The Mystery Cave

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The Mystery Cave

1328 AE
Living World Season 2
Point of No Return
Far Silverwastes
(The Silverwastes)
Pact Assaulted
Prologue: Rally to Maguuma

The Mystery Cave loading screen.jpg

Click to enlarge

The Mystery Cave (Таинственная пещера) - это третья глава Point of No Return (Точки Невозврата). Эти события происходят после того, как игрок получил божественный огонь у отголоска Turai Ossa (Турая Оссы), и после того, как была отбита атака мордремов на Camp Resolve (лагерь Решимость), где происходила встреча с союзниками и обсуждение дальнейших планов по поиску Caithe (Кейт).


Отправиться к запечатанной пещере.
Обследуйте пещеру, в которую убежала Wynne (Винн).
  • Встретьтесь со своими спутниками у входа в пещеру.
  • Заберите у Марджори божественный огонь.
  • Воспользуйтесь божественным огнем, чтобы получить доступ в пещеру.
  • Воспользуйтесь божественным огнем, пока ваши спутники отбиваются от Mordrem (мордремов).
  • Поговорите с Марджори.
  • Войдите в освободившийся проход.
  • Обследуйте пещеру.
  • (Прислушиваясь к своей интуиции, найдите куда посадить последнее семя памяти.)
  • Близость к сильному воспоминанию
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Посадить семя памяти.
  • Заставьте Винн рассказать все, что она знает.
  • Уговорите Винн, пока Faolain (Фаолэйн) где-то ходит.
  • Сразитесь с Кейт.
  • Убейте Shadow of the Dragon (Тень дракона).
  • Переговорите со спутниками.


  • Event star (tango icon).png
    Уничтожьте усики, чтобы ослабить дракона.
    • Осталось усиков: x (В первый раз их появляется 2, позже количество увеличивается до 3)
  • Event cog (tango icon).png
    Зажгите кольцо божественного огня.
    • Кольцо завершено
      Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Event boss (tango icon).png
    Уничтожьте Тень Дракона
    • Тень дракона
      Event bar.jpg
      Event boss (tango icon).png



Файл:Mystery cave view.jpg
M - Memory Location; A - Magical Artifact; R - Rings

Если skritt tunnel (тоннели скриттов) закрыты, идите на север к Picaroon Scratch и завершите событие drive the bandits out of skritt territory (вытесните бандитов с территории скратча скриттов). Затем ныряйте в тоннель скриттов в Northwestern Silverwastes и перемещайтесь в Far Silverwastes. Войдите в инстанс перед запечатанной пещерой.

У входа в пещеру поговорите с Марджори, чтобы забрать у нее факел. После взаимодействия с печатью на входе в пещеру, вашу группу начну атаковать мордремы. Отражите атаку Mordrem Wolf (волка-мордрема) и продолжайте взаимодействовать со стеной. После активации третьей печати, мордремы исчезнут и откроется портал. Поговорите с Марджори, передайте факел Rox и заходите в пещеру.

Файл:Sleeping Sack Memory.jpg
Сажайте семечко возле спального мешка (Sleeping Sack)
Внутри пещеры постарайтесь держаться поближе к Рокс, чтобы не заплутать в темноте. По дороге через пещеру, отбивайтесь от нападающих мордремов. Когда вы окажетесь в большой золотой пещере, обойдите ее вдоль левой стены и посадите семя памяти рядом со спальным мешком. Входите в инстанс-воспоминание. Превратившись в Кейт, поговорите с Винн, чтобы узнать тайну сильвари. Вы также можете исследовать пещеру до или после посадки семени памяти и найти волшебный артефакт возле ворот, засыпанных песком или пять таинственных колец в бассейне с водой на северной стороне пещеры.

После короткой перепалки с Кейт появится Shadow of the Dragon (Тень дракона) и заключит вас в кольцо из лоз (и этим отделит вас от союзников-нпц). Воспользовавшись этим, Кейт снова убегает с яйцом Глинт.

Бой с тенью дракона делится на три фазы. Каждая запускается, когда у тени тратится часть здоровья.

Во время первой фазы вам нужно уничтожить все Shadow Tendril (теневые побеги) (их точное количество зависит от количеств здоровья Тени дракона). Эти побеги во всем аналогичны Jungle Tendril (джунглевым побегам), за исключением того, что их дальняя атака отравляет (как дальняя атака у Dragon Tendril). Во время это фазы Тень дракона неуязвима и атакует тремя способами: ревет (наносит урон в конусе перед мордой Тени), ударяет головой в центр круга и создает ударную волну, которая "растекается" по всему кольцу. Когда здоровье Тени понизится, она также начинает кидать в кольцо камни, которые ошеломляют вас, при попадании. Когда вы перебьете все побеги, Тень дракона нырнет в землю в центре кольца (эффект опрокидывания распространяется а все кольцо, до самых границ, но наносит очень маленький урон). В ходе этой фазы Марджори помогает вам,призывая своих Bone Minion (костяных миньонов).

Вторая фаза - самая длинная. Вам нужно будет зажечь кольцо божественного огня. Рокс создает на земле круги, которые можно Miscellaneous effect.png Imbued with Divine Fire (поджечь), когда вы стоите на них. На этих кругах, Брэм защищает вас пузырями, которые накладывают stability (стабильность) и protection (протекцию). Брэм создает пузырь на случайном круге, но если вы встали на другой круг и начали активацию факела, он меняет цель и прикрывает пузырем вас. На этом этапе будет четыре препятствия:

  • Восемь растений-бомб, которые взрываются и отбрасывают вас. Бомбы можно подорвать с безопасного расстояния - нужно пройти по побегам, которые связывают две соседние бомбы.
  • Атака когтями Тени (пузыри Брэма хорошо защищают от нее). Тень кастует эту атаку два раза подряд.
  • Укус Тени дракона, который подкидывает игрока в воздух и накладывает хромоту и кровотечение. От этой атаки не защищает эффект стабильности. Тень также кастует ее дважды.
  • Дорожки из камней, вырастающих из земли (две дорожки пересекают все кольцо). Их трудно заметить - там, где они должны появиться, вначале появляются облачка пыли.

Эти атаки будут чередоваться до тех пор, пока вы не зажжете кольцо. Кроме того, когда здоровье дракона падает (обычно это происходит, когда эта фаза повторяется во второй раз), то каждый раз, как вы зажжете четверть кольца, будут появляться Smothering Shadow (удушающие тени). Тени появляются по двое. Их можно легко убить, подпалив предварительно божественным огнем, но от этого с вас спадет бафф, так что вам придется снова брать его, чтобы поджечь следующую часть кольца. Лучше всего убивать их, стоя в кольце Рокс. Тогда, убив тени, вы сразу же снова получите бафф.

Третья фаза начинается, как только вы зажгли кольцо божественного огня. Тень головы дракона выскочит из-под земли в центре, объятая пламенем. В этот момент она станет уязвима для атак. С потолка будут сыпаться камни (что делает ближний бой не лучшим выбором, если только вы не запаслись стабильностью). Особенно много камней падает возле головы Тени дракона. уязвимым и захваченным огнем. Когда эта фаза длится в первый раз, Тень не может потерять более 50% здоровья. В конце этой фазы появятся удушающие тени. Они будут неуязвимы для ваших атак, поскольку в этот момент у вас нет божественного огня. Они погасят кольцо божественного огня и фаза закончится. После этого снова запустится первая фаза.

Когда здоровье Тени дракона опускается ниже 50%, она призывает уже не удушающие тени, а Malformed Shadow (бесформенные тени), а Касмир начинает создавать поля Time Warp (временнОй деформации). Когда здоровье Тени дракона опускается ниже 25%, Касмир создаст портал, через который Марджори запустит в круг миньонов, которые будут помогать уничтожать бесформенные тени и саму Тень дракона. Так что, последние 25% здоровья - самый легкий этап сражения.

Атаки элементалиста кинжалом в правой руке не наносят Тени урона, поэтому им нужно взять скипетр или посох.[требуется подтверждение]

Когда вы победите Тень дракона, то к вам присоединяться союзники и вы сможете применить уникальную анимацию добивания. На этом завершается как глава, так и весь второй сезон живой истории.


Rock Dodger (уклониться от камней)

Есть всего три типа камней, на которые нужно обратить внимание:

  • Во время второй фазы, из земли выныривают камни. Их появление можно предугадать по облачкам пыли, заранее образующимся в том месте, откуда полезут камни.
  • Во время третьей фазы, камни сыпятся с потолка. Их легко избежать - достаточно не наступать на красные круги, которые будут появляться на земле.
  • Когда здоровье Тени дракона падает и повторно запускается первая фаза, то она начинает кидаться камнями. Этих камней можно избежать, если не наступать в большие оранжевые круги и стараться держаться поближе к стенкам кольца.

Если вы играете в группе, то игрок, которому делают это достижение, может прятаться под стеной, пока остальные убивают Тень дракона. Туда никогда не падают камни.

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.

Shrubsplosives (взрывоопасный кустарник)

Чтобы получить это достижение, вы должны подорвать все растения-бомбы и остаться при этом невредимы. Просто пробегайте между бомбами в том месте, где они соприкасаются побегами.

In the second phase, start by grabbing the divine fire buff and immediately ignite one quarter of the circle. Right after, trip all four pairs of bombs and watch out for another buff of divine fire. Repeat until you light the ring.

Lighting all four corners will clear the auto-detonate any active shrubs with no penalty to the achievement qualification. However you still need to stay clear of the blasts.

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.

Smotherer Smiter

When the dragon's health gets lower (usually the second time the second phase occurs), Smothering Shadows will spawn after each quarter of the ring is lit - each time you light a quarter, it will spawn a single Smothering Shadow. You can kill Smothering Shadows by being lit by divine fire and attacking them - killing them, however, will remove the buff forcing you to get it again before you can light the next portion of the ring. The best way to counter that is to remain standing in the ring Rox creates and range the Smothering Shadows down as you will be immediately re-buffed.

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.


  • Quickness speeds up the channeling of divine fire.
  • Skills that grant stability help you not get interrupted by the dragon's attacks.
  • Aegis and vigor are helpful for avoiding the dragon's attacks.
  • It is recommended to use ranged weapons, especially for destroying the Shadow Tendrils and Smothering Shadows.





Looking for the final memory location

Approaching your allies:

Rox: Looks like somebody's been here recently.
Braham Eirsson: So this is where we're planting the last seed?
Rox: Caithe was in here years ago, so it's as good a place as any.
Marjory Delaqua: The boss's last memory vision showed Wynne running into here. Caithe and Faolain were right behind her.
Kasmeer Meade: If this place is of any importance, maybe we'll find something that will lead us to her.
Marjory Delaqua: OK, boss. Would you like to do the honors?

Talking to your allies:

Braham Eirsson: We'll watch your back. Just be careful. That thing looks volatile.
Talk end option tango.png
Thanks, buddy. I'll be cautious.
Kasmeer Meade: The magic coming from that torch feels so...clean. I don't know how else to describe it. It's pure in a way I've never seen.
Talk end option tango.png
It comes from a strong source.
Rox: What are we doing here, boss? What's up with the torch?
Talk more option tango.png
It's a long story, but Ogden Stonehealer thinks it'll help us get inside.
Kasmeer Meade: What's inside?
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We don't know. But, the symbolism on the rock is from the Forgotten.
Marjory Delaqua: The torch is burning with divine fire, Kas. Like what the gods imbued the Ascended with. Ogden thinks it will interfere with the Forgotten magic and allow us to entrance.
Talk end option tango.png
Let's hope so. My instincts are telling me the next seed site is in there.
Marjory Delaqua: I kept the torch safe, just like you asked. You know how to use this thing?
Talk quest option tango.png
Um...wave it around and hope something happens?
Good enough for me.
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You think we'll be attacked?
Always a chance. I saw Mordrem stirring to the north, closer than I'm comfortable with. They might be following us.
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Okay. Well, here goes.
Talk end option tango.png
I want to check in with the rest of my team before we start.
Rox: Do your thing. We'll watch your back.

After interacting with the wall for the first time:

Braham Eirsson: Can you go any faster? We've got company.

After interacting a second time:

Marjory Delaqua: Protect the boss!

Cutscene after interacting a third time:

Marjory Delaqua: What's happening?
Marjory Delaqua: Strange... As soon as you completed the ritual with the Divine Fire, the Mordrem got spooked and ran off. Almost like—
Talk quest option tango.png
Like it was warding them off?
Perhaps. Come on, we should probably hurry in case they return.
Talk quest option tango.png
Understood. Rox, can you carry the flame for now?
Rox: Sure, boss. Hand it here.
Talk quest option tango.png
Here you go.
Marjory Delaqua: I guess some spells take longer than others. Thanks for opening the cave for us.
Marjory Delaqua: Come on, boss. Let's see what's inside.

After entering the cave:

Braham Eirsson: All right. I wasn't expecting that.
Rox: I'll light the way. Stay close.

After defeating the group of cave spiders:

Marjory Delaqua: Great, half the cave system knows we're here by now.

Reaching the group of Echoes:

Kasmeer Meade: What are these things?
Braham Eirsson: Whatever it is, kill it!

After defeating the Echoes:

Marjory Delaqua: I'm beginning to think those...things...were left here by the Forgotten.

Reaching the golden cave:

Kasmeer Meade: Oh. What is this place?
Marjory Delaqua: Wait... Boss, didn't you say there was a golden location in your vision?
Kasmeer Meade: Does it feel like this is the place to plant the final seed? What's your intuition telling you?

Talking to your allies:

Braham Eirsson: I wish this were real gold. Can you imagine what Hoelbrak could build with it? A new lodge honoring one of the Spirits, maybe.
Talk end option tango.png
That's a nice thought, Braham. I'm sure Hoelbrak would be grateful.
Rox: This place makes my skin crawl. Too much magic all in one place. I don't think I care for these Forgotten creatures.
Talk end option tango.png
They've been gone from this world for a long time Rox. No need to worry.
Kasmeer Meade: I've never seen anything so amazing as this place. I wish the queen could see this. She'd swoon at the beauty.
Talk end option tango.png
Stay alert, Kasmeer. This isn't one of your romantic tales.
Marjory Delaqua: Boss, my heart is pounding. This magic—this energy—it's faded, but I can still feel it. It's like nothing I've ever known. Though these ruins look civilized, the magic is...primal.
Talk end option tango.png
I wish we knew how long these ruins have been here.

Interacting with the objects:

Rings: These mysterious objects must have had a purpose, but it's impossible to know what that was. Like the golden rock, they're tarnished with age, but the magic still glows faintly.
Talk end option tango.png
Magical Artifact: There's nothing here to indicate who turned this cave the color of gold, but the lingering magic is still apparent here and there. The very air is thick with promise—the promise of discovery.
Talk end option tango.png
Bristle-Burn Bush: Its scarlet color warns away animals and adventurers who might stray too close to this bristle-burn plant. Its prick is renowned for causing the most excruciating pain.
Talk end option tango.png
Avoid it.
Stools and Steins: In the middle of this magical and mysterious place, it feels odd to find something as mundane as a stool and an ale mug.
Talk end option tango.png
Sleeping Sack: Nothing could seem more out of place here than a sleeping sack. There's nothing ancient about it. Someone has been here...recently. There are no identifying marks to indicate who...or what.
Talk end option tango.png

Caithe's memory

Initial cutscene:

Faolain: You're not leaving until you tell me the truth.
Wynne: Why? Why are you doing this?
Faolain: Because I need to know. We need to know. Tell me what you and Mother were talking about that day.
Caithe: Faolain...this isn't necessary.
Wynne: Please, Faolain. Stop this. Please. I promised our mother I wouldn't tell anyone. Please...let's go talk to her.
Faolain: I'll make you wish you'd never left the Dream, traitor.

Talking to Wynne:

Wynne: Caithe... I swore to Mother...
Talk quest option tango.png
Wynne, just tell her what she wants to know and we can go home.
Faolain: She's betraying us all, Caithe. It's as clear as the tears on her face.
Talk quest option tango.png
Faolain...maybe this has gone far enough.
No. It hasn't gone nearly far enough. Maybe pain will make her talk. I saw a bristle-burn plant on the way in. Watch her, Caithe. I'll be back shortly.
Talk quest option tango.png
Wynne, please. I'm tired. I just want to go back to the Grove. Tell her.
Wynne: The centaurs...didn't have to die. You must see that she's going too far this time, don't you? And she's dragging you along with her.
Talk quest choice tango.png
I need time to think.

Cinematic with Wynne:

Wynne: I can't tell her what she's asking for, Caithe. You've seen what Faolain's capable of. She massacred those centaurs.
Caithe: They attacked first. She had to defend herself.
Wynne: She struck first. He was unarmed.
Caithe: I... I... No. I don't think she'd...
Wynne: She'll torture me until I tell my secret. That will be the end of our kind.
Caithe: The end of sylvari? What do you mean?
Wynne: We come from the jungle dragon. We belong to it. We're meant to serve it.
Caithe: You're lying!
Wynne: I saw it in my Dream. And if Faolain knew, she wouldn't keep it a secret.
Wynne: She'd use it against Mother. When word got out, the world would see us as monsters.
Wynne: You know her. All she wants is power. Think. She will break me—unless you kill me first. Faolain must never learn...
Wynne: Please...kill me. Now. She's coming.
Caithe: I will bear your pain, Sister.
Wynne: (scream)
Caithe: (crying)
Faolain: Caithe! What have you done?
Faolain: Did she talk?
Caithe: No. Nothing of consequence.

Back in the reality

Rox: Hey, Boss. You back? Caithe is here.

Talking to Caithe:

Caithe: Was that a memory seed I saw?
Talk quest option tango.png
It was. The Pale Tree gave it to me. (if not sylvari)
Then you know...what Wynne told me...and what I did. What are you going to do?
Talk quest option tango.png
Tell me, is it true?
Which part? Did I murder one of my fellow firstborn? Do we sylvari come from an Elder Dragon? (sigh)'s all true.
Talk quest choice tango.png
You need to give me the egg. Right now.
Talk more option tango.png
Why was Wynne the only one who knew the truth?
She was the first of the night blooms. Her Dream revealed it to her. I know now that she viewed protecting us from the truth as her Wyld Hunt.
Talk quest choice tango.png
You need to give me the egg. Right now.
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Does the Pale Tree know what happened with Wynne?
Of course. She felt Wynne's death, and the Dream revealed what had happened. I've never seen her so heartbroken. Over time she forgave me, though I don't think she ever forgave Faolain.
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So what now? I know the secret too. Do you expect me to keep it to myself?
It doesn't matter anymore. The secret will come out on its own soon enough. Already, sylvari have been losing control of themselves. Mordremoth won't stop there.
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I can't believe this is happening. You must give me the egg. Now.
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Why did you bring the egg here, of all places?
This reminds me how far I will go to protect my people. This egg is critical to our future.
Talk quest choice tango.png
You need to give me the egg. Right now.
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Does the Pale Tree know what happened with Wynne? (same as above)
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It was. Our mother gave it to me. (if sylvari)
Our mother? She led you to this knowledge? Why?
Talk quest option tango.png
Tell me, is it true?
Which part? Did I murder one of my fellow firstborn? Do we sylvari come from an Elder Dragon? (sigh)'s all true.
Talk quest choice tango.png
You need to give me the egg. Right now.
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You're not who I thought you were.
None of us are who others perceive us to be. My actions put the future of our race squarely on my shoulders.
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Now that burden is on me as well. And I need you to give me the egg now.
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How could you kill Wynne?
I released her. Wynne knew Faolain wouldn't stop, and though I didn't want to believe it, I did too. I made a choice, and suddenly I was carrying the future of the sylvari race on my shoulders.
Talk quest choice tango.png
Now that burden is on me as well. And I need you to give me the egg now.
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Would Faolain have told?
Maybe not at first, but she'd have used it to turn some of us against the Pale Tree or she'd have told her Nightmare courtiers; and if word ever got out, someone would have come to destoy us all.
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What happened afterwards?
I told her to run and never return to the Grove. So, that's what she did. The Nightmare Court was forming, and she was like them. She begged me to go with her, but I refused.
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I love...loved her so much, but I would never let her darkness consume me. She saw Wynne's murder as evidence that I was like her, and so she has refused to let me go. Her love for me has been a curse.
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So what now? I know the secret too. Do you expect me to keep it to myself? (same as above)
Talk more option tango.png
Does our mother know what happened with Wynne? (same as "Does the Pale Tree know what happened with Wynne?")
Talk more option tango.png
Why was Wynne the only one who knew the truth? (same as above)
Caithe: The egg must be protected.
Caithe: You and I are on the same side. Don't ever forget that, my friend.
Caithe: The dragon's shadow is upon us!

Cinematic as the Shadow of the Dragon appears:

Braham Eirsson: Boss! Can you hear me? We're cut off. We'll try to help you from out here.

After defeating the tendrils:

Braham Eirsson: Look out—the dragon's headed straight for you!
Braham Eirsson: Use the divine fire!
Braham Eirsson: I'll shield you when I can!

When Rox throws divine fire:

Rox: Here, take this!
Rox: This may come in handy!

When Braham casts the protective bubble:

Braham Eirsson: Boss!

After completing the ring of divine fire:

Braham Eirsson: Ha! It can't get out! Hit it with all you've got!
Braham Eirsson: Give it everything you've got!
Kasmeer Meade: Hey! Perhaps this will help!
Braham Eirsson: Ignore the minions! Focus on the dragon's head!

As the dragon breaks free:

Braham Eirsson: The fires are out! Dragon's breaking free!

When the boulder attack starts:

Rox: Hey, boss, watch the walls! Boulders incoming!

As the dragon heads back underground (phase 2):

Braham Eirsson: It's heading back underground!
Braham Eirsson: Use the divine fire!
Braham Eirsson: I'll shield you when I can!

During the second time of phase 2:

Kasmeer Meade: I'm sensing something. The shadows are being drawn to the divine fire.
Kasmeer Meade: The shadow extinquished the fire!

At the start of the second time of phase 3:

Braham Eirsson: You weakened it. It's coming back out!
Braham Eirsson: Give it everything you've got!
Kasmeer Meade: Hey! Perhaps this will help!
Braham Eirsson: Ignore the minions! Focus on the dragon's head!

As the dragon hits 25% health:

Kasmeer Meade: Its magic is weakened. I can portal us in! Hang on, boss!

Upon killing the dragon:

Rox: That was the same dragon that attacked the Grove. You brought it down for good.
Braham Eirsson: You were amazing. And now Tyria has one less dragon minion to worry about. The perfect warm-up to take down Mordremoth.
Kasmeer Meade: We won the battle, but we lost Caithe.
Marjory Delaqua: She fled during the attack.
Braham Eirsson: I've had it with her secrets. I know my mother trusts her, but I don't. She took the egg and we need to get it back.
Kasmeer Meade: We're out of memory seeds. Her guild knows her better than anyone. Destiny's Edge may have an idea of where she's gone.
Braham Eirsson: We should hurry back to Camp Resolve.
Braham Eirsson: With everything we had to deal with here, the Pact Fleet may have already launched.

My Story

The Mystery Cave loading screen.jpg

The divine fire broke the seal on the cave in the Far Silverwastes, and we ventured into a subterranean chamber with golden ruins. I planted the last memory seed and witnessed firsthand as Caithe discovered the secret the Pale Tree and Wynne had kept from Faolain—all sylvari are linked to Mordremoth.

To prevent herself from breaking under torture, Wynne begged Caithe to end her life. In doing so, Caithe placed the burden of knowledge upon herself. I had no time to absorb this before we finally caught up with Caithe, who tried to reassure me of her intentions. Our confrontation was cut short by the Shadow of the Dragon. I killed Mordremoth's champion once and for all, but I was unable to secure the egg.

Saving Glint's offspring is paramount to Tyria's survival against the Elder Dragons. I must recover it.

Моя история