Blood and Stone

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Blood and Stone

Живой Мир: Сезон 3
Out of the Shadows
1329 AE
Pride of the Pact
Fragmented Wastes
Haunted Canyons
Research in Rata Novus
Reaper of Magic

Кровь и камень (Blood and Stone) – это третья часть дополнения Из Теней (Out of the Shadows)


Проведите разведку в том месте, что осталось от Топи Кровавого Камня (Bloodstone Fen), и начните расследование о причине разрушения Кровавого Камня (Bloodstone).

  • Поговорите с Генералом Соулкипер (General Soulkeeper).
  • Проверьте парящую цитадель и достигните арены на верхушке башни.
  • Исследуйте большой кусок Кровавого Камня под цитаделью.
  • Ищите выживших на поверхности.
  • Ищите выживших в ближайшей пещере.
  • Продолжайте поиски выживших.
  • Поговорите с Лидером отряда Беннеттом (Squad Leader Bennett) для продолжения расследования.
  • Поделитесь своими находками с Генералом Соулкипер.



После прибытия в Топь Кровавого Камня и разговора с Генералом Соулкипер, ваши цели проведут вас по карте в разных местах. Вы можете выполнить большинство целей в любом порядке, и в большинстве случаев, нужно просто оказаться рядом с конкретной областью, чтобы выполнить цель.

Поскольку эта миссия проходит на карте открытого мира, вы можете столкнуться со всеми существами и опасностями на этой карте.


Blood and Stone

Out of the Shadows.png Out of the Shadows: Blood and StoneFind Bennett in Bloodstone Fen. (0 Очко достижений) Пройдите миссию.





Тайми (Taimi) вызывает вас:

Тайми: Командир! Командир, ты меня слышишь?
<Имя персонажа>: Тайми? Как ты… где ты?
Тайми: Я в твоей сумке! Я положила туда коммуникатор для связи, когда ты был в Рата Новусе (Rata Novus).
<Имя персонажа>: У меня нет на это времени, что-то только что взорв…
Тайми: Карта сейчас просто с ума сошла, и это там, куда ты отправлялся! Ты там?
<Имя персонажа>: Ага, я не…
Тайми: Окей, такой высокий уровень магии может быть супер опасен! Как ножницы опасны для глаз!
Тайми: Но у меня, возможно, есть решение!
Тайми: На основе одного старого Рата Нованского исследования Зинна (Zinn), я придумала для тебя способ противостояния некоторым видам магических угроз.
Тайми: Может занять секунду на привыкание, так что тренируйся, тренируйся, тренируйся!
<Имя персонажа>: Спасибо, Тайми. Мы поговорим о той вещи, с которой ты меня прослушиваешь, позже.
Тайми: Ой! В лабе пожар! Убегаю!

Speaking with General Soulkeeper:

General Almorra Soulkeeper: Our forward propulsion shorted out. What—what was that?
<Имя персонажа>: I's hard for me to actually say, but I think a bloodstone just exploded.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: A bloodstone? Then how are we still alive?
<Имя персонажа>: Good question. But others might not have been so lucky.
<Имя персонажа>: I'm going down to scout for survivors, see if I can piece together what happened and why the blast reversed itself.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: Watch your back, and let me know what you find out. We'll try to get this bird running again.
<Имя персонажа>: Canach was supposed to meet me here... Hope he and his troops were out of range.

Scouting the citadel:

If asura:
<Имя персонажа>: The blast released spirits from the bloodstone. If I remember my Human History Symposium correctly, they're victims sacrificed by the White Mantle.
If charr:
<Имя персонажа>: Whoa! The blast released spirits. They may be sacrificial victims of the White Mantle. My ancestors reviled those evil badgers.
If human:
<Имя персонажа>: Years of imprisonment twisted their minds. They don't know friend from foe. The White Mantle will pay for this!
If sylvari:
<Имя персонажа>: Those spirits seem to have been freed from the bloodstone. The explosion...
Тайми: Before...die...(static)
If charr:
<Имя персонажа>: They tried to exterminate my ancestors, but tortured their own people as well. These spirits were twisted by what they went through.
If ???:
<Имя персонажа>: Beware. These spirits suffered for centuries. They won't know friend from foe. Those White Mantle left them like that!
If sylvari:
<Имя персонажа>: How long were they imprisoned? Why? I've heard stories of humans sacrificing each other on bloodstones. What mental scars they must bear.

Scouting the chunk of bloodstone:

<Имя персонажа>: A large chunk of bloodstone, still intact. And these foul things!
<Имя персонажа>: This bloodstone must have been larger than anyone imagined. What could have caused it to explode?
Тайми: You...fairly deadly...less...(static)

Scouting the surface:

<Имя персонажа>: White Mantle! But they're...different.
White Mantle Knight: The magic is mine.
Тайми: (static) ready to run...(static)

Scouting the cave:

<Имя персонажа>: Ah, members of the Pact!
Crazed Priory Magister: Blood...bloodstones...
Crazed Priory Magister: I'll slit your throat!
Тайми: Commander? Commander? Are you still alive?
If asura:
<Имя персонажа>: They've been consumed by bloodstone magic. May they find their place in the Eternal Alchemy.
If charr:
<Имя персонажа>: They've been consumed by bloodstone magic. They deserve a better fate.
If human:
<Имя персонажа>: Gods have mercy. They've been consumed by bloodstone magic. May Grenth guide them to the next world in peace.
Otherwise: [требуется подтверждение]
<Имя персонажа>: They've been consumed by bloodstone magic. I hope they rest in peace.

Speaking with Squad Leader Bennett:

Squad Leader Bennett: I've never seen an explosion collapse on itself like that.
Squad Leader Bennett: The magic was inches from my face, and then it suddenly shot into the ground.
Squad Leader Bennett: Do you think a dragon was responsible?
<Имя персонажа>: I'm not sure yet, that's why I'm here to investigate.
<Имя персонажа>: I want to get into that crater and find out why the blast reversed and where the magic went.
Squad Leader Bennett: Easier said than done. The area is swarming with White Mantle.
Squad Leader Bennett: We sent a patrol, but only one soldier made it back, and she's...not well.
<Имя персонажа>: What's wrong with her?
Squad Leader Bennett: She was hit with magic unlike any we've seen.
Squad Leader Bennett: On the outside she's fine, but it twisted her insides something fierce. She can barely move.
Squad Leader Bennett: She's been raving about floating purple stone monsters ever since she got back.
<Имя персонажа>: Stone creatures? That rings a White Mantle bell. Can you reach the Priory and see what they know about them?
Squad Leader Bennett: Sure thing, Commander.
<Имя персонажа>: Have you seen Canach?
Squad Leader Bennett: Who?
<Имя персонажа>: He's a sylvari. Tough but well-spoken. Medium build. A bit cranky.
Squad Leader Bennett: Can't say that I have. But I did see Caithe run through here like a centaur on fire.
Squad Leader Bennett: She wouldn't stop for anything. Just hauled tail through the war zone and was gone like that.
<Имя персонажа>: Thank you. I'll let the general know you're down here.

Speaking with General Soulkeeper:

General Almorra Soulkeeper: Is it as bad as it looks down there?
<Имя персонажа>: It's not good. White Mantle hit in the blast are mad with hunger for magical energy. They gather any scrap they can find.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: The White Mantle? Could they have done this? And to what end?
<Имя персонажа>: I don't know. Maybe it was an experiment gone wrong. Maybe it was supposed to empower all of them and it went awry.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: Whoever it was, we owe them our gratitude. That blast would've hit Lion's Arch, and they just rebuilt the place!
<Имя персонажа>: I'd hold off on the thanks until we know what their motive is.
<Имя персонажа>: There's a Pact squad down there. They've already established a camp and are trying to get a foothold in the area.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: That's what I like to hear.
<Имя персонажа>: Well, it's not all good news. Some other Pact members were also caught in the blast.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: Just what the Pact didn't need—more dead soldiers.
<Имя персонажа>: They're not dead, but they've been twisted by bloodstone magic just like the White Mantle.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: They don't deserve that. They deserve peace.
<Имя персонажа>: I understand. I'd want the same if the roles were reversed.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: Thank you, Commander.
Тайми: (статический)... продолжай... исследование!


Моя история

Bloodstone Fen loading screen.jpg

Опустошение, вызванное взрывом Кровавого Камня, было ужасающим. Я сделал все возможное, чтобы собрать информацию для сбора воедино того, что произошло, но эта тайна очень глубока.

Моя история