A Trap Foiled

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A Trap Foiled

1325 AE
Storyline missing
Chapter missing
Norn tango icon 20px.png Норн

A Trap Foiled is part of the personal story for norn characters who have choosen the important quality of a hero is honor the spirits and completed Rage of the Minotaurs.


A Trap Foiled (level 6)

Protect the Minotaur Spirit from the Sons of Svanir.

  • Meet Eir in Hangrammr Climb.
  • Find the Spirit of Minotaur.
  • Defeat the Sons of Svanir.
  • Speak with Eir and choose your next step.


  • Различное количество 
  • Серебряная монета
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Cinematic at Eir Stegalkin:

<Player Name>: We're close, but so are the Sons of Svanir. I see multiple trails overlapping Minotaur's. They're closing in.
Eir Stegalkin: The Sons are moving in the small parties. If we're careful, we can take out one group at a time before they even notice.
<Player Name>: Cunning tactics. I like it, assuming "careful" doesn't mean "gentle."
Eir Stegalkin: Absolutely not. Just don't draw any attention to yourself. Apart from that, we can hit them as hard as we like.
<Player Name>: That's what I wanted to hear. Let's get started.

As you approach the Sons of Svanir:

Son of Svanir: Tracking a spirit through snow is harder than I thought. Spread out and pick up the trail!
Son of Svanir: This is stupid. How are we supposed to catch a spirit?

After reviving then talking to Linnea:

Linnea: I've got no use for minotaurs, but no animal deserves such torment. I wish I could help.
You're welcome to join me, but this is dangerous work. Be ready to fight.
You can! Grab a weapon, steel yourself for battle, and follow me! We'll make this right.
If you want to help, help. Come with me and we'll make the Sons of Svanir pay.
I like your attitude, and I bet you've got the fighting skills to match. Come on!
Thanks, but I don't need help.
Linnea: This is the chance for glory I've been waiting for! Side-by-side with <Player Name>! I'll follow your lead.
Perfect. Stay close, stay alive, and we'll be drinking to our victory in no time.

After reviving then talking to Bjarni:

Bjarni: I heard what the Sons of Svanir are doing to those poor minotaurs. I'm gald you're putting a stop to it. Is there anything I can do?
That's why we'll win—we'll work together. I'd be proud to accept your help.
You honor me. How could I refuse? I'll take whatever you have.
If you want to join me and punish the Sons of Svanir, I'm listening.
No, but thank you just the same. Good-bye.
Bjarni: It's not much, but…here. This should help.
Thanks. I'll put it to good use. Good-bye now.

Cinematic at the spirit of Minotaur.

Eir Stegalkin: Easy, Garm. There it is. The spirit of Minotaur. The Sons of Svanir have it surrounded.
<Player Name>: Not for long. Hey! The Minotaur spirit is under our protection. Lower your weapons and back away.
Jamgrimm: Never. This is our prey, and you're poaching!
<Player Name>: I'll poach your head and hang it by the elk horns in Hoelbrak. Now, back off! Last chance!
Jamgrimm: Kill them, brothers! Dragon's minion must feed!

Cinematic after defeating the Sons of Svanir:

Eir Stegalkin: Relax, Slayer. The Spirit knows we're not enemies. Look closely. You'll see recognition in his eyes, and a strong measure of gratitude.
Eir Stegalkin: Now look at his wounds, how haggard and weak he is. See the mud on his hooves?
<Player Name>: Looks like it's from Darkriven Bluffs. He probably picked up the mud and the wounds at the same place.
Eir Stegalkin: And that's where we'll find them—the Sons and the captive minotaurs. So how do we get past the guards to rescue the prisoners?
<Player Name>: We could dress up like beer merchants, get the Sons drunk, and trick our way in.
Eir Stegalkin: Good. Or you could ask for Minotaur's blessing. If he transforms you into a minotaur, you could get close enough [sic] break them out.
Eir Stegalkin: So…fool some drunken Sons, or cause a minotaur stampede? Let me know what you decide. Legends have to learn to make choices like this.

Eir Stegalkin: Which plan do you like to free the minotaurs: transform into one, or trick the Sons of Svanir?
Talk quest choice tango.png
Accept Minotaur's blessing and transform into one of his herd.
Eir Stegalkin: Good. Once transformed, rally the herd; the minotaurs will follow you. They'll stampede right over the Sons of Svanir, if necessary. Good luck.
Talk quest option tango.png
Don't worry about me. This is one time the prey will catch the hunter.
Talk quest choice tango.png
The Sons of Svanir look thirsty. We'll disguise as beer merchants.
Eir Stegalkin: Ah, yes. Ale solves so many of life's problems! I'll meet you outside the minotaur pens with a disguise and an ale cart.
Talk quest option tango.png
I hate to waste any brew on Svanir scum. At least it's for a worthy cause.
Eir Stegalkin: True, but don't expect the guards to just quaff it down and keel over. We should use the ale as a distraction. That'll make it easier for us to take them out.
Talk quest option tango.png
Don't worry. I won't crush any heads until everyone's good and smashed.
Talk end option tango.png
I need more time to think it over.

My story

Файл:A Trap Foiled.jpg

Eir and I tracked the Sons of Svanir and stopped them from harming the Spirit of Minotaur. The Sons have been hunting down minotaurs to feed them to some sort of dragon minion being kept by their master Vidkun[sic]. We came up with a plan to release the captured minotaurs before any more are sacrificed to Vidkun's monster.

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