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Ash Legion

A Spy for a Spy

1325 AE
Storyline missing
Getting the Band Back Together
Facula Castrum
(Равнины Эшфорда)
Black Citadel
Charr tango icon 20px.png Чарр
Ash Legion
The Tribune's Call
Spilled Blood
Iron Grip of the Legion

A Spy for a Spy (шпион для шпиона) - это глава личной истории персонажей чарр, которые выбрали Пепельный легион и завершили главу the Tribune's Call.


'Раскройте план Пламенного Легиона.'

  • Проникните в лагерь Пламенного Легиона.
  • Ответьте на вопрос самозванца из Кровавого Легиона.
  • Ответьте на вопрос самозванца из Железного Легиона.
  • Доложите центуриону Пламенного Легиона.
  • Отпустите пленника Кровавого Легиона.
  • Убейте тюремщиков из Пламенного Легиона.

'Встретьтесь с Tribune Torga Desertgrave в Junker's Scrapyard.'


Click here to edit the reward data

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Обнаружив, что Пламенный легион (Flame Legion) проник в Черную Цитадель, Трибун Desertgrave приказал вам проникнуть в их ряды. Вы входите в лагерь в одиночку, так как ваш партнер не имеет маскировки. К сожалению, вы пропустили инструктаж Пламенного Легиона, так что вам нужно получить информацию от самозванцев из Железного и Кровавого легионов:

  • Самозванец Железного Легиона спросит вас кто лидер Железного Легиона, вы должны ответить Bhuer Goreblade (если ответите Desertgrave или Brimstone, то вам дадут второй шанс). Он раскроет вам план по убийству видного лидера Кровавого легиона, солдатом Пламенного Легиона, переодетым как солдат Железного.
  • Лидер-самозванец Кровавого Легиона будет испытать вас в духе Кровавого Легиона: в бою. После того, как вы победите его, он скажет вам, что они собираются уничтожить одно из осадных орудий Кровавого Легиона, переодевшись в солдат Железного Легиона.

Далее поговорите с лидером отряда Пламенного легиона (Flame Legion), который отправит войска на битву. Поговорите и освободите заключенного, получив ключ у тюремщика. Здесь вы потеряете маскировку. Раскрыв ваш обман, Пламенный Легион атакует вас, убейте их всех, чтобы завершить этот инстанс.

Зная, что действия Пламенного Легиона направлены на то, чтобы поссорить Железный и Кровавый легионы, вы можете теперь вернуться к Tribune Torga Desertgrave, чтобы выбрать следующую миссию.

От выбора легиона, которому вы решили помочь, Кровавому или Железному, будет зависеть следующий этап. Выбор Кровавого легиона приведет вас к главе Spilled Blood, а выбор Железного, к главе Iron Grip of the Legion.





Facula Castrum[править]

Ваш спутник говорит вам, когда вы входите в инстанс:

Clawspur: Я останусь вне поля зрения, а ты получи информацию, удачи.
Dinky: Я не могу поверить, что они не смогли достать маскировку для меня. Я спрячусь здесь. Удачи.
Euryale: Чертовы приказы. Ты столкнешься со всеми опасностями, а мне надо прятаться как детенышу. Грр… Я буду здесь.
Maverick: Мне приказали скрываться, но свисни два раза и я готов убивать. Хорошо, приятель? Э, босс!
Reeva: Мне хотелось бы пойти с тобой, но… будь осторожен там. Не умри.

Разговор со спутником до проникновения в лагерь:

Clawspur: Мне не хочется отправлять тебя в одиночку. И оставаться здесь в одиночку тоже. Слишком много одиночества на мой вкус.
Talk end option tango.png
Я постараюсь делать как можно меньше действий по дороге. Будь настороже. Я скоро вернусь.
Dinky: Ах, ирония. Сперва призраки убивают наш отряд, а теперь вы собираетесь превратить этих чарр в призраков. Это ирония, верно?
Talk end option tango.png
Может не в призраков, но, безусловно, я собираюсь превратить их в мертвых. Жди здесь.
Euryale: Ты собираешься идти туда в одиночку? Что они хотят от нас, ведь мы из одного отряда? Конечно хорошо, что в конечном итоге кто-то один отдает приказы. Но кто?
Talk end option tango.png
Не торопись выкидывать меня из клуба. Будь настороже. И если я паду…обрушь огненный дождь на них за меня.
Maverick: Почему все веселье должно достаться тебе, а я должен остаться здесь и выполнять скучную работу дозорного? Я выгляжу в маскировке лучше, чем ты. Гах! Это ужасный день для старого Мев.
Talk end option tango.png
Когда мы будем рассказывать об этой истории, я добавлю часть, где ты напрыгиваешь на троллей.

Подойдя к входу в лагерь (синематик для мужских персонажей):

Flame Legion Sentry: Говори пароль или я сделаю тебе вторую улыбку пониже подбородка.
<Character name>: Отвали. Пароль "Burntsoul" (обгоревшая душа). Ты должен поменьше нервничать. Для здоровья вредно так дергаться.
Flame Legion Sentry: : не говори мне, что мне делать, особенно перед большой атакой. Поторопись, пока не пропустил инструктаж.

Подойдя к входу в лагерь (синематик для женских персонажей):

Flame Legion Sentry: Говори пароль или я сделаю тебе вторую улыбку пониже подбородка.
<Character name>: Отвали. Пароль "Burntsoul"(обгоревшая душа).
Flame Legion Sentry: Воу! У тебя простуда или что?
<Character name>: Я в порядке. Я мужчина, и я в порядке! А сейчас уйди с моей дороги или я оторву твои рога и затолкаю их тебе в нос.
Flame Legion Sentry: Ладно, ладно! Проходи! Ты уже опоздал на инструктаж.

Разговор с дозорным:

Flame Legion Sentry: Проходи и выполни свой долг. Инструктаж уже начался.
Talk end option tango.png
За Пламенный Легион.

Идя на встречу:

Flame Centurion Kagaar: …и это приказ Trybulus Griefblade. Мы сделаем все правильно. Кровавый и Железный легион даже не увидят, как все это закончится.
Flame Centurion Kagaar: Все ясно? Хорошо. Передай это и выдвигаемся! Долой Черную Цитадель!

Разговор с Flame Centurion Kagaar:

Flame Centurion Kagaar: пялиться на меня – это опасная привычка, солдат. Что ты хочешь?
Скажи мне, что происходит. Сейчас же.
Я что похож на твою няньку? Если бы ты пришел вовремя, ты бы знал. Убирайся с моих глаз.
Talk end option tango.png
Это еще не конец. Вот увидишь.
Я опоздал, но мне нужно знать подробности. Можете ли вы просветить меня, сэр?
Ты опоздал. Это не моя проблема..
Talk end option tango.png
Я ненавижу вас, ребята
Talk end option tango.png
Ничего, сэр. Я не хотел проявить неуважение.

Разговор с Iron Legion Imposter:

Iron Legion Imposter: Что ты хочешь?
Talk quest option tango.png
Я собираюсь проникнуть в Железный Легион и мне нужна информация
Ты хочешь подробный инструктаж? Докажи, что знаешь основы. Назови имя одного из трибунов Железного Легиона.
Talk more option tango.png
Bhuer Goreblade?
Верно. Ты прошел первое испытание. Но тебя все еще ждет длинный путь, прежде чем ты попадешь в их Легион.
Talk end option tango.png
Вот почему мне нужна твоя помощь. Расскажи мне какой план и я одурачу самого Bhuer. (Он говорит вам план, см. ниже)
Talk more option tango.png
Как я должен был узнать это? Хорошо, я подумаю. Rytlock Brimstone.
Ну же. Все знают, что он из Кровавого. Что за обучение у тебя было?
Talk end option tango.png
Хорошо, хорошо. Смотри проще. Я вернусь.
Talk more option tango.png
Torga Desertgrave?
Неправильно. Она из Пепельного Легиона, skrittwit(м\б "Умник"). Может, я должен познакомить вас. Она перережет тебе горло до того, как ты разглядишь лезвие. Возможно, это поможет тебе запомнить.
Talk end option tango.png
Я был не готов. Дайте мне одну минуту, чтобы подумать.
Talk end option tango.png
Гм.. позвольте мне сперва приложиться к бутылке. Это очистит мне голову. До свидания.
Talk end option tango.png
Неважно. Я хотел инструктаж, а не допрос.

Разговор с Iron Legion Imposter после провала теста:

Iron Legion Imposter: Сделал домашнюю работу, новичок? Готов ответить на мой простой вопрос?
Talk quest option tango.png
We don't have time for games. Just tell me the plan.
The plan falls apart if you can't pass for Iron. Prove to me you're not hopeless-name one of the two Iron Legion tribunes.
Talk more option tango.png
Bhuer Goreblade?
Finally. Was that so hard? Now I can tell you the plan. (He tells you the plan, see below.)
Talk quest option tango.png
Hurry. We've already wasted too much time.
Talk more option tango.png
Rytlock Brimstone?
Not even close. He's Blood Legion. Even my dolyak knows that.
Talk end option tango.png
All right. Let me clear my head and I'll try again.
Talk more option tango.png
Torga Desertgrave?
You give that answer to an Iron soldier and the next sound you'd hear would be the smelter door slamming shut behind you. Think it over and try again.
Talk end option tango.png
All right. I will.
Talk end option tango.png
Never mind. I'll be back, though.
Talk end option tango.png
Forget it. I'm not proving anything to you.

Iron Legion Imposter tells you the plan:

Iron Legion Imposter: Blood's new centurion is Volante Tornpaw. She's young, and female, but don't underestimate Blood Legion.
Iron Legion Imposter: Her assassination will stir up her legion like a firebrand in a devourer nest.
Iron Legion Imposter: So we dress as Iron Legion, kill Volante, and Iron takes the blame. It's genius.

Talking to Iron Legion Imposter again

Iron Legion Imposter: Here's the plan: we hit Blood disguised as Iron and assassinate their shiny new centurion. Blood goes nuts and attacks Iron. Iron retaliates. Kill kill kill. Then we move in to mop up.
Talk end option tango.png
Smart. Although I prefer "kill kill kill" to "mop mop mop".

Talking to Blood Legion Imposter:

Blood Legion Imposter: Who are you? Some scrapper out to join the winning legion before it's too late?
That idiot sentry held me up. Quit being a jerk and tell me what I missed.
I don't take orders from you. In fact, I don't think you're fit for the job. Let's see if you fight hard enough to pass for Blood Legion.
Talk combat option tango.png
Anything to shut you up. But I warn you...this may stings a little.
Talk end option tango.png
I don't have time for this.
This mission is too important to waste time. Please, what did I miss?
Did you say "please"? Ha! You'll never pass as Blood with coward's talk like that. Prove you can beat me in a fight, and maybe I'll tell you what you want.
Talk combat option tango.png
If that's the only way. Just bleed when you've enough.
Talk end option tango.png
I'll come back when you're in a better mood.
It's that sentry's fault I'm late. You look smart...tell me what I missed.
It's not that easy, soldier. You have to work for the answers. Let's see if you've got what it takes to pass for a Bloodie. Come one-fight me!
Talk combat option tango.png
Okay, you won't tell me? Then I'll just beat it out of you.
Talk end option tango.png
What's the point? I'll come back when you're more cooperative.
Talk end option tango.png
Never mind.

Talking to Blood Legion Imposter a second time if you chose to not fight him the first time.:

Blood Legion Imposter: So, you feel better after a good cry? Ready now to prove you can fight hard enough to pass for a Blood Legion Soldier?
Talk combat option tango.png
That's why I'm here. We'll see who's the real crycubby.
Talk end option tango.png
Just wanted to give you another chance to back down. Sit tight.

During the fight with Blood Legion Imposter

Blood Legion Imposter: Ow, that hurt like a-I mean, nice shot.
Blood Legion Imposter: Now you're making me mad!

After the fight with Blood Legion Imposter:

Blood Legion Imposter: Hey, I give, I give! Baelfire's claws, you're tough. Glad you're on our side.
Blood Legion Imposter: The plan's simple. We pose as Blood Legion and break Iron's precious new siege engine.
Blood Legion Imposter: We frame Blood, watch Iron attack them, and the whole citadel will be claw to throat. Then, we strike!

Talking to Blood Legion Imposter again:

Blood Legion Imposter: Here's the plan: we disguise ourselves as Blood Legion and destroy Iron's new siege engine. Iron retaliates against Blood. Blood and Iron wear each other down, then we show up to finish them off.
Talk end option tango.png
I like it. Thanks for the information...and the workout.'

A new dialogue option appears when you talk to Flame Centurion Kagaar, after you've dealt with both imposters:

Flame Centurion Kagaar: Eyeballing me is a dangerous habit, soldier. What do you want?
Talk quest option tango.png
I've been briefed on the operation, sir. Looking forward to it. Can you tell me more?
Thanks to Trybulus Griefblade's hard work and cunning-Iron fights Blood, Blood fights Iron, and the winner is...Flame. Get ready to move out.
Talk quest option tango.png
Sir, yes, sir!

As Flame Centurion Kagaar leaves:

Flame Centurion Kagaar: Okay, maggots, enough jawboning! We've got a job ahead.
Flame Centurion Kagaar: Just a nudge to start Iron and Blood fighting, then we step in and pick the bones clean.
Yahuk Fellstrike: Hey! Get back here and let me out so I can fight, you cowards! I deserve to die in combat!

Talking to Flame Legion Head Jailer:

Flame Legion Head Jailer: Watch it. You're in my territory now. What do you want?
Talk more option tango.png
That prisoner in the cage looks familiar. Who is he?
Some Blood Legion cub we caught trying to sneak in. He put up a good fight-he's a decent elemantalist-but we got him. Now, either he joins us or he dies slow.
Talk end option tango.png
Either way, we win.
Talk end option tango.png
Nothing right now. Carry on.

Talking to Yahuk Fellstrike:

Yahuk Fellstrike: You're wasting your time, Flame freak. Torture me all you want; I won't talk. I like pain. In fact, pain makes me purr.
Talk more option tango.png
Quiet. I'm not with the Flame Legion. And I'm not here to torture you.
(If player is male)
Great! Get me out of here. They're going to kill me-slowly. And that's my least favorite way to get killed.
(If player is female)
Whoa. You're - female? Wow, you gotta be Ash. You guys are clever. Get me out, okay? They're going to kill me-slowly. And that's my least favorite way to get killed.
Talk more option tango.png
I'll get you out. Where's the key?
The jailer has it. But it's chaos here with the big attack looming. There's new orders coming down all the time. Soldiers running around like moas with their heads cut off.
Talk end option tango.png
The chaos might help. Sit tight and stay low.
Talk end option tango.png
I want to do this right so we don't end up as cellmates. Stand by.
Talk end option tango.png
I'm not Flame. I'm here to help. Now pipe down while I figure out how to rescue you

Talking to Yahuk Fellstrike again.

Yahuk Fellstrike: I hope you're taking me with you this time. It's much better rescue if you take the rescuee with you.
Talk more option tango.png
I'm on it. What do I need to do?
Get the key from the jailer. This cell dampens my magic, so I can't help you open the lock. But once I'm out, you can I can hit 'em with both barrels.
Talk end option tango.png
Good. Sit tight, I'll have you out of here in time for dinner.
Talk end option tango.png
Calm down. I'll get you out as soon as I'm finished here.

A new dialogue option appears when you talk to Flame Legion Head Jailer.

Flame Legion Head Jailer: Watch it. You're in my territory now. What do you want?
Talk quest option tango.png
I've got new order from the centurion regarding this prisoner.
More new orders? This is crazy. The right paw doesn't know what the left paw is doing. WHat is it this time?
I'm taking over here. Give me your keys. Now
Figures. I give this job my all, and they give this job to someone else. Tell the centurion I said...forget it. Here's my keys. I'm gone.
Talk end option tango.png
The brass is just being cautious. Dismissed, soldier.
The centurion appreciates all your hard work. He sent me to relieve you.
He actually noticed me? That's a first. But I really could use a break. Very first thing, I'm hittin' the head.
Talk end option tango.png
Just give me your keys and I'll take it from here.
Routine security check. Standard rotation. I'll cover your station.
At least that makes sense. Watch the prisoner-he's a tricky one, just like all elementalists. I'll be back soon.
Talk end option tango.png
Take your time. I'm not going anywhere.
Talk end option tango.png
I'll come back when you're more receptive to new orders.

Talk to Flame Legion Head Jailer again:

Flame Legion Head Jailer: Hey, if you're relieving me, quit yammering and watch the prisoner.

A new dialogue option appears when you talk to Yahuk Fellstrike.

Yahuk Fellstrike: I hope you're taking me with you this time. It's much better rescue if you take the rescuee with you.
Talk quest option tango.png
Quiet. I've got the Key. Once I take care of the guards, we are home free.
Wait! These devils tortured me and killed my whole warband. If there's fighting to be done, I want a piece of them before I go.
Talk quest option tango.png
Okay. I hope all this time in the cage hasn't made you rusty.
Flame Legion Head Jailer: Hey! The prisoner's escaping! I need some help here!

After the first wave of Flame Legion.

Yahuk Fellstrike: That's only the first squad. The rest won't let me go so easy!
Flame Legion Prison Guard: What the...the prisoner's out! Help me put this idiot back in his cage!

After the final waves of Flame Legion.

Flame Legion Head Jailer: I'll taste your blood!

After defeating Flame Legion Head Jailer (cinematic):

<Character name>: Ugh! It feels good to get out of that Flame Legion disguise.
Yahuk Fellstrike: You look much better now. Blood of the Khan-ur, you saved my life.
<Character name>: I wish I could've done the same for your warband.
Yahuk Fellstrike: The Flame Legion wanted the citadel watch roster, and killed my friend one by one to get it. I was next.
<Character name>: I hear you. Ghosts and incompetence slaughtered most of my 'band. But you don't have to be a gladium. Throw in your lot with us.
Yahuk Fellstrike: Gladly. I owe you my life. Just promise me that we'll pave the citadel's streets in Flame Legion carcasses.
<Character name>: Count on it. For now, get to safety. A warband member is outside. Wave; say you're with me. They'll get you to the citadel. I'll meet you there when I'm done.

Junker's Scrapyard[править]

Upon approaching Sicaea.

Sicaea the Shrouded: Hey, over here. I'm glad you made it. My feet hurt and I'm tired of shooing people away.

Upon approaching Tribune Torga (cinematic):

<Character name>: Hail, Tribune! I have information. Flame Legion is going to trick Blood and Iron, making each think the other attacked them. If the plan works, it might break the citadel's alliance.
They're targeting Iron's new weapon and a Blood Legion centurion. The whole thing was cooked up by someone named Trybulus Griefblade.
Sicaea the Shrouded: I know the name "Griefblade". He's real trouble. Blood and Iron need to know now, so they can prepare.
Tribune Torga Desertgrave: No. This is an Ash operation. Blood and Iron would make a drake's breakfast out of it. We'll handle it ourselves.
The legionnaire will take one mission; Fengar can handle the other.
Sicaea the Shrouded: Fengar? Tribune, Fengar's not experienced enough for something this big. I'll do-
Tribune Torga Desertgrave: No. Sicaea, your orders are to track down Griefblade. Fengar, you've finally got your chance for field duty.
Now, Legionnaire. You brought the intel, so we'll make it your call: guard Iron's engine or Blood's centurion? Decide, and move out.

Talking to sparring partner:

Clawspur: Effective operation. Yahuk seems...useful.
Talk more option tango.png
I think so. Just let him settle in before you start talking his ear off.
Talk end option tango.png
Thanks, buddy.
Talk end option tango.png
Agreed. See you, buddy.
Dinky: If you have fake plants, do you have to pretend to water them?
Talk more option tango.png
A mystery for the ages. So, what do you think of Yahuk?
Well, I don't like magic much-it's so invisible-but he seems okay. Maybe he'll know what to do with the plants.
Talk end option tango.png
You'll like him better once you see him in combat.
Talk end option tango.png
You worry too much-but I'm glad you're on my side.
Euryale: Flame Legion? Are you out of your furry mind? You should've taken me with you.
Talk more option tango.png
Torga said it was a solo mission. And I wasn't entirely alone; I met Yahuk.
That elementalist you brought back? Don't tell me - he followed you home and now you want to keep him.
Talk more option tango.png
He fought well and he's willing to join our warband. What do you think?
Sure. The more firepower, the better. And in between battles, maybe we can exchange tricks of the trade.
Talk end option tango.png
I hoped you'd feel that way. Thanks!
Talk end option tango.png
Kind of defeats the idea of a solo mission. Maybe next time.
Maverick: I hear you took out a bunch of Flame Legion guys. How'd you get to go and I didn't? I'm the one with the killer looks and combat skills.
Talk more option tango.png
Just lucky, I guess. So, what do you think of Yahuk?
He's not as smart or pretty as me. Of course, I've set that bar pretty high. But he loves kicking FLame Legion tail, so we have that in common. So...yeah, he'll do.
Talk end option tango.png
We can't have two Mavericks. Wouldn't be fair to the enemy. Thanks, buddy.
Talk end option tango.png
You got the looks, but I got the keep-your-mouth-shut instincts. I'd say Torga picked the right spy.
Reeva: Are you really okay? I was worried there was no way you'd make it back alive. So many Flame Legion soldiers and so few you.
Talk more option tango.png
I am back. And I brought a souvenir. What do you think of Yahuk?
For the warband? He can murder Flame Legion like the best of 'em, he laughs at my jokes, and he's easy on the eyes. When can he start?
Talk end option tango.png
I guess that makes it unanimous. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png
I appreciate the concern, if not the lack of confidence. Good-bye.

Talking to the other NPCs before deciding:

Yahuk Fellstrike: Welcome back, boss. When do we fight? I'm itching to prove you were right signing me up.
Talk more option tango.png
I take it my warband had no objections?
I told them what happened at the Flame Legion Camp. How you rescued me, and then we fought our way out together. They welcomed me in.
Talk more option tango.png
What about your former Blood Legion commanders? Did they object to you joining Ash?
They started to argue against it. But as soon as I mentioned your name, Tribune Brimstone's ear perked up. The others shut up real quick when he said "done".
Talk more option tango.png
I thought he'd be angry.
Either Brimestone's above legion politics, or he respect you in particular.
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Then we're ready to go. Let's to move out.
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How was being an elementalist in Blood Legion??
Some officers objected, but not Brimstone. My warband never gave me trouble. When the time comes, I'll make Flame pay for what they did to us.
Talk end option tango.png
Then we're ready to go. Let's to move out.
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Why do you think the Flame Legion kept only you alive when they killed everybody else?
They assumed that because I'm a magic-user, they could easily convert me. Those Flame Legion goons have always underestimated us.
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Now you can make them pay for that mistake.
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Good. We should get ready to move out.
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Good to hear. At ease, Fellstrike.
Sicaea the Shrouded: Good to see you gain, <player name>. Better hurry. The tribune's waiting for your decision.
Talk end option tango.png
On my way.
Fengar Cruelmane: My own operation? This is what I've been waiting for!
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Do you have a preference as to which op you want?
It doesn't matter to me. I'm just excited to finally be out in the field.
Talk end option tango.png
All right. I'll pick, and get back to you.
Calm down. You don't even know what you're doing yet.
You're right. Go talk to Torga so we can get started!
Talk end option tango.png
I'm on it.
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I'm excited for you. Good luck.

Talking to Torga to make the decision:

Tribune Torga Desertgrave: The choice is yours. Will you defend Blood or Iron?
Talk quest choice tango.png
I'll help the Blood Legion defend Centurion Tornpaw. (Leads to Spilled Blood.)
That leaves the Iron Legion mission for Fengar. I'll send word to Wroda the Quick to meet you near the Blood Legion camp.
Talk quest option tango.png
Done. The Flame Legion won't get anywhere near Blood's new centurion.
Talk quest choice tango.png
I'll help the Iron Legion defend their siege engine. (Leads to Iron Grip of the Legion.)
That leaves the Blood Legion mission for Fengar. Our Contact, Samona Ironclaw, works at the machinery warehouses; meet her there.
Talk quest option tango.png
Will do. The Flame Legion won't lay a paw on Iron's war machine.
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I'd like more information. Tell me about your agents in each legion.
We have a spy in the Blood Legion named Wroda the Quick. Reliable, but intense. She'd be your contact. Samona Ironclaw is our contact in Iron. Sharp, but chatty.
Talk quest choice tango.png
I'll protect the Blood Legion's Centurion Tornpaw from assassination.
That leaves the Iron Legion mission for Fengar. I'll send word to Wroda the Quick to meet you near the Blood Legion camp.
Talk quest option tango.png
Done. The Flame Legion won't get anywhere near Blood's new centurion.
Talk quest choice tango.png
I'll protect the Iron Legion siege engine.
That leaves the Blood Legion mission for Fengar. Our Contact, Samona Ironclaw, works at the machinery warehouses; meet her there.
Talk quest option tango.png
Will do. The Flame Legion won't lay a paw on Iron's war machine.
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I'm not ready to report yet, Tribune. I'll return when I am.
Talk end option tango.png
I'm not ready to report yet, Tribune. I'll return when I am.

Talking to NPCs after deciding:

Tribune Torga Desertgrave: You've got your orders. The Flame Legion won't be sitting still. Stay alert and strike quickly.
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If you don't mind me asking, why Fengar? Why not Sicaea?
I need Sicaea elsewhere. She's my top agent, and these tasks are somewhat...elementary. Fengar's been begging for an operation. He deserves a chance.
I understand, Tribune. Fengar needs a chance to build his skills. He's stifled here, and he wants to help.
Yes, <player name>. Well said. If not now, when? We all start somewhere.
Talk end option tango.png
See you soon, boss.
Did he sweet-talk you, Tribune? With that cute, little, furry face of his?
Stand down, soldier. Fengar earned this chance.
Talk end option tango.png
I hope it works out, Tribune.
Fengar isn't ready for such an important job. You can't let him go!
I can, and I will. Otherwise, he'll sneak out on his own some night, and get himself killed. Better he gets experience when I can keep an eye on him.As you say, Tribune.
Talk end option tango.png
Understood, Tribune.
Fengar Cruelmane: This will be glorious. You and me on parallel missions. Flame Legion will never see us coming.
You better hope so; for Blood/Iron Legion's sake.
I'm not worried. Tribune Desertgrave has complete faith in me. Once your Iron/Blood Legion operation is underway, I'll set out on mine. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
Same to you-you'll need it. Let's get started.
Just stay focused and you'll do fine.
Thanks. Once your operation is underway, I'll set out on mine. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
You too. Let's go show the Flame Legion how real soldiers fight.
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How'd you end up as the Tribune's aide, anyway?
She oversaw some of my training in the fahrar. One of my instructors was in her warband and recommended me, so Tribune Desertgrave took me on.
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For the Blood/Iron Legion's sake, I hope her trust wasn't misplaced.
I'm not worried. Tribune Desertgrave has complete faith in me. Once your Iron/Blood Legion operation is underway, I'll set out on mine. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
Same to you-you'll need it. Let's get started.
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I hope she was right. For this mission, we'll both need to be at our best.
Thanks. Once your operation is underway, I'll set out on mine. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
You too. Let's go show the Flame Legion how real soldiers fight.
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Not if we do our jobs right. Good luck, Fengar.
Sicaea the Shrouded: I'm glad you chose this assignment. I only wish you could do both missions. Fengar means well, but he's in over his head on this one.
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But the tribune wouldn't even discuss it. Why?
Sometimes the other legions think Ash is weak, and Torga hates that. But no legion should face Flame Legion alone.
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If we give Torga a clear Ash victory on this one, maybe she'll relax. See you around.
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You said you knew Trybulus Griefblade. What can you tell me about him?
His name keeps coming up. Seems he's had his claws in every major scheme they've hatched up lately. I do know he's devious, ruthless and smart. That can be a bad combination.
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If he is all those things, there may be more to this plot than we know.
That's my fear. I don't believe they left Ash out of this one. From what I've seen and heard, Griefblade is capable of hitting three High Legions at once.
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That's why we're counting on you to find out that mongrel and put him down.
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Tribune Desertgrave got rough on you back there. What was that about?
Sometimes the other legions think Ash is weak, and Torga hates that. But no legion should face Flame Legion alone.
Talk end option tango.png
If we give Torga a clear Ash victory on this one, maybe she'll relax. See you around.
Talk end option tango.png
I'm not worried. You'll fine him. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
We'll get the job done, don't worry. Good luck on your mission.

My story[править]

A Spy for a Spy.jpg

The Flame Legion is planning simultaneous attacks on Blood and Iron, designed to turn them against each other. Tribune Desertgrave needs this information right away.

Tribune Desertgrave believes the Ash Legion can stop Flame attacks on Blood and Iron. I've been ordered to stop one attack, while Fengar Cruelmane stops the other.

Моя история


  • You will rescue Yahuk Fellstrike in this mission, who will then join your warband.


  • Possibly named after the phrase "an eye for an eye".