They're too secretive, even among themselves.
Kasmeer Meade: Besides, dressed as you are, I bet you stand out more at the Priory than among Whispers.
Marjory Delaqua: (laugh) Exactly. Presentation is everything.
Marjory Delaqua: Looks like the miasma's clearing out. You sure you wouldn't rather stay here?
Kasmeer Meade: Not on your life. Where you go, I go.
Marjory Delaqua: Kas—
Kasmeer Meade: C'mon! Let's go save some people.
At Postern Ward
Kasmeer Meade: I'll watch your back. (When approaching Kasmeer)
Kasmeer Meade: I'm so glad you're here. (When approaching Kasmeer)
Kasmeer Meade: Oh no you don't! (When fighting)
Kasmeer Meade: Kas-ham! (Randomly killing a foe)
Marjory Delaqua: Kasmeer, stay close. Do you smell that? It's the Toxic Alliance. They've left their mark all over this place.
Kasmeer Meade: I don't like the looks of this. Scarlet's taking over the entire city.
Marjory Delaqua: Taking it over or destroying it. I'm not sure which.
Kasmeer Meade: All these poor Lion's Archlings. Tossed from their homes.
Marjory Delaqua: Archlings?
Kasmeer Meade: (Laugh) Yes. I didn't like Lion's Archers. C'mon. Let's clear some of these glowy things out of here.

During Battle for Lion's Arch[править]

Kasmeer Meade: Tell me about your family. What are your mother and sisters like?
Marjory Delaqua: Not much to tell. My mother sews dresses for a living. Two of my sisters are married, and the other is a Seraph.
Kasmeer Meade: Do you think I could meet them someday?
Marjory Delaqua: I don't know, Kas. Maybe.
Kasmeer Meade: But...
Marjory Delaqua: Let's talk about it later, when the world isn't crashing down around our heads.
Kasmeer Meade: So many dead. Have you ever seen anything so terrible?
Marjory Delaqua: No. Never. Destruction on this scale will make the history books.
Kasmeer Meade: The legacy of a lunatic.
Marjory delaqua: Calling her crazy diffuses the blame. This isn't madness; this is evil. Straight black. Blacker than a moonless night.
Kasmeer Meade: Get those survivors clear! This area isn't safe. Move them to the order camps outside the gate!
Kasmeer Meade: Go on. Go with... the Lionguard. Why are you staring at me, Jory?
Marjory Delaqua: I'm just admiring you.
Kasmeer Meade: Is this really the time?
Marjory Delaqua: Not like that. I'm admiring how strong you've become since you showed up, looking for work. You're amazing.
Kasmeer Meade: You're a good influence.
Marjory Delaqua: (chuckle) You aren't nearly as commanding when you blush.
Kasmeer Meade: After this is over, I think we should take a vacation. Somewhere warm, where nothing wants to kill us.
Marjory Delaqua: I'd say we've earned it. Where do you want to go? The Grove? Rata Sum? Back to Southsun?
Kasmeer Meade: Not Southsun! I said somewhere things don't want to kill us. I still have nightmares about karka.
When Assault Knight appear
Kasmeer Meade: This city has friends, you dummies! You can't have it.
When Assault Knight event is won
Kasmeer Meade: Another failure for Scarlet. Oopsie.
When Assault Knight or Prime Hologram events fail
Marjory Delaqua: This isn't working! Run, Kas! Run!
Kasmeer Meade: Oh dear. Running! Running...