Контент Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

A Meeting of Ministers

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A Meeting of Ministers

Живой Мир: Сезон 3
The Head of the Snake
The Upper City
Frozen Out
Eyes on Lake Doric
A Meeting of Ministers is the first part of The Head of the Snake.


Посетите собрание Министерства Королевы Дженны в Верхнем Городе.
  • Встреча с Королевой Дженной
  • Пообщайтесь с участниками встречи.
  • Расследуйте этот переполох.
  • Поговорите со служащим у ворот.
  • Почините голема.
  • Поговорите с Тайми
  • Используйте коммуникатор для триангуляции подозрительных сигналов.: x/3
  • Необязательно: Опросите остальных участников: x/5
  • Покажите Королеве Дженне доказательства.
  • Встретимся с Королевой Дженной в Палате Министров.
  • Послушайте объявление Королевы Дженны.
  • Защитите Королеву Дженну
    Event bar.jpg
    Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Победите Министров Перебежчиков
  • Восточный Защитный Барьер
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Победите месмера, открывающего портал.
  • Западный Защитный Барьер
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Победите месмера, открывающего портал.
  • Укрепите Северный Защитный Барьер Королевы Дженны.




A Meeting of Ministers

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.

Upper City Security Chief

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.

Sacrificial Lambs

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.

Shadow in the Shadows

No result for achievement "{{{1}}}". It may not have been added to the wiki yet.



  • Shining Blade
  • Gate Attendant
  • Minister
  • Ministry Guard
  • Noble
  • Queen Jennah
  • Lord Faren
  • Lady Wi
  • Minister Wi
  • Gate Golem


  • Veteran Security Spark (x3)
  • Ministry Defector
  • Minister
  • Ministry Guard
  • White Mantle Knight
  • White Mantle Cleric
  • Minister Estelle



После начала эпизода



Королевский Призыв

<Character Name>, Ее Величество, Королева Дженна Критская, просит вас присутствовать на праздничном собрании министров в Верхнем Городе. Пожалуйста, пройдите в тронный зал как можно скорее.


<Character Name>: Приглашение от самой королевы... Тайми, ты меня слышишь?
Taimi: (ЗЕВОК!) Я здесь, коммандер. Ух ты, должно быть, задремала там на секунду...
<Character Name>: Я направляюсь в Divinity's Reach, чтобы встретиться с Королевой, но... Вы слышали что-нибудь от Брэма?
Taimi: Нет, извини. Тем не менее, Рокс получила известие. Очевидно, она ВРАЗУМИЛА его. Он сформировал... исследовательский комитет, скажем так.
Taimi: Пока мы говорим, они направляются к Джормагу, чтобы посмотреть, какой урон они могут нанести, прежде чем мобилизовать более крупные силы.
Taimi: Я беспокоюсь о нем, коммандер. Он называет эту группу Краем Судьбы.
<Character Name>: Я не думаю, что Райтлок или Кейт имели какое-либо право голоса в этом?
Taimi: Нет... Я не... Я не хочу потерять его из-за Джормага. И если мы правы насчет его слабости, у него не будет ни единого шанса.
<Character Name>: Как у нас дела на этом фронте?
Taimi: У меня есть идея—отличная идея. Блестящая, правда.
Taimi: Но мне нужно завершить эксперимент с образцами, а затем связаться с некоторыми контактами, чтобы узнать, смогу ли я получить то, что мне нужно для вышеупомянутой БЛЕСТЯЩЕЙ идеи.
Taimi: Я буду держать вас в курсе. В любом случае, передай привет королеве от меня!
<Character Name>: Ты ее знаешь?
Taimi: Я чувствую, что да, после всех сплетен, которые я прочитала! Ты знаешь, она не носит обувь!
Taimi: Постарайся не пялиться на ее ноги теперь, когда я тебе это сказала!
<Character Name>: Ты, как всегда, мне очень помогаешь. Отдохни немного.
Taimi: Пока!
Приближается Королева Дженна
Queen Jennah: Вот вы где: Прославленный лидер Дозора Дракона. Добро пожаловать.
<Character name>: Я ценю ваши чувства, Ваше Величество. Но я чувствую, что в последнее время я не был хорошим лидером.
<Character name>: Я не знаю, как ты это делаешь.
<Character name>: У тебя есть целое королевство, о котором нужно беспокоиться, в то время как я даже не могу заставить горстку людей двигаться к одной цели.
Queen Jennah: Это трудная задача, но, честно говоря, иногда я завидую тому, какой должна быть простой ваша жизнь.
Queen Jennah: Это место-сплошная политика и подтекст. Сделай то, что нравится одному человеку, и трое возненавидят тебя за это.
Queen Jennah: Это может стать очень сложным. Ты? Ты просто безжалостно разбиваешь вещи, пока они не перестанут противоречить тебе.
Queen Jennah: Я бы хотела, чтобы здесь иногда было так.
<Character Name>: (Смеется) Ну, что я могу сделать для тебя сегодня?
Queen Jennah: Я верю, что атака Белой Мантии неизбежна, и должен предпринять определенные действия здесь, в пределах Divinity's Reach, чтобы обеспечить ее безопасность.
<Character Name>: Тот факт, что вы на самом деле не описываете эти действия, заставляет меня думать, что они могут быть немного неортодоксальными.
Queen Jennah: Что вы думаете об этом саду, Коммандер?
<Character Name>: Это... прекрасно.
Queen Jennah: Неужели? Чтобы сохранить такое чудо, требуется постоянное обслуживание.
Queen Jennah: Иногда прорастают сорняки... и тогда вы должны их искоренять, чтобы ваш сад не стал неопрятным.
<Characer Name>: Я вижу...
Queen Jennah: Я созвала здесь министров под эгидой обнадеживающего собрания, но мне действительно нужно сообщить то, что некоторые сочтут шокирующими новостями.
Queen Jennah: Ваше присутствие здесь будет иметь большое значение для облегчения мыслей, поэтому, пожалуйста, общайтесь... а также... держите ухо востро.
Queen Jennah: Любые доказательства вмешательства Белой Мантии, которые вы обнаружите, только подтвердят мои действия.
<Character Name>: Я кое-что раскопаю. И, Ваше Величество, вы пропустили там сорняк.
Queen Jennah: Это похоже на него, но на самом деле это Кританский Паукообразный. Он скоро зацветет, и его лепестки придадут тебе самые сочные краски.
Queen Jennah: Это мой любимый цветок. Она скрывает свой истинный потенциал от большинства, а затем расцветает во что-то великое. Счастливой охоты, Коммандер.
Speaking to Minister Estelle
Minister Estelle: Excuse me. I couldn't help notice you speaking with the queen. How is she?
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A pillar of strength under pressure, as always.
Minister Estelle: Oh, that's good to hear. With everything that's happening... I worry for her. For us.
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Yes, the White Mantle are beyond despicable, aren't they?
Minister Estelle: Quite
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Power-hungry mongrels with nothing more than gold in their eyes.
Minister Estelle: Indeed.
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I've stepped on things with more moral authority than those poisonous toads.
Minister Estelle: It's very clear how you feel about the White Mantle.
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Your friend Caudecus's association with them must have rattled you.
Minister Estelle: I can tell you, no one was more shocked. I hadn't the faintest idea.
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Really? Even with all the rumors circulating before he broke out?
Minister Estelle: Oh, I try to ignore gossip. People caught spreading such filth should earn a trip to the gallows.
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I feel the same way about traitors; they should watch their necks. Good day.
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Excuse me, Minister. I must be going.
Speaking to Lady Gwynith
Lady Gwynith: It is a pleasure to see you again, Commander.
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Ah, Lady Gwynith of Beetletun! Are you here on behalf of Minister Caudecus?
Lady Gwynith: I am. The people of Beetletun still need a voice within the ministry, and I am committed to ensuring that we maintain good relations despite Caudecus's treason.
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You must've worked closely with Caudecus.
Lady Gwynith: For a time, yes. Since he converted to the White Mantle, he has abandoned us, so it has been a long time since I saw him.
Do you and the people of the shire still hold sympathies for him?
Lady Gwynith: Of course not. We are ashamed to have ever called him our leader. He has turned his back on Kryta and on the gods themslves
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Good to know.
That seems unlikely. You live just outside his front door!
Lady Gwynith: I don't appreciate what you're insinuating, Commander. I, and the rest of the people of Beetletun, are paying the price of Caudecus's treason.
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I understand. I appreciate your time.
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Please pardon me. I must be going.
Speaking to the Minister
(before the explosion)
Minister: Why, hello, Commander. Is there something you need?
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I'm just checking in. How do you feel about tonight's gathering?
Minister: It is not wholly uncommon for the queen to request a meeting, but given the circumstances, I am a bit concerned.
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What circumstances?
Minister: Well, surely you are aware of the detestable betrayal by our own legate minister. He has been missing for some time, so I hear.
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I am aware. Did you ever work closely with Caudecus?
Minister: Caudecus and I only ever met in an official capacity. Aside from spotting him at the occasional party, we rarely interacted.
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I see. Do you have any reasons to suspect anyone has sympathies for him?
Minister: I don't mean to spread gossip, butt there were rumors that Minister Arton was colluding with the White Mantle prior to Caudecus's defection. As I understand it, he and the legate are close friends.
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The queen seems to trust Minister Arton, though. Why don't you?
Minister: Ah, well, I suppose a bad reputation can be difficult to overcome. That may be unfair of me, but I have a hard time trusting anyone during times like these.
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I understand. Thank you for your time.
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Excuse me, Minister. I must be going.
(after the explosion)
Minister: Is that golem acting up again? That silly thing exploded during our ministry meeting last week.
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Yes, it is, but it shouldn't give you any more trouble.
Minister: That's good to hear. Is there something you need?
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I'm just checking in. How do you feel about tonight's gathering?
Minister: It is not wholly uncommon for the queen to request a meeting, but given the circumstances, I am a bit concerned.
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What circumstances?
Minister: Well, surely you are aware of the detestable betrayal by our own legate minister. He has been missing for some time, so I hear.
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I am aware. Did you ever work closely with Caudecus?
Minister: Caudecus and I only ever met in an official capacity. Aside from spotting him at the occasional party, we rarely interacted.
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I see. Do you have any reasons to suspect anyone has sympathies for him?
Minister: I don't mean to spread gossip, butt there were rumors that Minister Arton was colluding with the White Mantle prior to Caudecus's defection. As I understand it, he and the legate are close friends.
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The queen seems to trust Minister Arton, though. Why don't you?
Minister: Ah, well, I suppose a bad reputation can be difficult to overcome. That may be unfair of me, but I have a hard time trusting anyone during times like these.
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I understand. Thank you for your time.
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Excuse me, Minister. I must be going.
Speaking to the Gate Attendant
<Character name>: That didn't sound good.
Gate Attendant: Ahh! You stupid piece of junk!
Gate Attendant: This is unbelievable!
Gate Attendant: Oh, bother! Not again!
<Character name>: What happened? ...The White Mantle?
Gate Attendant: Calm down, calm down. Third time this week this old guy's gone down,
Gate Attendant: Ugh, I have to manually enter manifest data when he's offline.
Gate Attendant: Can you.. Would you mind getting him up and running while I keep the gate's records?
<Character name>: Sure
Gate Attendant: What a sport! And do be quick about it. My hand cramps easily.
<Character name>: This is an odd method of repair.
Gate Attendant: He can be a bit finicky, but the fix-it interface, or "fixterface," I've created should make it clear what he needs in order to be fixed.
Gate Attendant: Do you think that'll catch on? I was also toying with combing display and repair into "disrepair" - Oh. My. Never said that aloud...
if you use the wrong action
Gate Attendant: No, no, no! You can't repair him until you break him out of his malfunctioning loop.
Gate Attendant: Listen, the fixterface has three main functions, each specifically designed to counteract the golem's bugs, er...features.
Gate Attendant: Use the correct function to counteract his current state. Do it enough, and it'll break him out of his malfunctioning loop.
if you let the golem's hitpoints go to zero
Gate Attendant: You know what? You probably have more important things to do. I'll take it from here.
<Character name>: Ah, well, at least I tried.
if you repaired the golem
Gate Attendant: Fixed? Thanks! When you retire from dragon slaying, you should think about opening your own golem repair shop!
Gate Attendant: No one came in or out, so I didn't end up needing to man the gate logs.
Gate Attendant: Plus, I needed the break...
<Character name>: Glad I could do your job for you.
<Character name>: By the way, I found this part but didn't know where it went.. Looks a little like...
Gate Attendant: I've never seen that before. I don't know what it is, but it's not part of this golem.
Speaking to Taimi
<Character name>: Huh. Hey, Taimi?
Taimi: Hold on... (crash) Okay, I'm here. What's up?
<Character name>: Is the communication device you gave me one of a kind?
Taimi: Wait, why do you ask?
<Character name>: I found a device that looks a lot like the communicator.
<Character name>: If it was planted here by the White Mantle, they could be listening in. I'm guessing it isn't the only one...
Taimi: If you want, I can use your communicator to send out a high-frequency ping that'll help you find others in your area.
<Character name>: Let's do that. I'll get what I can and show the queen.
Speaking to the Ministry Guard
Ministry Guard: I heard the explosion, Commander. Thank you for handling the situation.
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It was my pleasure.
Ministry Guard: How can I help you, Commander?
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Have you seen anything suspicious?
Ministry Guard: No, but we have been on high alert as of late. Our Legate Minister Caudecus converted to the White Mantle, as you know, and that has reflected poorly on us.
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Do you suspect anyone among the Guard to be sympathetic to Caudecus?
Ministry Guard: I have heard that Ministry Guards in the past have betrayed Kryta, but now? Here at this gathering? No way, Commander. Our men are loyal to Queen Jennah. That's why they are here.
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How can you be so sure?
Ministry Guard: Honestly, I guess I can't be... But I promise to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
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Good to hear.
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Please excuse me.
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Happy to help. Please excuse me.
Speaking to the Shining Blade
Shining Blade: That commotion had us a bit spooked, Commander. Anything to report?
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I'm investigating some suspicious devices that may be hidden around here.
Shining Blade: Devices? What sort of devices? That is unsettling news, Commander. What can we do to support you?
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Be on high alert, although I suspect you are already.
Shining Blade: I think I can speak for the Shining Blade when I say I'm glad you're with us here, Commander.
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I am honored. Looks like you've got plenty of support from the Ministry Guard.
Shining Blade:Indeed. There are a lot of Ministry Guards here..but this is a meeting of the Ministry, so I suppose it makes sense. Still, something about it has me on edge.
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On edge? How so?
Shining Blade: The Shining Blade takes an oath to protect the throne and Kryta above all. The Ministry Guards, however, pledge their allegiance to the Legate Minister. To Caudecus.
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Do you think any Ministry Guards still hold allegiance to the traitor?
Shining Blade: I have my suspicions. No proof, but I certainly have my suspicions.
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I have more questions.
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Thank you for the information.
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Have you seen any suspicious activity among the Ministry Guard recently?
Shining Blade: I haven't, but I'm not so foolish to think that just because I don't see it it's not there. These traitors are cunning, and we have to remain vigilant.
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I have more questions.
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Thank you for the information.
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Is there anyone that you are particularly suspicious of?
Shining Blade: I... I'd rather not point any fingers or risk a false accusation. Suffice to say that I'm keeping an eye out.
Tell me know.
I respect your decision, but I could really use your insight.
Shining Blade: Well, uh...I'm surprised to see Estelle is still a part of the Ministry after she was caught lying about official matters. I know the Queen pardoned her, but...well, I just can't trust her. Not again.
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Good point. Thanks for sharing, and keep an eye out.
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Good to hear.
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Thank you. Please excuse me.
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Not yet. Stand by.
Speaking to Lord Faren and Minster Merula
Lord Faren: Off to save the day again, Commander? How am I not surprised to see you running toward the source of an explosion?
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I have a knack for finding trouble. What brings you to this ministry meeting?
Minister Merula Oh, he's my plus one! I didn't want to be the only minister to come without a guest. Plus, I like to keep some muscle around during these dangerous times.
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I see.
Lord Faren: I could never turn down a lady's invitation. Should the White Mantle date to show their faces, Swordmaster Faren will put them in their place!
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Have you seen anything suspicious this evening?
Lord Faren: Thankfully, no, but I have been rather busy chatting with Minister Merula.
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That's nice.
Minister Merula Oh, Faren. Don't let me distract you all evening.
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I...think I should get going.
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Please pardon me. I must be going.
Speaking to Minister Wi
Minister Wi: What was all the commotion, Commander> Is everything all right?
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Everything is fine. The gate golem was acting up, that's all.
Minister Wi: I pitty that golem's attendant. I don't envy his position. It is, however, good to see you at a time like this.
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Do you have a reason to distrust anyone at this meeting?
Lady Wi: The people who cross over...it could be anyone. People you would never expect...
It must be difficult to be here after your daughter's treason.
Minister Wi: It is my duty as a minster to represent my people. The queen has been gracious to us during these difficult times...and I would hope you would share her understanding.
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Your association with Valette raises suspicions about your allegiances.
Minister Wi: The queen has no reason to be concerned, and neither do you. My wife and I have always worked for the betterment of Kryta.
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Like your daughter?
Lady Wi: Yes, Valette made a horrible mistake. We are devastated, as you can imagine, but our daughter's actions are not our own.
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Your association with Valette raises suspicions about your allegiances.
Minister Wi: The queen has no reason to be concerned, and neither do you. My wife and I have always worked for the betterment of Kryta.
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Please excuse me, Minister.
Speaking to Minister Arton
(after the explosion)
Minister Arton: How may I be of service to the commander this evening?
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What are your thoughts on tonight's gathering of ministers?
Minister Arton: I can't help but feel a bit uneasy during these difficult times. I suspect the large number of guards present are the queen's way of reassuring us ministers, but their presence has me...anxious.
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What do you make of the extra security measures?
Minister Arton: The queen always has our best interests in mind. Of this, I have no doubt.
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You speak highly of her. Are the two of you close?
Minister Arton: Her Majesty has guided me through turmoil in the past, and illuminated some harsh truths about traitors whom I once called friends. She has my fullest confidence.
Talk end option tango.png
Thank you for your time.
Talk end option tango.png
Excuse me. I must be going.
Speaking to Queen Jennah
<Character name>: This seems like enough to back up whatever the queen's about to do. I should give these to her.
Queen Jennah: Commander, I was just trying to reassure the Wis here. It's a stressful time for them...not just them, for everyone.
Minister Wi: The queen is politely dancing around the fact that our daughter is a... is on the wrong side of this.
<Character name>: Have you heard from her? At all?
Minister Wi: We...haven't heard from Valette. That doesn't mean we won't! She's a good girl, Commander, just a little lost.
Minister Wi: She'll find her was home. We only want to hear her play the violin again.
Queen Jennah: We all do, Minister.
<Character name>: May we speak a moment, Your Majesty?
Queen Jennah: Of course.
Minister Wi: Pardon us.
<Character name>: I found these listening devices around the courtyard. They could be White Mantle.
Queen Jennah: Thank you, Commander. I needed evidence like this to support my stance. It appears this is an opportune time, then.
Queen Jennah: Allow me to excuse myself. I have a speech to give.
During Queen Jennah's Announcement
Queen Jennah: Ministers and members of the royal court, for years we've had a fester inside the kingdom, a creeping undertow that sucked some of our friends and family into its darkness.
Queen Jennah: Now, with Confessor Caudecus at the White Mantle's helm, this seething conflict will soon come to a head.
Queen Jennah: As we are poised to be smashed between two rising Elder Dragons, we cannot stand for a threat from within.
Queen Jennah: For this reason, I'm hereby suspending the Ministry until the danger has passed.
Queen Jennah: Some of you will understand it's for your safety.
Queen Jennah: Others will understand that I have trapped them here, far from the White Mantle's network.
Minister: ...You cannot! I won't be treated like a common dolyak, herded into a pen and kept as livestock!
Minister: I am no criminal! You claim this will keep us safe? From what? Who will keep us safe from you, I say!
Queen Jennah: Good Minister, this measure is temporary, I assure you. Only until the kingdom is safe from attack and the traitors in our midst have revealed themselves.
Queen Jennah: The commander has already verified..
Minister: There is no attack! This is an autocrat's ploy!
Minister: Fellow ministers, this is a moment in life, a rare moment, where you will look back one day and say I made a stand or I did nothing!
Minister: Do you silently let the queen capture your voice, and the voice of the people, or do you make enough noise that the Six Gods themselves hear us say "NAY!"
Minister: When my grandfather -
Queen Jennah: No! Minister Arton!
<Character name>: Your Majesty! We have to get you to safety!
Queen Jennah: We need to secure the ministers! The loyal ones, at least!
<Character name>: I'll try to take care of them, but you're my top priority.
Queen Jennah: We've prepared for many contingencies. There are some defenses ready to set up right outside the chamber. Quickly!
Queen Jennah: Cover me while I set up this defensive barrier.
Queen Jennah: A memsmer portal... More White Mantle incoming!
<Character name>: Great. Another mesmer!
Queen Jennah: Smash away, Commander!
<Character name>: Good. Then to the throne room. We can easily defend it.
Queen Jennah: The last one is just outside there.
Before Final Battle
Queen Jennah: This is the last one.
Minister Estelle: Ah-ah-ah, Jennah! That's enough.
Minister Estelle: Fellow ministers, join me and help the White Mantle rid Kryta of this illegitimate ruler or stand by her side and be judged by my fire!
Queen Jennah: Estelle, what a surprise. Who could have seen this coming?
Queen Jennah: You?
Queen Jennah: Maybe you?
Queen Jennah: Did you?
Queen Jennah: And you, my friend? Where you surprised?
Minister Estelle: Get back here, you! ...I hate to break it to you, but I won't run as easily.
Minister Estelle: I was honored when Caudecus tapped me for the job of regicide, and I will see it to its bloody end!
Logan Thackeray: Not on my watch, Estelle!
<Character name>: Logan!
Queen Jennah: Captain Thackeray, beyond brave as always, but I need you leading the defense of the city. I'll handle this bloated tick.
Minister Estelle: Handle me? You can't move!
Minister Estelle: This hamstrung doormat is your only hope, and I'm about to kill him just to put him out of his lovesick misery!
Minister: Estelle!
Minister Estelle: What? The whole Ministry knew it!
Queen Jennah: You'll regret that slight...
After the Battle
Queen Jennah: That's the last of them, then. For now.
Logan Thackeray: That... That was an impressive show, Your Majesty.
<Character name>: It was. How'd you like smashing things to solve your problems?
Queen Jennah: I never want to take up arms against one of my subjects, but I think I might be quite suited for your lifestyle!
<Character name>: I'll save a spot for you in Dragon's Watch if you ever decide to step down.
Queen Jennah: Very kind. Now, what's the situation outside the city?
Logan Thackeray: The White Mantle army is making a push from the lake, but we don't know the full extent of their numbers.
Logan Thackeray: I'm headed down to set up a command tent at Doric's Landing.
<Character name>: It's good to see you on your feet again. I'll meet you there.
Logan Thackeray: Great. We could use the help.
Logan Thackeray: Talk to Lieutenant Fores in the Plaza of Lyssa. I'll make sure you are granted access to the battlefield.
Queen Jennah: Logan, please don't slow your recovery by doing something like getting your self killed.
Queen Jennah: Commander, thank you... and watch out for the weeds.
Speaking to Queen Jennah
Queen Jennah: Thank you for your assistance. It's unfortunate that we had to...deal with Estelle, but she left us little choice.
It is unfortunate. I am sorry that your life was threatened again.
Queen Jennah:The Krytan throne is no stranger to threats - and neither are you, Commander.
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Heh, I can't argue with you there.
Queen Jennah: While you and Logan handle our White Mantle threat to the east, I will do everything I can to ensure you have the full support of the Seraph.
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Thank you, Your Majesty. Stay safe.
It was my pleasure to bring that traitor to justice.
'Queen Jennah:I have to admit that it was...exhilarating to see some action again. But I'm sure my advisors would prefer I don't make a habit of it.
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With the White Mantle threat so close, you should stay under heavy guard.
Queen Jennah: While you and Logan handle our White Mantle threat to the east, I will do everything I can to ensure you have the full support of the Seraph.
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Thank you, Your Majesty. Stay safe.
Speaking to Logan Thackeray
Logan Thackeray: Thank you for protecting the queen when I couldn't.
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I'm happy to help. How are you feeling?
Logan Thackeray: Recovery has been slow. The blighting pod...changed me. Not my mind, but...my body feels different.
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It's good to see you, Logan. I was worried.
Logan Thackeray: Don't worry about me Commander. We have a war to fight. The White Mantle are pushing into Divinity's Reach from the east.
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Are there civilians that will need our aid?
Logan Thackeray: A great many of them - all at the mercy of the White Mantle. They will need our full support.
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Then we should go at once. I'll see you soon.

My story

Файл:A Meeting of Ministers loading screen.jpg

По велению Королевы Дженны я присоединился к ней в Верхнем Городе на собрании Министерства. Ее Величество произнесла волнующую речь, прежде чем ее внезапно прервала неожиданная атака Белой Мантии, побудившая многих министров раскрыть свои предательские намерения. Теперь наше внимание переключается на озеро Дорик, в настоящее время осажденное Белой Мантией..

Моя история