The Floating Grizwhirl

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Missed Opportunity

The Floating Grizwhirl

1325 AE
Storyline missing
Shadows of the Past
Eastern Commons
(Divinity's Reach)
Royal Palace
Human tango icon 20px.png Человек
Missed Opportunity
Biography Nobility.png The Trial of Julius Zamon
Biography Commoner.png The Commander
Biography Street Rat.png Breaking the Blade
Biography Missed Opportunity.png Clown College

The Floating Grizwhirl (Плавающий Серый Вихрь) - это глава личной истории персонажей людей, которые выбрали опцию Missed Opportunity во время формирования биографии.


Floating Grizwhirl (уровень 20)

Check in with Captain Logan (Встретьтесь с капитаном Логаном.)

  • Speak with Logan Thackeray and Minister Caudecus in Divinity's Reach. (Поговорите с Логаном Теккереем и министром Кадекусом в Дивинити Рич.)

Visit the circus and look for the missing boy (Посетите цирк и поищите пропавшего мальчика.)

  • Visit the Divinity's Reach circus (Посетите цирк в Дивинити Рич.)
  • Speak with your friend in the audience (Поговорите со своим другом в аудитории.)
  • Watch the performances (Следите за выступлениями.)
  • Slay the Pernicious Viper (Убейте Пагубную Гадюку.)
  • Check in with your friend again (Снова поговорите с другом.)
  • Speak with Madame Gilda in her tent (Поговорите с мадам Джильдой в ее палатке.)
  • Speak with the Fabulous Chakravarti (Поговорите с Невероятным Чакраварти)
  • Speak with Boris the Beast (Поговорите с Борисом Чудовищем)
  • Investigate the stables (Обследуйте конюшни)
  • Defeat the carnies ()

I should report back to Logan. (Я должен доложить Логану)

  • Report to Logan at his office (Доложите Логану в его рабочем кабинете)


  • 2 003 
Зависит от профессии


You will arrive at the carnival to find some familiar faces in the crowd - Lord Faren, Riot Alice, Andrew, and Petra. Talk to your friend in the audience to start the show. The first performance is a feat of strength, while the second is "fortune telling" that changes based on who your friend is. During the third performance, you will need to defeat the Pernicious Viper, but it is basically a critter and poses no threat at all. Afterwards, the show ends, and you will be tasked with asking the carnies about the missing child.

Eventually you will end up in the stables, where you will be ambushed by two Forest Spiders while searching the equipment. The lone crate sitting away from everything else contains the Grizwhirls, and inspecting it will advance the story, triggering more enemies - it is a good idea to defeat the spiders before doing this. After a short cutscene, you will fight against three carnies. All three of them are shield-carrying Warriors, and they have a tendency to use Shield Bash repeatedly, chaining Dazed and rendering you helpless. A good tactic to help avoid this is to run outside the stables and fight them in the carnival grounds, where you will at least have some room to maneuver.





  • Pernicious Viper


At Royal Palace

Синематик срабатывает при приближении к Логану в штабе Серафимов:

Logan Thackeray: Ты как раз вовремя. Министр Каудекус сказал мне, что пропал ребенок.
Minister Caudecus: В рамках моей программы по работе с населением, представители Министерства проводили карнавальный день с группой сирот. Один из мальчиков ушел, и теперь мы не можем его найти. Бедный паренёк.
Если не знатного происхождения:
Minister Caudecus: Очень важно как можно быстрее отыскать этого мальчика. Эти дети уже натерпелись, учитывая потерю их приюта... трагедия.
<Character name>: Я могу помочь найти его, Министр.
Minister Caudecus: Хорошо. Я передаю это дело в твои руки. Раз капитан Теккерей верит в тебя, то и я тоже.
Logan Thackeray: Мальчика зовут Гаранд. Ему десять лет, был одет в красную рубашку. Я уже приказал Серафимам искать его. Я ни когда не видел Каудекуса таким взволнованным, видимо, беспокоится о своей политической карьере.
<Character name>: Надеюсь, с мальчиком всё в порядке. Я начну с распроссов на карнавале. Возможно, кто-то его видел.
Logan Thackeray: Цирк дает представление ежедневно после обеда. Если отправишься туда и поговоришь с артистами, возможно, найдешь кого-то, кто сможет рассказать нам больше.

Разговор с Логаном и Каудекусом после синематика:

Minister Caudecus: Пропажа ребенка негативно отразится на министерстве, Серафимах и королеве. В наших общих интересах как можно быстрее отыскать Гаранда. Пожалуйста, позаботьтесь об этом.
Вы заинтересованы в благополучии ребенка, Министр? Что здесь происходит на самом деле?
Твои намеки смешны. Просто найди ребенка. Это то, что вы должны делать, верно?
Talk end option tango.png
Мы ловим плохих парней. И это именно то, что я собираюсь сделать. Доброго дня.
Сделаю, сэр. Позвольте сказать, что очень приятно видеть члена министерства, активно участвующего в благополучии людей.
Ты не обращаешь внимания, мой юный друг, но министерство принимает активное участие во многих аспектах городской жизни.
Talk end option tango.png
Конечно, Министр. Естественно, это так.
Talk more option tango.png
Сделаю всё, что в моих силах, сэр. Я тоже хочу, чтобы мальчик был в безопасности.
Конечно, ты всё сделаешь. Хорошо. Тогда я могу доверить тебе сделать это дело быстро и аккуратно.
Talk end option tango.png
Рассчитывайте на меня, сэр.
Talk end option tango.png
Конечно, министр. Уже начинаю.
Logan Thackeray: Ты должен отправиться на карнавал. Это последнее место, где видели Гаранда. Если мы собираемся найти его, начнем от туда.
Talk end option tango.png
Понял. Выдвигаюсь.

At Eastern Commons

На карнавале при приближении к вашему другу:

Если выбрано Street Rat:
Circus Devotee: Разве цирк не прекрасен? Такой яркий и захватывающий, так отличается от улиц.
Riot Alice: Хах! Цирк - это заговор Министерства, чтобы успокоить граждан. Это большой заговор!
Circus Devotee: Что тут скажешь, Алиса. По крайней мере, попкорн хорош.
Если выбрано Commoner:
Petra: Отец, если ты устал, ты должен мне об этом сказать. Ты все еще лечишься.
Innkeeper Andrew: Ох, Петра, ты слишком сильно беспокоишься. Я в порядке.
Petra: Да, Отец. Скажи мне, если что-то понадобиться.
Если выбрано Noble:
Baroness Jasmina: Ты так себе представляешь изысканное свидание? Карнавальное представление стоимостью в пенни?
Lord Faren: Моя дорогая, думай об азарте! Нежные звуки улиц!
Lord Faren: И в любом случае... я не смог забронировать номер в Золотом Цветке.
Baroness Jasmina: Это будет долгая, холодная ночь, Фарен.

При разговоре с друзьями:

Riot Alice: Эй, эй! Да это же <Character name>! Ты можешь поверить в эту чушь? Власть дает нам хлеба и зрелищ, хотя должно давать свободу и правду!
Зачем правительству это делать? Цирк - это одно из немногих ярких мест в городе. Он дает людям немного радости.
Ты уверен? Что же... карамельные яблоки просто ужасны. Думаю, они тайно используют смятые груши.
Talk end option tango.png
Я обязательно предупрежу Серафимов. Карнавал не сойдет им с рук, при таком-то коварстве. Обещаю.
Talk more option tango.png
Они недооценивают ум простых горожан. Верь в своих братьев.
О, я верю в них. Я верю в них сразу же... эй, смотри, Рингмастер! Думаю, представление вот-вот начнется!
Talk end option tango.png
Наслаждайся выступлениями.
Talk end option tango.png
Что же, заодно ты можешь насладиться и представлением. Увидимся.
Petra: Oh, <Character name>! Father's feeling much better today. I thought we'd come see the show, to raise his spirits. What are you doing here?
Talk more option tango.png
I'm here on official business. Logan asked me to—
Oh, look! It's starting. It's so exciting. I can hardly wait!
Talk more option tango.png
Enjoy yourself. I'll catch up with you after the show.
Lord Faren: <Character name>, my friend! Good to see you. I'm glad you're here. Baroness Jasmina here didn't believe I knew you. Do you have a moment?
Talk more option tango.png
I'm afraid I don't. Maybe some other time. I'm looking for—
Oh! Look! I think the show's about to start. Tell me later, all right?
Talk end option tango.png
I'll talk to you after the show.

The carnival show:

Ringmaster: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Carnivale Gambade!
Ringmaster: I'm afraid our clown couldn't make it—he was feeling kind of funny.
Ringmaster: Instead, I have hand-selected three of our most impressive performers to entertain you!
Ringmaster: Stand back, and prepare to be amazed!

Boris's performance:

Boris the Beast: I am Borris the Beast, the strongest man in Tyria! I can break anything!
Boris the Beast: I...I need volunteer! Any of you sturdy-looking men in audience cane to come up here?
Citizen: Me, me! Watch this, sweetie. That guy's a pushover compared to me.
Boris the Beast: You, there! Mister I'm-So-Humble. Come up on the stage.
Boris the Beast: This rock comes from a Deldrimor quarry. Only the finest dwarven tools can even chip this hardy stone!
Boris the Beast: Go ahead, sir. Take this hammer and give it a whack.
Citizen: Wow! That;s the real thing, all right.
Boris the Beast: Not even a mark! Better get some exercise, sonny-boy.
Boris the Beast: Now, witness an incomparable feat of strength!

Madame Gilda's performance:

Madame Gilda: With my sixth sense, I shall look into the future! Trust Madame Gilda, my poppets!
Madame Gilda: Wait...I'm sensing something. A very powerful energy, coming from someone in the audience.
If Street Rat:
Madame Gilda: I see a dark chasm and ink-covered pages scattered within...I see the tides of revolution...
Circus Devotee: Alice, those are your father's plays. She's talking about you!
Madame Gilda: You say your name is Alice? How strange. I see a different name...
Riot Alice: This is a bunch of bunk, I tell you. Fortune-telling is a sham!
Madame Gilda: You will find a greater faith beneath the city, young lady. Good day.
If Commoner:
Madame Gilda: I sense someone with a gentle spirit, but a fierce temper. A name that starts with...P?
Innkeeper Andrew: Hey, that sounds like you, Petra!
Petra: Me? Oh my goodness. Maybe she sees a handsome man in my future...
Madame Gilda: Petra, is it? I forsee that you will inspire others through dark times. Good luck to you, my dear.
If Noble:
Madame Gilda: I sense a fine man...a man of wealth, and culture...
Lord Faren: She must be speaking about me! Yes, yes, I'm here. Lord Faren, at your service.
Madame Gilda: I see trouble in your love life. I see two women, like stars, balanced to either side.
Lord Faren: Two! Oh,, no, you must be mistaken! There's one! Only one!
Baroness Jasmina: You two-timing, dredge-faced weasel! I knew it!
Lord Faren: Jasmina, darling! Wait! It's all right—you don't even know her!
Madame Gilda: My sixth sense grows weary, and I must rest. Thank you all!
Madame Gilda: If you wish to know your fortune, come by my tent later and cross my palm with coin!

The Fabulous Chakravarti's performance:

The Fabulous Chakravarti: Keep your distance, please! The Pernicious Viper is one of the deadliest species in Tyria!
The Fabulous Chakravarti: It's ten times more venomous than a cave spider! Twenty times more aggressive than... hey, Wriggly! Get back here!
The Fabulous Chakravarti: Hey, that's not supposed to happen. Oh no, Wriggly's gone rogue!
The Fabulous Chakravarti: Help! Someone, help! He'll kill us all!

After killing the Pernicious Viper:

The Fabulous Chakravarti: Thank you, thank you! I mean, uh...all part of the act, folks!
The Fabulous Chakravarti: Just one of Madam Gilda's illusions! Yes, just an... illusion. Whew.
The Fabulous Chakravarti: Poor Wriggly.
Ringmaster: That's all, folks! Thank you for visiting the Carnivale Gambade!
Ringmaster: Be sure to purchase our newest souvenir, the Floating Grizwhirl! A toy to amaze your friends and baffle your enemies!
Ringmaster: Until next we meet, my beloved audience— Farewell!

Upon talking to your friend after the show:

Riot Alice: You should have let the snake go. It was only struggling against its tyrannical oppressors, just like the rest of us.
Talk more option tango.png
I'm sure that defending the proletariat was its goal. Hey, have you seen a little boy in a red shirt?
Lots of kids. None of them alone, though. Who are you looking for? Is it a spy hiding in a magical golemic kid-disguise?
Talk more option tango.png
It's just a lost child. I'll ask the performers. Maybe they've seen something. Thanks.
I've got to go. I heard there's a sylvari cult in the city, trying to turn the plants against us. Watch out for the trees!
Talk end option tango.png
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Alice.
Petra: Dwayna's starry sky! What was with that snake? If I hadn't been protecting my father, I'd have grabbed a board and jumped in there with you.
Talk more option tango.png
I'm glad you're both all right, Petra. I'm looking for a little boy named Garand. He's gone missing. Have you seen anything odd?
Missing? That's bad. I haven't seen anything. Maybe one of the circus people saw him?
Talk more option tango.png
Good idea. Thanks, I'll ask one of the performers.
I should get Father home. Come see us soon. We miss you.
Talk end option tango.png
Take good care of yourself.
Lord Faren: An amazing performance! Jasmina should have stayed. She missed the best part—you, leaping from the audience like Mad King Thorn to take on that awful snake!
Talk more option tango.png
Right. I should ask for a cut of the admission. Look, Captain Thackeray asked me to look around the circus for a missing child. Have you seen anything unusual?
Extremely unusual. My date left without asking me to walk her home! It's a once-in-a-lifetime event!
Talk more option tango.png
Oh, Faren. I'll go ask some of the performers. Maybe they saw something.
Clever idea! As for me, I'll keep an eye out on my way home...or maybe on my way to Yosalinda's house, instead.
Talk end option tango.png
Be safe. And let me know if you see anything.

Cinematic with Madame Gilda:

Madame Gilda: Gods blessings! Your aura reveals much about you. Tell Madame Gilda what it is you are seeking.
<Character name>: I'm looking for a lost boy who may have come this way. He's about ten, wearing a red shirt. Have you seen any unattended children?
Madame Gilda: I have not. But boys love snakes and snails and scaly drake tails. I'd talk to the snake charmer if I were you.
<Character name>: Thank you. I'll do that.
Madame Gilda: Hmmm. I see it. I see that you WILL find the child. You will, however, also uncover startling secrets. Beware the grizwhirl.

Talking to Madame Gilda:

Madame Gilda: Greetings <Character name>. Indeed, I have foreseen that you would speak with me - and here you are.
Talk more option tango.png
Can you tell my future?
Of course I can! You have but to ask. Consider your question carefully, young <Character name>.
Will I become a great hero, like Logan Thackery and Destiny's Edge?
I see great deeds in your future, but you will suffer a great loss before your tale ends. Keep your courage close.
Talk end option tango.png
Very interesting. Thank you.
Tell me, will we survive the dragons? How do I keep Kryta safe?
If you are truly to keep the city safe, <Character name>, I foresee that you will have to place it in danger. Good luck!
Talk end option tango.png
Thank you. That's very interesting.
I want the city of Divinity's Reach to cheer my name. Is that possible?
Oh yes <Character name>. I foresee them calling your name ... but in victory or lamentation? I cannot say.
Talk end option tango.png
Very interesting. I'll keep that in mind, thank you.
Talk end option tango.png
You don't actually foresee a profit in fortunetelling, do you?

Cinematic with The Fabulous Chakravarti:

<Character name>: Pardon me. I'm looking for a boy in a red shirt. He strayed from his group and hasn't returned. I'm hoping he came this way.
The Fabulous Chakravarti: I saw a boy. He asked if I'd ever net a snake I couldn't tame. I told him snakes just need love, like everybody else.
<Character name>: Interesting, but did you see where the kid went?
The Fabulous Chakravarti: Yeah. He called me a weirdo and went to gawk at Boris the Strong Man.

Talking to Chakravarti:

The Fabulous Chakravarti: I'm sorry but my snakes require my total - ow! - concentration. Hm. Does this look infected to you?
Talk more option tango.png
Uh...I'll leave you to it, then.

Cinematic with Boris the Beast:

Boris the Beast: Hey, skinny! Come, test your strength against Boris. Boris is daring you!
<Character name>: No time for that. I'm looking for a boy in a red shirt. I'm told he came this way. Have you seen him?
Boris the Beast: Yes! Boris HAS seen boy. He asked how to build bigger muscles. Boris told him he must work hard. He said he'd rather have a grizwhirl and went to the stables.
<Character name>: Grizwhirl? That's the second time I've heard that word. What is it?
Boris the Beast: Boris does not know. Boris suspects, but Boris does not speak until he is certain. Go to the stables. You will see for yourself.

Talking to Boris:

Boris the Beast: I can lift three times your weight. Four! maybe[sic] even five, if we're not counting the armor.
Talk more option tango.png
Have you worked for the carnival very long?
Long? No. I used to be a mine-driller in Ebonhawke. But that got ... boring. Get it? Ha!
Talk end option tango.png
You're a real riot. I'll be on my way now.
Talk end option tango.png
I'm sure you can. Excuse me.

Interacting with objects in stables:

Cart: This cart is filled with spare tent canopies and rigging.
Talk end option tango.png
Search elsewhere.
Bumpercar: it's an ordinary-looking bumper car.
Talk end option tango.png
Search elsewhere.
Chest: You find some muddy carnival worker uniforms, but nothing helpful.
Talk end option tango.png
Search elsewhere.
Crate: This crate contains several strange toys like the Ringmaster was holding. These must be the grizwhirls.
Talk end option tango.png
Search elsewhere.

After examining the Crate:

Hypnotized Carnival Performer: Hey, rube!

Cinematic inside the stable:

Hypnotized Carnival Performer: Grizwhirl... grizwhirl... grizwhirl...
<Character name>: Excuse me. I'm looking for a lost child—a little boy around ten years old in a red shirt. His name's Garand.
Hypnotized Carnival Performer: No entry... employees only... unauthorized access... kill the intruder...
<Character name>: What? Look, Slack-jaw, I don't want any trouble. Stay away from me.
Hypnotized Carnival Performer: Kill the intruder! Hey, rube! Hey, rube!

At the Royal Palace again

Cinematic upon talking to Logan:

<Character name>: There's something rotten at that carnival. I couldn't find the boy, but I believe the workers know something. I was ambushed by a pack of glassy-eyed carnies.
Logan Thackeray: Hm. Carnies don't trust outsiders. Maybe you should go undercover. There's a carnival training camp near Beetletun. If you can get hired, they'll be more likely to talk freely to you.
<Character name>: Join the carnival? You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that. I'm in.
Logan Thackeray: I'll be just outside the carny camp with a squad of Seraph. Signal when you learn something—or if you need help.

Talking to Logan:

Logan Thackeray: That lost boy needs help. Get out there and show Tyria the next great circus act!
I've dreamed of this ever since I was a kid and tried to shoot myself out of a trebuchet. Those carnies have no idea what's about to land on their doorstep.
I advise avoiding flying trapezes, juggling sharp objects, or setting yourself on fire. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png
Don't worry, I'll see you soon.
Talk more option tango.png
This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I imagined working for the circus.
You'll be great. Remember that you're doing this to help that child, and enjoy the ride.
Talk end option tango.png
Yeah, right. Well, here I go.
Talk end option tango.png
Very funny. I'll go right now if you promise to leave the wit to Countess Anise.

My Story

Файл:The Floating Grizwhirl.jpg

When I returned to Captain Thackeray's office, he had a favor to ask. Children from the orphanage were given a free day at the carnival. At the end of the day, one was missing. Thackeray wants me to help the Seraph find the child.

While looking for the boy, I was attacked by carnies. Although I didn't find Garand, there's something suspicious about those multi-colored tents. I should tell Logan.

I reported in to Logan, and he believes the only way to find the boy is to infiltrate the carnies. In order to do so, I'll need to head to their training grounds near Beetletun.

Моя история