Self-Style Hair Kit

Материал из Guild Wars 2 wiki
Версия от 11:47, 8 августа 2013; Snowbirdie (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Item infobox | description = A single character may modify their appearance settings for hair style, hair color, horns, and facial hair. The kit is consumed on acc...»)
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A single character may modify their appearance settings for hair style, hair color, horns, and facial hair. The kit is consumed on accepting a new appearance.

— Внутриигровое описание



Hair colors unique to the Self-Style Hair Kit.


  • Although not directly mentioned, asura and sylvari characters are able to modify their ears (equivalent of horns for charr and facial hair for male humans and norn).
  • This item was added to the Gem Store on November 27, 2012.

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